The more education you have, the greater your stress at work. Specifically, highly-educated individuals who hold a master's degree or doctorate, are not only dealing with complex workplace problems, but also have more difficulty balancing work and home life, according to a study by GfK Custom Research North America. This is bad news for employers, since these workers suffer from high levels of stress that result in high turnover of what is arguably the most-valued members of a company's staff.

The five industries with the most-engaged employees:
Professional services
Business services
Information technology
Public utilities

The five industries with the least-engaged employees:
Retail sector
Real estate
Public administration

The more honest and humble an employee, the higher they score in job performance ratings, according to a Baylor University study involving 25 companies across the country. "This study shows that those who possess the combination of honesty and humility have better job performance," said Dr. Wade Rowatt. "In fact, we found that humility and honesty not only correspond with hob performance, but it predicted job performance above and beyond other personality traits like agreeableness and conscientiousness."


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