Music Calendar...
In 1855 George F. Bristow's "Rip Van Winkle," the second American grand opera, opens at Niblo's Garden in New York City. In 1942 Glenn Miller and his Orchestra performed together for the last time at the Central Theatre in Passaic, NJ, prior to Miller's entry into the U.S. Army. In 1943 The Andrew Sisters and the Vic Schoen Orchestra record "Pistol Packin' Mama" and "Jingle Bells." In 1962 Then a Detroit secretary, Martha Reeves records "I'll Have to Let Him Go" with The Vandellas. In 1964 The Beach Boys make their first appearance on the "Ed Sullivan Show," singing "I Get Around." In 1966 Tommy Roe appears on TV's "Where The Action Is." In 1968 The Jackson Five opens for Stevie Wonder and Gladys Knight at a concert in Gary, Indiana. In 1969 "Wedding Bell Blues" by the Fifth Dimension enters the U.S. top 40 chart. In 1970 Rare Earth performs "I Know I'm Losing You" on t