Music Calendar...
In 1791 "The Magic Flute," a "singspiel" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, premieres at the Theatre auf der Wieden in Vienna. In 1950 The Grand Ole Opry is televised for the first time on WSM-TV in Nashville. In 1957 Bobby Helms records "Jingle Bell Rock." In 1957 "Wake Up Little Susie" by the Everly Brothers enters on the U.S. top 40 chart. In 1961 Bob Dylan signs with Columbia Records. In 1965 Donovan makes his U.S. television debut on "Shindig." In 1967 On "The David Frost Show," John Lennon and Paul McCartney espouse the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's doctrines of transcendental meditation. In 1967 "Incense & Peppermints" by the Strawberry Alarm Clock enters the U.S. top 40 chart. In 1968 The Beatles' biography "The Long And Winding Road" is published. In 1969 David Crosby's girlfriend Christine Gail Hinton is killed in a head-on auto accident north of San Francisco, the same day the "Crosby, St