
Showing posts from June, 2014

Thursday is Taco Night

American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 520.458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  For more information, call 459.4868, or go to .

SV seeks leadership program candidates

The Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce is preparing to launch its 16th Annual Leadership Sierra Vista program. Once a month, class members spend a day visiting local agencies and learning about subjects important to the overall well being of Sierra Vista and Cochise County. The experience includes a special leadership orientation and then an in-depth look at such diverse topics as Fort Huachuca, local government, health care, education, law enforcement, tourism and border issues.  Class size is limited and the application deadline is Aug. 8. For more information, call 520.458.6940.

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome.  Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis.  For more information, call 520.458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record-keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit. If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours

Take a 90-minute tour providing a unique opportunity to learn how innovative engineering and optical technology melds with manufacturing techniques to produce the largest and most advanced giant (8.4 meters/27 feet) telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the technology and revolutionary processes involved in making the next generation of telescopes that will explore deep into outer space and produce cutting-edge scientific research.  Tours occur daily; visit to purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 students, 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details or .

Tombstone salutes Buffalo Soldiers

On Aug. 2 and 3 the City of Tombstone will salute the Buffalo Soldiers, who helped tame the “Old Wild West” during Arizona’s Territorial Period.  The event is sponsored by the Wild West Detachment, Marine Corps League, Tombstone. Ongoing Street Entertainment will take place starting at 10 a.m., and the Salute to the Buffalo Soldiers Parade will be held on Aug 2 at 11 a.m. Entertainment will resume when the parade ends. For additional information or to requesting a parade application, contact 520.266.5266, or 520.678.4570.

Birding festival offers free programs

The 23rd Annual Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival takes place July 29 – Aug. 2 at Cochise College Sierra Vista Campus, 901 N. Columbo Ave., Sierra Vista. Keynote speaker is Ed Harper, veteran of a number of trips to East Africa and will speak on birds of Southeast Africa.  There will be 45 free programs and wildlife exhibits (registration not required), plus crafts and other sales vendors. The annual festival dinner with Harper will be held on Aug. 2, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. in the Cochise College Student Union. Tickets are $35 and available through registration. Check online at to see what is still available and for a listing of all free programs and events.

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour

Tour the Titan Missile Museum, the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, by the light of the moon on the second Saturday night of each month, 5 – 9 p.m. Activities for youth include launching seltzer rockets and sampling space food. Dates are July 12, Aug. 9 and Sept. 13. The museum is located at 1580 Duval Mine Rd. in Green Valley. Admission is $7 for individuals 13 and older. Children under 12 and members are admitted for free. Reservations are required. Call 520.625.7736 to reserve a spot.

Join Western history group

The Bisbee Corral of the Westerners represents Sierra Vista, Tombstone, Benson and Bisbee and meets the first Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Collins Rd. (near Safeway). On Thursday, Dennis “Nevada” Smith presents “Guns of the Mexican Revolution in the decade of 1910 – 1920.” Smith has acquired a number of weapons and artifacts from the war and will show them along with other historical artifacts while telling their history. There is an optional dinner at 5 p.m. at the San Jose Restaurant. Meetings are open to the public.  For more information, contact 520.378.1833, or 520.432.8350.

Ducks Unlimited to hold dinner

Ducks Unlimited will hold a dinner Saturday, 5 – 10 p.m., at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 156 N.W. Kayetan Dr, Sierra Vista. Singles tickets are $55, couples tickets cost $95 and Greenwings, 17 and under, are $35. For more information contact 505.306.4033, 520.940.2789 or go to or .

Tombstone at Twilight military appreciation

The next Tombstone at Twilight celebration, featuring a patriotic salute to the military, past and present, takes place Saturday, 5 – 8 p.m. Special guests of honor include Maj. Gen. Robert Ashley, commanding general, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca, and Medal of Honor recipient Drew Dix. Opening ceremonies begin at 5 p.m. at the corner of 4th and Allen Streets.  The Military Intelligence Corps Band bluegrass quartet, the Cochise County Outlaws, will play in the park at 3rd and Allen Streets from 5:30 – 7 p.m. Gunfights take place at 5:45, 6:45 and 7:30 p.m. Shops will offer discounts to veterans and active duty personnel.

DAV to meet

The Disabled American Veterans will hold their monthly meeting Saturday, 1 p.m., at the Elks Lodge, 1 Elks Ln., Sierra Vista. Plan to attend, participate and renew old friendships.

Library holds Summer Reading Program

Youth ages 0 – 18 are invited to participate in the Sierra Vista Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme “Fizz, Boom, Read” is all about science. Young scientists will learn about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. The schedule follows: Sunday – July 5: Science of Special Effects and the Movies – activity, July 5, 3 – 6 p.m. For more information, call 520.458.4225.

City’s museum offers free summer youth programs

Join the Sierra Vista Historical Society for “Summer Saturdays” at the Henry F. Hauser Museum as they present a series of free, hands-on children’s programs followed by adult presentations. Children’s activities are for youth 6 – 12 and pre-registration is required at 520.439.2306. Children’s activities run from 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. and adult presentations are from 1 – 2 p.m. The museum is located inside the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.417.6980. On Saturday Youth will take on the role of a Mormon Battalion soldier. They will cook pancakes with ingredients soldiers would have carried with them and learn how to patch up worn-out clothing. Speaker Randy Madsen will present “Mormon Battalion and the Trek into Arizona” at the adult presentation.

Carr House program features black bears

Friends of the Huachuca Mountains continue their season of free educational programs Sunday, 1:30 p.m. at Carr House, with “A Fat Bear is a Healthy Bear.” Judy Phillips, environmental educator, will present a hands- on Family oriented presentation which will familiarize participants with the habitat and basic needs of the black bears in the Huachuca Mountains. Take State Route 92 south to Carr Canyon Road adjacent to Mesquite Tree Restaurant, turn right, travel approximately 3 miles and turn left at the fork into the parking lot.

Two-day July 4 celebration

Two-day July 4 celebration set The 47th  Annual 4th Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca begins Thursday, 5 p.m., and ends with evening fireworks July 4 at Veterans’ Memorial Park, Fry Boulevard. July 3 5 – 11 p. m. – Food, beverage, beer and wine vendors 6:30 – 8 p.m. – Talent show 8 – 11 p.m. – Train Wreck and street dance July 4: 4th annual Pets & People Promenade at Ramada #3 at Veterans’ Memorial Park with the Cochise County Humane Society 7 a.m. – registration 7:30 a.m. – judging of entries 8 a.m. – promenade starts 8:30 a.m. – awards presentation 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – "Salute to The Union" ceremony at Veterans’ Memorial Park, Centennial Pavilion 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. ongoing events – Fort Huachuca military displays – B Troop, UAVs, K-9 working dogs Arts & crafts, other vendors, entertainment at the Centennial Pavilion Noon – Chili cook-off Entertainment at Domingo Paiz and Stone Fields 7 – 7:30 p.m. – Army Band 7:30 – 8 p.m. ...

Brian Williams Raps "Baby Got Back"


Rascal Flatts: Life Is a Highway


Low odorant levels in area’s natural gas

Southwest Gas is experiencing a low odorant level in its pipelines in Southeast Arizona and Eastern Pima County, impacting its distribution system in surrounding towns including Sierra Vista, Wilcox, Tucson and others. Under proper conditions, a natural gas leak will smell like rotten eggs. Until further notice, people in the affected areas should not rely exclusively upon their sense of smell to detect the presence of natural gas. Under current conditions, be alert to other signs of a potential leak that include hissing or blowing sounds, standing water bubbling continuously, dirt or water blowing in the air or decay in vegetation. Southwest Gas is working with its upstream supplier to correct the condition. For updates from Southwest Gas, contact 1.877.860.6020 or

Survey to improve dust storm communication

The Arizona Department of Transportation, ADOT, invites drivers to participate in a 15-minute online survey which focuses on driver awareness of, and first-hand experiences with driving in Arizona dust storms. Public input will help ADOT identify opportunities to improve communications to drivers. The survey is available at . All information is confidential and will be shared only with ADOT. Deadline is July 20 to ensure your responses are included in the survey findings. 

Thursday is Taco Night

American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited. For more information, call 459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  For more information, call 459.4868, or go to .

SV seeks leadership program candidates

The Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce is preparing to launch its 16th Annual Leadership Sierra Vista program. Once a month, class members spend a day visiting local agencies and learning about subjects important to the overall well being of Sierra Vista and Cochise County. The experience includes a special leadership orientation and then an in-depth look at such diverse topics as Fort Huachuca, local government, health care, education, law enforcement, tourism and border issues.  Class size is limited and the application deadline is Aug. 8. For more information, call 458.6940.

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome.  Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis.  For more information, call 520.458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record-keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit.  If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours

Take a 90-minute tour providing a unique opportunity to learn how innovative engineering and optical technology melds with manufacturing techniques to produce the largest and most advanced giant (8.4 meters/27 feet) telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the technology and revolutionary processes involved in making the next generation of telescopes that will explore deep into outer space and produce cutting-edge scientific research. Tours occur daily; visit to purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 students, 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details or .

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour

Tour the Titan Missile Museum, the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, by the light of the full moon on the second Saturday night of each month, 5 – 9 p.m. Activities for youth include launching seltzer rockets and sampling space food. Dates are July 12, Aug. 9 and Sept. 13. The museum is located at 1580 Duval Mine Rd. in Green Valley. Admission is $7 for individuals 13 and older. Children under 12 and members are admitted for free. Reservations are required. Call 520.625.7736 to reserve a spot.

Two-day July 4 celebration set

The 47 th Annual 4 th of July Celebration presented by the Sierra Vista Rotary in conjunction with the City of Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca begins July 3, 5 p.m., and ends with evening fireworks July 4 at Veterans’ Memorial Park, Fry Boulevard. Look for a complete schedule of activities in the June 27 issue of The Fort Huachuca Scout. 

Join Western history group

The Bisbee Corral of the Westerners represents Sierra Vista, Tombstone, Benson and Bisbee and meets the first Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Collins Rd. (near Safeway). On July 3, Dennis “Nevada” Smith presents “Guns of the Mexican Revolution in the decade of 1910-1920.” Smith has acquired a number of weapons and artifacts from the war and will show them along with other historical artifacts while telling their history. There is an optional dinner at 5 p.m. at the San Jose Restaurant. Meetings are open to the public.  For more information, contact 520.378.1833, , or 520.432.8350.

Ducks Unlimited to hold dinner

Ducks Unlimited will hold a dinner June 28, 5 – 10 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 156 N.W. Kayetan Dr, Sierra Vista. Singles tickets are $55, couples tickets cost $95 and Greenwings, 17 and under, are $35. For more information contact 505.306.4033, 520.940.2789 or go to or .

DAV to meet

The Disabled American Veterans will hold their monthly meeting June 28, 1 p.m., at the Elks Lodge, 1 Elks Ln., Sierra Vista. Plan to attend, participate and renew old friendships.

Library holds Summer Reading Program

Youth ages 0 – 18 are invited to participate in the Sierra Vista Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme “Fizz, Boom, Read” is all about science. Young scientists will learn about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. The June schedule follows: Sunday – June 28: Science of Food – activity, Monday, noon – 5 p.m. June 29 – July 5: Science of Special Effects and the Movies – activity, July 5, 3 – 6 p.m. For more information, call 520.458.4225.

See roller derby action in Tucson

See Copper Queens vs. Vice Squad during roller derby action Saturday, 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 ($9.27 for military) in advance; $15 at the door; $5 for youth 10 – 17 and no cost for those under 10 with the purchase of an adult ticket. Bring a pet food donation and get a discount at the door: $1 off for a can of pet food, $5 off for 3 cans or 1 bag of pet food.  The excitement takes place at the Tucson Indoor Sports Center , 1065 W. Grant Rd., Tucson.

Relive Old West at AFP

See Keeter Stuart at the Arizona Folklore Preserve on Saturday and Sunday. Doors open at 1 p.m., with performances starting at 2 p.m. For reservations, contact 520.378.6165, or . Admission is $15 for adults and $6 for youth 17 and under. Go 6 miles south of Sierra Vista on State Route 92 to Ramsey Canyon Road. Turn right (west) on Ramsey Canyon Road, drive 3.3 miles into the canyon, and watch for the AFP entrance and sign to the left. Upcoming performers at the AFP include Keeter Stuart on June 21 – 22.

VVA to hold Agent Orange town hall

Chapter 1093 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Sierra Vista, will hold a town hall meeting to address the birth defects, diseases and learning disabilities affecting the children and grandchildren of Vietnam veterans. The forum will be held on Saturday, 11 a.m., at the Sierra Vista United Methodist Church at 5225 St. Andrews Dr. All veterans with children and/or grandchildren suffering from illnesses, learning disabilities or physical disabilities are invited to share their stories. The group will explore issues surrounding Agent Orange exposure, including scientific information, health effects and methods for educating the public and elected representatives about the issues of Vietnam veterans, their children and their Families.

Rodeo drill team will host gymkhana

The Hot Rods Rodeo Drill Team will host a gymkhana Saturday, at the Robertson’s Horse Sales Arena, 714 N. Madison Ave., Benson. Events start at 10 a.m. and registration begins at 9 a.m. Events include Barrels, Poles, Big M, Big T, Mount Cow Horse and Bowtie. The cost is $5 for arena use and $5 per event. All riders, ages and skill levels are welcome. There will be music, races, food, baked goods and prizes. For more information, contact 520.425.6621.

Legion ladies will hold fish fry

The Auxiliary Ladies of the American Legion Post 52 will hold a fish fry dinner on Saturday, 5:30 – 7 p.m., with fries, coleslaw and cornbread. Cost is $9. The meal is open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and Families. It will be held at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.459.6050. 

City’s museum offers free summer youth programs

Join the Sierra Vista Historical Society for “Summer Saturdays” at the Henry F. Hauser Museum as they present a series of free, hands-on children’s programs followed by adult presentations. Children’s activities are for youth 6 – 12 and pre-registration is required at 520.439.2306. Children’s activities run from 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. and adult presentations are from 1 – 2 p.m. The museum is located inside the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.417.6980. On Saturday, children will try their hand at calf roping and learn about cowboy clothing. Speaker Suzanne Arnold will present Ranching in Hereford and Palominas to adults. 

Legion to cook breakfast

American Legion Post 52 will hold breakfast Saturday, 8 – 10:30 a.m., featuring eggs to order, bacon, sausage, hash brown, hotcakes, toast, biscuits and coffee free with breakfast. The price ranges from $2 – $5.50 and is open to members, guests and all active duty service members and Families. American Legion Post 52 is located at 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.459.6050.

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers square dance group is having its annual pool party today at the Mission Shadows Community Pool. The gate opens at 5 p.m., so bring food and drink (no glass around the pool) and swim and socialize until the dance starts at 7. Mike Smithers will call Mainstream until 9 p.m. Dance two Tips in the pool and earn your Duckie Dangle! Cost is $4 for members, $5 for non-members. For more information, contact 520.378.6719 or .

City Council Meet & Greet

City Council Meet & Greet Wednesday, June 18, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sierra Vista Public Library Your City Council members feel it is important to speak with residents and hear their opinions and thoughts on issues involving the community. Meet & Greets are held monthly and do just that. For future dates and locations, check the City’s event calendar at .

Summer Reading Program – Science of Combustion

Summer Reading Program – Science of Combustion Sunday, June 15, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Sierra Vista Public Library Keep the kids reading and academically sharp for next school year in the Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme “Fizz, Boom, Read” is all about science! Reading goals are set for each age group and regular incentives include bookmarks, T-shirts, and brand new books about science experiments for every age level. Additional prizes can be earned by doing reports, projects and other activities. Young scientists will also have fun learning about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. There will be morning, afternoon, evening, weekday, along with weekend activities so that everyone will have a chance to participate! Find a complete list of activities at  Upcoming Event: Science of Food Friday, June 20 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Volunteer Needed at the Henry F. Hauser Museum

Volunteer Needed at the Henry F. Hauser Museum The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the Gift Shop. If you are someone with retail and record keeping experience who enjoys people and wants to make a difference in our community, this could be the perfect fit for you! If you’re interested, please call Nancy Krieski at 439-2306 or email her at

Be a Local Tourist

Looking for some outdoor activities? Join the Nature Walk at Ramsey Canyon Preserve. Visitors from all over the world come to see the more than 170 species of birds found in the preserve and surrounding national forest. Southwestern specialties such as Painted Redstarts and Magnificent Hummingbirds share the canyon with many other animals, including black bears, Chiricahua leopard frogs and dozens of species of butterflies. Cost is $6 per person, Conservancy members and Cochise County residents are $3 per person. Children under 16 are free. Nature Walk times are: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9:00 a.m. through October. For more information call 520-378-2785.

Help Support the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center

Tuesday, June 17 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. Support the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center and get a great meal at Outback Steakhouse. Buy your $20 ticket in advance and get a meal, one side, and a non-alcoholic drink of your choice. Better yet, $15 from every ticket goes directly to Destiny’s Playground, a large play area for shelter dogs. Tickets sold only in advance, so get yours by emailing or messaging the Destiny’s Playground Facebook page.

Summer Concerts in the Park

Desert Swing Thursday, June 19, 6:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Park • Centennial Pavilion Relax; enjoy the sunset, and the sounds of Desert Swing. Please note the concert schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather. For more information, call Leisure Services at 458-7922. Next week’s concert, on June 26, will feature Bill Cassidy.

Citizens’ Police Academy

Application Deadline: Friday, June 20 Register now for an insider glimpse into the daily adventures of Sierra Vista Police officers. This twelve-week academy starts on August 6 and class will meet on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Sierra Vista Police Auditorium. The academy is free and open to residents 18 and older. Students will be involved in numerous activities including touring the police facility and Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center, hands-on simulated weapons training, evidence processing, and participating in a ride-along with an on-duty police officer and/or observing in our Dispatch Bureau. Snacks are provided.  Class space is limited so please submit your application as soon as possible. Applications are available at (search “academy”) or pick up a packet at the Police Department reception desk located at 911 N. Coronado Drive. For more information, call or email Molly Schmitt at 452-7500 or

Summer Saturdays at the Museum

Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma Street Free Join us for a series of fun-filled, hands-on children’s programs followed by entertaining adult presentations. Children’s activities are for kids ages 6-12 and pre-registration is required at 439-2306. Children’s activities run from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. and adult presentations are from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Mark your calendar to join us: June 21: Kids will try their hand at calf roping and learn about cowboy clothing. Speaker Suzanne Arnold will present Ranching in Hereford and Palominas to adults.  June 28: Kids will take on the role of a Mormon Battalion soldier. They will cook up some pancakes with ingredients soldiers would have carried with them and learn how to patch up worn out clothing. Speaker Randy Madsen will present Mormon Battalion and the Trek into Arizon a at the adult presentation. 

Driver Refresher Course

Driver Refresher Course Saturday, June 21, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Sierra Vista Police Station, 911 N. Coronado Drive Free Learn about new Arizona traffic laws and common violations seen by officers and traffic safety cameras at this free class. This classroom refresher is ideal for seasonal visitors not familiar with Arizona traffic laws, experienced drivers wanting to learn about new laws, and teens and their parents wanting to gain knowledge and experience. Space is limited; reserve your seat at 452-7500.

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip

Sunday, June 22 Depart from Ethel H. Berger Center at 9:00 a.m. Cheer on the Arizona Diamondbacks as they battle the San Francisco Giants at Chase Field. Tickets are $50 per person and include round trip transportation from the Ethel H. Berger Center (EBC). Tickets can be purchased at the Oscar Yrun Community Center, EBC, or The Cove. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a paid adult.

The City Needs Your Input: Community Development Block Grant

Wednesday, June 25, 5:30 p.m.  Sun Canyon Inn, 260 N. Garden Ave   The City of Sierra Vista will receive approximately $200,000 annually from federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) funds during the next five years (FY 2015-2019). This funding must benefit low-and moderate-income persons. The City is holding this meeting to get your input about how these funds should be spent . You will have input on:  What housing and service programs are working for low/moderate-income residents?  What is needed to improve housing and service programs for low/moderate-income residents?  What infrastructure projects will benefit low- to moderate-income neighborhoods?  What infrastructure projects will benefit the disabled community?  What segments of the population are most in need of assistance?  What projects would make a real difference for our community?  What are the Fair Housing conce...

Back to School Fair

Saturday, July 12 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Mall at Sierra Vista Free The Back to School Fair is brought to you by Sierra Vista Leisure & Library Services, the Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, First Things First, University of Arizona Sierra Vista and the University South Foundation.  This fair is a community resource that provides information about educational opportunities for learners of ALL ages plus a variety of family services. The fair features Pre-K and K-12 schools, colleges and universities, after-school programs, and referral information. Expanding beyond brain development, the fair also offers health and nutrition services, children's activities, family services and support groups, and a FREE gently-used clothing store. For more information, or to register your organization to participate, contact Ken James at (520) 458-7922 or

Christmas in July

Saturday, July 12, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ethel H. Berger Center & Oscar Yrun Community Center Come and see local artisans as they show off their wares—wood work, jewelry, glass bottle lights, T-shirts, and so much more. Commercial vendors include Bagitup, Thirty One Gifts, It Works, JK Body Essentials, Scentsy Fragrance, Windsor Hat Shoppe, Tealightful, and Judywear. This event is free and open to the public.

Southwest Gas Alerts Public to be Aware of Low Odorant Levels in Natural Gas in Southern Arizona

Tucson, Ariz., -- Southwest Gas is experiencing a low odorant level in its pipelines in Southeast Arizona and Eastern Pima County, impacting its distribution system in surrounding towns including Sierra Vista, Wilcox and Tucson, among others. Under proper conditions, a natural gas leak will smell like rotten eggs. Until further notice, individuals in the affected area should not rely exclusively upon their sense of smell to detect the presence of natural gas. Under current conditions, it is especially important that the public be alert to other signs of a potential leak that include hissing or blowing sounds, standing water continuously bubbling, dirt or water blowing in the air, or decay in vegetation. Individuals that are performing work on natural gas piping or that are installing natural gas appliances should visit the company’s website for important safety information. Southwest Gas is diligently working with its upstream supplier to correct the condition. For updates fr...

City’s museum offers free summer youth programs City of Sierra Vista

Join the Sierra Vista Historical Society for “Summer Saturdays” at the Henry F. Hauser Museum as they present a series of free, hands-on children’s programs followed by adult presentations. Children’s activities are for youth 6 – 12 and pre-registration is required at 520.439.2306. Children’s activities run from 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. and adult presentations are from 1 – 2 p.m. Mark your calendar. The museum is located inside the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.417.6980. June 21: Children will try their hand at calf roping and learn about cowboy clothing. Speaker Suzanne Arnold will present Ranching in Hereford and Palominas to adults.  June 28: Youth will take on the role of a Mormon Battalion soldier. They will cook pancakes with ingredients soldiers would have carried with them and learn how to patch up worn out clothing. Speaker Randy Madsen will present “ Mormon Battalion and the Trek into Arizon a” at the adult pre...

Join Western history group

The Bisbee Corral of the Westerners represents Sierra Vista, Tombstone, Benson and Bisbee and meets the first Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Collins Rd. (near Safeway). Each month, a speaker presents a Western History topic. There is an optional dinner at 5 p.m. at the San Jose Restaurant. Meetings are open to the public.  For more information, contact 378.1833, , or 432.8350.

Thursday is Taco Night

American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  For more information, call 459.4868, or go to .

SV seeks leadership program candidates

The Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce is preparing to launch its 16th Annual Leadership Sierra Vista program. Once a month class members spend a day visiting local agencies and learning about subjects important to the overall well being of Sierra Vista and Cochise County. The experience includes a special leadership orientation and then an in-depth look at such diverse topics as Fort Huachuca, local government, health care, education, law enforcement, tourism and border issues.  Class size is limited and the application deadline is Aug. 8. For more information, call 458.6940.

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome. Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis. For more information, call 520.458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit.  If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Two-day July 4 celebration set

The 47 th Annual 4 th of July Celebration presented by the Sierra Vista Rotary in conjunction with the City of Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca begins July 3, 5 p.m., and ends with evening fireworks July 4 at Veterans’ Memorial Park, Fry Boulevard. Look for a complete schedule of activities in the June 27 issue of The Fort Huachuca Scout. 

Ducks Unlimited to hold dinner

Ducks Unlimited will hold a dinner June 28, 5 – 10 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 156 N.W. Kayetan Dr, Sierra Vista.  Singles tickets are $55, couples tickets cost $95 and Greenwings, 17 and under, are $35.  For more information contact 505.306.4033, 520.940.2789 or go to or .

DAV to meet 6-28

The Disabled American Veterans will hold their monthly meeting June 28, 1 p.m., at the Elks Lodge, 1 Elks Ln., Sierra Vista. Plan to attend, participate and renew old friendships

See roller derby action in Tucson 6-21

See Copper Queens vs. Vice Squad during roller derby action June 21 , 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 ($9.27 for military) in advance; $15 at the door; $5 for youth 10 – 17 and no cost for those under 10 with the purchase of an adult ticket. Bring a pet food donation and get a discount at the door: $1 off for a can of pet food, $5 off for 3 cans or 1 bag of pet food.  The excitement takes place at the Tucson Indoor Sports Center , 1065 W. Grant Rd., Tucson.

See movies in park this summer

Enjoy free Family fun entertainment Saturdays at dusk, about 7:45 p.m., at Veterans’ Memorial Park, Centennial Pavilion, Jean Randall Way, Sierra Vista. Schedule: June 21 – “Ender’s Game” (PG13). Remember — pets are not allowed at events in the park. Movie sessions will be cancelled in the event of unfavorable weather.

Legion to cook breakfast

American Legion Post 52 will hold breakfast June 21, 8 – 10:30 a.m., featuring eggs to order, bacon, sausage, hash brown, hotcakes, toast, biscuits and coffee free with breakfast. The price ranges from $2 – $5.50 and is open to members, guests and all active duty service members and Families. American Legion Post 52 is located at 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. For more information, call 520.459.6050. 

Legion ladies will hold fish fry 6-20

The Auxiliary Ladies of the American Legion Post 52 will hold a fish fry dinner on June 20, 5:30 – 7 p.m., with fries, coleslaw and cornbread. Cost is $9. The meal is open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and Families. It will be held at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Swim, square dance

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers square dance group is having its annual pool party on June 20 at the Mission Shadows Community Pool. The gate opens at 5 p.m., so bring food and drink (no glass around the pool) and swim and socialize until the dance starts at 7. Mike Smithers will call Mainstream until 9 p.m. Dance two Tips in the pool and earn your Duckie Dangle! Cost is $4 for members, $5 for non-members.  For more information, contact 520.378.6719 or .

Rodeo drill team to host gymkhana

The Hot Rods Rodeo Drill Team will host a gymkhana June 21, at the Robertson’s Horse Sales Arena, 714 N. Madison Ave., Benson. Events start at 10 a.m. and registration begins at 9 a.m. Events include Barrels, Poles, Big M, Big T, Mount Cow Horse and Bowtie. The cost is $5 for arena use and $5 per event.   All riders, ages and skill levels are welcome. There will be music, races, food, baked goods and prizes. For more information, contact 520.425.6621.

Citizens’ Police Academy

Register through June 20 for the Citizen Police Academy for an insider glimpse into the daily adventures of Sierra Vista Police officers. This 12-week academy starts on Aug. 6 and class will meet on Wednesdays from 6 – 9 p.m. in the Sierra Vista Police Auditorium. The academy is free and open to adults 18 and older. Class space is limited, so apply as soon as possible. Applications are available at (search “academy”) or pick up a packet at the police department reception desk, 911 N. Coronado Dr. For more information, contact 520.452.7500 or .

Enjoy summer concerts in park

Summer Concerts in the Park are back! Grab lawn chairs or blankets, a picnic basket, and bring the Family. The bands will play 6:30 – 8 p.m. Thursday will feature Desert Swing. The concert schedule is subject to cancellation during inclement weather. For more information, call 520.458.7922.

Library holds Summer Reading Program

Youth ages 0 – 18 are invited to participate in the Sierra Vista Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme “Fizz, Boom, Read” is all about science. Young scientists will learn about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. The June schedule follows: Sunday – June 21: Science of Combustion – activity, Sunday, 2 – 4 p.m. and June 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. June 22 – 28: Science of Food – activity, June 23, noon – 5 p.m. June 29 – July 5: Science of Special Effects and the Movies – activity, July 5, 3 – 6 p.m. For more information, call 520.458.4225.

Relive Old West at AFP

See Sheriff Jim Wilson at the Arizona Folklore Preserve on Saturday and Sunday. Doors open at 1 p.m., with performances starting at 2 p.m. For reservations, contact 520.378.6165, or . Admission is $15 for adults and $6 for youth 17 and under. Go 6 miles south of Sierra Vista on State Route 92 to Ramsey Canyon Road. Turn right (west) on Ramsey Canyon Road, drive 3.3 miles into the canyon, and watch for the AFP entrance and sign to the left.  Upcoming performers at the AFP include Keeter Stuart on June 21 – 22.

Elks to hold Flag Day ceremony 6-14

Sierra Vista Elks 2065 will honor “Old Glory” on Flag Day, June 14, 2 p.m., at the Elks Ramada.  They will recognize all active and retired military members, with special recognition being given to World War II veterans. Participants include state and local dignitaries, the Military Intelligence Corps Band and American Legion Riders. Buena High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps will conduct a “Retiring the U.S. Flag” ceremony. The Elks Lodge is located at 1 Elks Ln., Sierra Vista.

Gymkhana set for Saturday

The next Gymkhana will be Saturday at Wren Arena, featuring Cloverleaf Barrels, Washington Poles, Mountain Cowhorse, Boot Lace and Turn-n-Burn events. Time only runs will be a ticket system. Runners will receive one ticket per run they buy. More information is on the club's website, .

Save $$$$ on books

Friends of the Sierra Vista Public Library will have their monthly 50-percent-off sale on Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Friends building is located at 2600 E. Tacoma St., attached to the Sierra Vista Public Library. 


The NAACP will host JUNETEENTH 2014 on Saturday, 10 a.m., in Sierra Vista’s Veterans’ Memorial Park on Fry Boulevard. There will be daylong music, food and activities for people of all ages.  For information, contact 520.803.9437 or .

National Get Outdoors Day Saturday

National Get Outdoors Day will be held at Parker Canyon Lake on Saturday, 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. This is an annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. Participating partners will offer opportunities for Families to experience traditional and non-traditional types of outdoor activities. Prime goals are reaching first-time visitors to public lands and reconnecting youth to the outdoors.  For more information, go to .

Join Legion for breakfast 6-15

The Auxiliary Ladies of American Legion Post 52 will hold breakfast Saturday, 8 – 10:30 a.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Menu items include SoS, eggs to order, bacon, sausage, hash browned potatoes, hotcakes, toast, biscuits and coffee free with breakfast. Price ranges from $2 – $5.50. The event is open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and Families.  For more information, call 459.6050. 

Auditions set for children’s theatre 7-12

Auditions for the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of “Treasure Island” are scheduled for July 7 starting at 9 a.m. at Colonel Johnston Elementary School. Students from first – eighth grade are encouraged to sign up to audition. Children must first be registered with Child, Youth and School Services. Missoula Children’s Theatre touring productions are complete with costumes, scenery, props and makeup. The MCT Tour actor/directors will conduct rehearsals throughout the week. More than 50 local students will be cast in the production to be presented on July 12, 7 p.m., also at Colonel Johnston Elementary School. For more information, call 520.533.4823.

Summer Saturdays at the Museum Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma Street Free

Join us for a series of fun-filled hands-on children’s programs followed by entertaining adult presentations. Children’s activities are for kids ages 6-12 and pre-registration is required at 439-2306. Children’s activities run from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. and adult presentations are from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Mark your calendar to join us: June 21: Kids will try their hand at calf roping and learn about cowboy clothing. Speaker Suzanne Arnold will present Ranching in Hereford and Palominas to adults.  June 28: Kids will take on the role of a Mormon Battalion soldier. They will cook up some pancakes with ingredients soldiers would have carried with them and learn how to patch up worn out clothing.  Speaker Randy Madsen will present Mormon Battalion and the Trek into Arizon a at the adult presentation.  July 19: Kids will become a photographer like Tombstone’s C.S. Fly. and adults will view C.S. Fly’s pictures with the entertaining Craig McEwan.  July 26: K...

Be a Local Tourist

Theater on the Move will present Sierra Sam and the Tomb of Gloom… or Have you Seen my Mummy? a t the Windemere Hotel and Conference Center this weekend. You’ll laugh while trying to solve a murder mystery over dinner.  Dinner is available with advance ticket sales before June 9 or email to RSVP for dinner after June 9. Dinner and show is $35 or skip dinner and enjoy the show for $15. Tickets to watch the show only can be purchased at the door. Show times are:  Friday and Saturday June 13 and 14 Social starts at 6:00 p.m.  Dinner and show starts at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, June 15 Social at 1:00 p.m. Dinner and show at 2:00 p.m. 

Sierra Vista Animal Connection Where great people go to meet great pets!

Animals featured in the City Page are available for adoption from the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center, 6799 E. Hwy. 90 (458-4151). To view pictures of other pets available for adoption at the Animal Care Center, visit or (search “85635”). If you are interested in adopting a pet and are willing to make a lifelong commitment, check out these three:  Bravo is a Boston Terrier & Shar Pei mix. He was turned in because there were too many pets in his home. He is a great guy so please come in and visit with him...he and you will be glad you did. Jerry is a Chihuahua & Dachshund mix. He is a wonderful guy and needs to find a permanent family and home he can call his own. Please stop and visit with him, take him for a nice long walk, and just spend some time with him. Lynn is a Labrador Retriever mix. She was previously adopted from our shelter but due to a move, she now needs to find a new loving permanent famil...

Support the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center Tuesday, June 17

Support the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center and get a great meal at Outback Steakhouse. Buy your $20 ticket in advance and get a meal, one side, and a non-alcoholic drink of your choice. Better yet, $15 from every ticket goes directly to Destiny’s Playground, a large play area for shelter dogs. Tickets sold only in advance, so get yours by emailing or messaging the Destiny’s Playground Facebook page .

Driver Refresher Course Saturday, June 21

Driver Refresher Course Saturday, June 21, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Sierra Vista Police Station, 911 N. Coronado Drive Free. Get up to speed on new Arizona traffic laws and common violations seen by officers and traffic safety cameras at this free class. This classroom refresher is ideal for seasonal visitors not familiar with Arizona traffic laws, experienced drivers wanting to learn about new laws, and teens and their parents wanting to gain knowledge and experience. Space is limited; reserve your seat at 452-7500.

Join Western history group

The Bisbee Corral of the Westerners represents Sierra Vista, Tombstone, Benson and Bisbee and meets the first Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Collins Rd. (near Safeway). Each month, a speaker presents a Western History topic. There is an optional dinner at 5 p.m. at the San Jose Restaurant. Meetings are open to the public.  For more information, contact 378.1833, , or 432.8350.

Thursday is Taco Night

American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.   For more information, call 459.4868, or go to .

SV seeks leadership program candidates 8-8

The Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce is preparing to launch its 16th Annual Leadership Sierra Vista program. Once a month class members spend a day visiting local agencies and learning about subjects important to the overall well being of Sierra Vista and Cochise County. The experience includes a special leadership orientation and then an in-depth look at such diverse topics as Fort Huachuca, local government, health care, education, law enforcement, tourism and border issues.  Class size is limited and the application deadline is Aug. 8.  For more information, call 458.6940.

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome.  Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis. For more information, call 458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit.  If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Ducks Unlimited to hold dinner 6-28

Ducks Unlimited will hold a dinner June 28, 5 – 10 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 156 N.W. Kayetan Dr, Sierra Vista.  Singles tickets are $55, couples tickets cost $95 and Greenwings, 17 and under, are $35.  For more information contact 505.306.4033, 520.940.2789 or go to or .

Enjoy ‘Summer Saturdays’ at SV museum 7-26

The Sierra Vista Historical Society is hosting “Summer Saturdays” at the Henry F. Hauser Museum on June 21 and 28, and July 19 and 26. Family activities are available for both youth and adults. Each Saturday will introduce a hands-on activity for children 6-12.  Registration is free but required in advance by contacting 520.439.2306 or . Parents are encouraged to attend all sessions.   The museum is located at 2930 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista. All programs are free and open to the public.  Adult speakers programs begin at 1 p.m. June 21 – “Journey to Hereford and Palominas” with author Suzanne Arnold; June 28 – “The Mormon Battalion and the Trek into Arizona” with Randy Madsen; July 19 – ”C.S. Fly’s Journey of Photography in Arizona” with Craig McEwan; and July 26 – “Journey to Brown Canyon Ranch” with Sarah Barchas and Jose Garcia.

Citizens’ Police Academy 6-20

Register through June 20 for the Citizen Police Academy for an insider glimpse into the daily adventures of Sierra Vista Police officers. This 12-week academy starts on Aug. 6 and class will meet on Wednesdays from 6 – 9 p.m. in the Sierra Vista Police Auditorium. The academy is free and open to adults 18 and older.  Class space is limited, so apply as soon as possible. Applications are available at (search “academy”) or pick up a packet at the police department reception desk, 911 N. Coronado Dr. For more information, contact 520.452.7500 or .

Elks to hold Flag Day ceremony 6-14

Sierra Vista Elks 2065 will honor “Old Glory” on Flag Day, June 14, 2 p.m., at the Elks Ramada.  They will recognize all active and retired military members, with special recognition being given to World War II veterans. Participants include state and local dignitaries, the Military Intelligence Corps Band and American Legion Riders. Buena High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps will conduct a “Retiring the U.S. Flag” ceremony. The Elks Lodge is located at 1 Elks Ln., Sierra Vista.


The NAACP will host JUNETEENTH 2014 June 14, 10 a.m., in Sierra Vista’s Veterans’ Memorial Park on Fry Boulevard. There will be daylong music, food and activities for people of all ages.  For information, contact 520.803.9437 or .

National Get Outdoors Day 6-14

National Get Outdoors Day will be held at Parker Canyon Lake on June 14, 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. This is an annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. Participating partners will offer opportunities for Families to experience traditional and non-traditional types of outdoor activities. Prime goals of the day are reaching first-time visitors to public lands and reconnecting youth to the outdoors.  For more information, go to .

Huachuca Astronomy Club to meet 6-13

The Huachuca Astronomy Club will meet June 13, 7 p.m., in the Community Room, Student Union Building, Cochise College, 901 N. Colombo Ave., Sierra Vista. The guest speaker, Wayne Johnson, will speak on "Supernova Hunting for Fun, not Profit.” He will discuss what causes a star to explode and become a supernova, techniques to find one and what to do if you think you've found one. Johnson, an amateur astronomer, has discovered six supernovae, including two in one night. The public is invited. 

Enjoy summer concerts in park

Summer Concerts in the Park are back! Grab lawn chairs or blankets, a picnic basket, and bring the Family. The bands will play 6:30 – 8 p.m. On Thursday, The Thunder Mountain Band performs. The concert schedule is subject to cancellation during inclement weather. For more information, call 520.458.7922.

Have success with succulents

Water Wise Presents “Success with Succulents,” Saturday, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m., at The University of Arizona, Groth Hall, Sierra Vista, 1140 N. Colombo Ave.  Learn about the variety of succulents you can plant and how to care for them. Plants will be available for purchase.  For more conservation information, call Water Wise, 520.458.8278, ext. 2141 or visit .

Sierra Vista wants residents’ feedback

Should Sierra Vista charge for plastic bags or ban them? Join the conversation and constructively share ideas at . Your input will help the city when considering future policies to help reduce plastic bag waste for a sustainable future.

Library holds Summer Reading Program

Youth ages 0 – 18 are invited to participate in the Sierra Vista Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme “Fizz, Boom, Read” is all about science. Young scientists will learn about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. The June schedule follows: June 8 – 14: Science of Art and Numbers – activity, June 10, 1 – 4 p.m. June 15 – 21: Science of Combustion – activity, June 15, 2 – 4 p.m. and June 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. June 22 – 28: Science of Food – activity, June 23, noon – 5 p.m. June 29 – July 5: Science of Special Effects and the Movies – activity, July 5, 3 – 6 p.m. For more information, call 520.458.4225.

See movies in park this summer 6-21

Enjoy free Family fun entertainment Saturdays at dusk, about 7:45 p.m., at Veteran’s Memorial Park, Centennial Pavilion, Jean Randall Way, Sierra Vista. Schedule: Saturday – “Monsters University” (G); June 21 – “Ender’s Game” (PG13). Remember — pets are not allowed at events in the park. Movie sessions will be cancelled in the event of unfavorable weather.

MoM holds final event of season 6-7

Market on the Move will hold its final event for the season Saturday, 7 – 10 a.m., at the Thunder Mountain Activity Centre pavilion. For $10, receive $60 worth of produce. MoM is open to everyone. For more information, email

Chiricahua NM waives entrance, camping fees 9-30

Chiricahua National Monument will waive all entrance and camping fees for the summer season.  Through Sept. 30, all entrance fees will be waived and federal lands passes will not be available for purchase at the park. In-person registration is required for camping and campsites are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The park features the scenic 8-mile Bonita Canyon Drive, as well as 17 miles of hiking trails, and a free hiker’s shuttle each morning. Vehicles exceeding 29 feet in length are not allowed in the campground or on the scenic drive past the visitor center.  Chiricahua NM is located four miles east of the junction of Arizona Highways 181 and 186. There are no services (gas, food, or drinks) available at the park. For more information, contact 520.824.3560, ext. 0 or go to .

Family to perform at Arizona Folklore Preserve 6-8

The Ronstadt family, performing as the Tucson-based Ronstadt Generations, at the Arizona Folklore Preserve on Saturday and Sunday. Doors open at 1 p.m., with performances starting at 2 p.m.  For reservations, contact 520.378.6165, or . Admission is $15 for adults and $6 for youth 17 and under.  Go 6 miles south of Sierra Vista on State Route 92 to Ramsey Canyon Road. Turn right (west) on Ramsey Canyon Road, drive 3.3 miles into the canyon, and watch for the AFP entrance and sign to the left.  Upcoming performers at the AFP include Sheriff Jim Wilson on June 14 and 15 and Keeter Stuart on June 21 and 22.

Summer camp at Cochise College

Cochise College’s annual Summer Campus program is available this June and July on the Sierra Vista Campus, with more than 20 weekly camps offering a variety of educational activities for fourth- through 12th-graders. Space is still open in the camps, but slots are filling up quickly. Each camp costs $100 and runs Monday through Thursday. For more information, visit or contact 505.515.3630 or .

Ride big waves at Tsunami Night

The Sierra Vista Aquatic Center, the Cove, cranks up the waves today, 7 – 10 p.m. Cost is $10 per person and includes pizza and soda. DJ Tech FX will crank up the music for the Tsunami Night Dance Contest. For more information, call 520.417.4800.

B Troop seeks new riders 7-8

Applications are now being accepted for B Troop, 4th U.S. Cavalry (Memorial). The next cavalry riding school will be held July 8 – through Oct. 24. The school is open to active duty, retired, reserve and Civilians. No riding experience is required. Equipment, uniform and horse are provided.  For eligibility requirements, go to . To obtain an application, contact the program coordinator at 520.538.2178 or .

Sierra Vista Historical Society Event

The Sierra Vista Historical Society is once again hosting "Summer Saturdays" at the Henry F. Hauser Museum on June 21 , June 28 , July 19 and 26th .   Join us for family activities for both kids and adults.   Each Saturday will introduce a hands-on activity for children ages 6-12 years of age.  Registration is free but required in advance by contacting Nancy.Krieski@SierraVistaAZ. gov or call 520-439-2306 .  Parents are encouraged to attend all sessions. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is located at 2930 E. Tacoma Street in Sierra Vista.  All programs are free and open to the public. Adult Speakers Program begins at 1:00pm : Saturday, June 21 will explore "Journey to Hereford and Palominas" with author Suzanne Arnold. Saturday, June 28 will explore "The Mormon Battalion and the Trek into Arizona" with Randy Madsen. Saturday, July 19 will be "C.S. Fly's Journey of Photography in Arizona" with Craig McEwan. Saturday, July 26 wil...

Funny Dog smart DJ On Real Life
