
Showing posts from August, 2014

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers

"The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a Square Dance on Friday, September 12th from 7:30 to 9:30 . Tom Crisp will call Mainstream, with a Plus Tip after the dance, and Lisa Wall will cue Rounds between Tips. Review runs from 6:45 to 7:30 . Only $4 for members, $5 for non-members, and FREE for non-dancers to come watch and socialize! Snacks and friendship are provided. Sierra Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 101 North Lenzner, Sierra Vista. For more info contact Sandy at 520-378-6719 or email .

Thursday is Taco Night

Thursday is Taco Night American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

Enjoy bingo twice a week The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 520.458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Horse around while helping others Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  For more information, call 520.459.4868, or go to .

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours Take a 90-minute tour providing a unique opportunity to learn how innovative engineering and optical technology melds with manufacturing techniques to produce the largest and most advanced giant (8.4 meters/27 feet) telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the technology and revolutionary processes involved in making the next generation of telescopes that will explore deep into outer space and produce cutting-edge scientific research. Tours occur daily; visit to purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 students, 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details or .

Mineral museum features ‘Best of Best’

Mineral museum features ‘Best of Best’ The University of Arizona Mineral Museum's "Best of the Best" exhibit features many of the most exquisite minerals from the most admired collections in the state. The exhibit also brings together the stories behind the minerals — the search, the discovery, the history and the awe-inspiring science — that makes these specimens come to life.  The UA Mineral Museum is open daily and is located on the main floor of Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium. The exhibit is open through Dec. 30 with free admission to children under 4, children 4 – 15 are $5, Adults are $7, students with an ID are $4, seniors and military are $6.  For more information, call 520.621.4227.  

Bisbee Muheim Heritage House

Bisbee Muheim Heritage House The Muheim Heritage House Museum , a registered national historic site, was built by Joseph and Carmelita Muheim beginning in 1898 and was completed in 1915. Located at 207 Youngblood Hill, the restored home is an example of late 19th century architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour through the restored interior with its period furnishings. This pioneer home, situated on a hill, offers a panoramic view of Old Bisbee. The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by appointment. Admission is $4.  For more information, call 520.432.7698.

Locomotive Saturdays offered in Tucson

Locomotive Saturdays offered in Tucson Explore regional transportation history, and see a freight trains passing by, or ring the locomotive bell at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum every Saturday, year round. Locomotive Saturdays are held at the historic Train Depot, 414 N. Toole Ave., Tucson, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, call 520.623.2223.

17th Signal Bn. Association 2014 Reunion

17th Signal Bn. Association 2014 Reunion The 17th Signal Battalion Association will hold their 2014 Reunion on Sept. 18 – 21 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1065 Stevens Creek Rd., Augusta, Ga. Events planned for the 2014 Reunion include a tour of Fort Gordon and a golf tournament.  For more information and reservations, contact 703.819.0136 or .

Learn about end-of-life care

Learn about end-of-life care Sierra Vista Regional Health Center presents “Five Wishes and How to Complete the Information” Sept. 17, 1 p.m. at the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St. This presentation is designed to help individuals understand what end-of-life care is and how to approach making difficult decisions. Presenters will also help individuals plan and feel more comfortable when discussing this subject with family members and physicians.  For additional information, call 520.439.2300. 

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour Tour the Titan Missile Museum, the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, by the light of the moon on the second Saturday night of each month, 5 – 9 p.m. Activities for youth include launching seltzer rockets and sampling space food. The remaining date is Sept. 13. The museum is located at 1580 Duval Mine Rd. in Green Valley. Admission is $7 for individuals 13 and older. Children under 12 and members are admitted for free. Reservations are required. Call 520.625.7736 to reserve a spot.

Oktoberfest 2014 is coming

Oktoberfest 2014 is coming Oktoberfest 2014, Sierra Vista’s largest fall festival, takes place Sept. 12, 5 – 11 p.m., and Sept. 13, 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. Enjoy a variety of cuisine from various food vendors, live entertainment from Der Biergarten and more at Veterans’ Memorial Park off Fry Boulevard. For more information, call 520.417.6980. 

Kars for Kids

Kars for Kids The Boys & Girls Club of Sierra Vista and The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 28, present the Third Annual Kars for Kids — a car, truck and motorcycle show Sept. 13, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Cochise College Automotive Technology Center, 645 State Route 92, Sierra Vista. A $25 pre-registration fee is required. All year makes of cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome. For more information, contact 520.456.7798, or . 

Tennis tournament to take place

Tennis tournament to take place The Sierra Vista Community Tennis Association will host a tennis tournament on Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. – noon at the City Tennis Facility, Kings Court, 3514 Kings Court Dr., Sierra Vista. Cost is $15 per person or $25 per family with children and one can of tennis balls. All player levels are welcome. The format will be a round-robin doubles, non-elimination, with rotation of partners for each round of play.  Bring a dish and join a potluck after the tournament.  Register via email at or sign up on the posted listing at Kings Court. Entries will be accepted on tournament day.

USAWOA Golf Tournament

USAWOA Golf Tournament The Arizona Silver Chapter of the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association will hold its annual Golf Tournament on Sept. 13 at the Turquoise Valley Golf Course in Naco. It is a 4-person scramble and costs $75 per player (TVGC members pay $ 54). Entry fee includes golf, cart, lunch, trophies, cash and raffle prizes. There is also a chance to win a hole-in-one 2014 Jeep Wrangler. Registration begins at 7 a.m.  For more information, call 520.220.7150 or 520.508.2685.

Astronomy Club to meet

Astronomy Club to meet The Huachuca Astronomy Club will hold their September meeting Sept. 12, 7 p.m., in the community room, Student Union Building, Cochise College 901 N. Colombo Ave., Sierra Vista. The meeting will feature a telescope clinic designed to help users understand how their telescope functions and help master the process of aligning and using a scope. Bring your own telescope to get some individual help or just come and learn the basics from the sample scopes provided by the club. The meeting is free and open to all.

Carr House program focuses on caving

Carr House program focuses on caving Friends of the Huachuca Mountains continue their season of free educational programs Sept. 7, 1:30 p.m., with “Caves and Caving: A Look into the World below Us.” Erika Way, Kartchner Caverns State Park cave unit supervisor, will focus on the beauty and fragility of cave environments and how to experience and enjoy them while taking care to protect them. She will discuss the differences between wild and show caves along with caving etiquette.  The program is free and the public is welcome. To get to the Carr House visitor information center, take State Route 92 south to Carr Canyon Road adjacent to the Mesquite Tree Restaurant, turn right, travel approximately 3 miles and turn left at the fork into the parking lot.

Hummingbird banding underway

Hummingbird banding underway Hummingbird banding is now underway on Fort Huachuca at the Public Affairs Office, 3015 Carnahan St., across from the gazebo on Brown Parade Field. It begins at sunrise, around 6 a.m., and lasts for five hours. The public is invited to observe, and seasonal volunteers are welcome. Banding will take place on Sept. 7 and 21.

Volksmarch to take place

Volksmarch to take place The Thunder Mountain Trekkers and Sierra Vista Elks Lodge will sponsor a 5-and 10-K Volksmarch on Sept. 6, starting between 7 and 10 a.m. and finishing by 1 p.m. The start/finish will be at the Sierra Vista Elk’s Lodge, 1 Elk’s Lane, off Wilcox Drive, in Sierra Vista. This event is open to all. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. All routes are suitable for baby strollers. Water and restrooms are available at the start/finish. The Control Points will have water available. For more information, contact the Thunder Mountain Trekkers, 520.378.1763 or .

Fall Start Smart Sports Camp

Fall Start Smart Sports Camp  Fall Start Smart Sports Camp runs Saturdays, Sept. 6–Oct. 11, • 8 –9 a.m. at Apache Middle School Gymnasium.  Help motivate and develop the athletic abilities of boys and girls 3 – 5. Participants will develop motor skills and learn to interact with other children. Parents should wear tennis shoes to the camp. Featured sports include: basketball, soccer, baseball and softball. Bring bottled water, a cap and sunscreen. Cost is $50 per child. Register your child at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. A birth certificate is required at registration.  For more information, call 520.439.2302. 

Get “Frozen” at SV Public Library

Get “Frozen” at SV Public Library Bring your favorite blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal and get comfy on the Mona Bishop room floor Sunday and enjoy being “frozen” together! A variety of frozen popsicles will be provided while the audience gets lost in the magic of the movie Frozen at 1 p.m. There is no admission. For additional information call 520.458.4225.

Rifle shoot announced

Rifle shoot announced The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp 1710, will hold their annual black powder shooting contest, Saturday, 10:30 a.m., at the Sierra Vista Firing Range. Contestants will be judged in the muzzle loading rifle and carbine, breech loading rifle and carbine and magazine-fed rifle and carbine categories. There is a $2 range fee. For more information, contact 520.456.6956 or . 

Showdown in Tombstone

Showdown in Tombstone The Showdown in Tombstone takes place Saturday and Sunday, on Historic Allen Street. This year’s activities consist of street entertainment, gunfight reenactments, an 1880s period costume contest and parade, a steampunk contest, parade, ball and other events. For more information, contact 520.508.8005 or .

Legion to cook dinner

The Sons, American Legion Post 52, will hold a dinner on Friday, 5:30 – 7 p.m., featuring a catfish and pork rib dinner for $9. Enjoy a choice of one each 8-oz entrée serving or one-half serving of both entrées and two sides. Garden salad with extras and hushpuppies or roll is included. The dinner is open to members, guests and all active duty service members and Families. American Legion Post 52 is located at 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Citizens Fire Academy planned

Citizens Fire Academy planned The free Citizens Fire Academy program provides a glimpse into the working life of the Sierra Vista Fire Department. Learn about the hiring and training of personnel, safety in the home and workplace, fire prevention and more. Cadets will have a chance to ride with on-duty crews and participate in demonstrations. The Academy begins on Sept. 4, and will meet every Thursday evening at Fire Station #363, 675 Giulio Cesare, for nine consecutive weeks from 6 – 9 p.m. Application deadline is Friday. Class size is limited. Applications are available online at (search “Fire Academy”); at City Hall, 1011 N. Coronado Dr.; and at all Sierra Vista fire stations. For more information, call 520.417.4400.

Rifle shoot announced

Rifle shoot announced The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp 1710, will hold their annual black powder shooting contest, Aug. 30, 10:30 a.m., at the Sierra Vista Firing Range. Contestants will be judged in the muzzle loading rifle and carbine, breech loading rifle and carbine and magazine-fed rifle and carbine categories. There is a $2 range fee.  For more information, contact 520.456.6956 or . 

Rifle shoot announced

Rifle shoot announced The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp 1710, will hold their annual black powder shooting contest, Aug. 30, 10:30 a.m., at the Sierra Vista Firing Range. Contestants will be judged in the muzzle loading rifle and carbine, breech loading rifle and carbine and magazine-fed rifle and carbine categories. There is a $2 range fee.  For more information, contact 520.456.6956 or . 

Showdown in Tombstone

Showdown in Tombstone The Showdown in Tombstone takes place Aug. 30 – Sept. 1, on Historic Allen Street. This year’s activities consist of street entertainment, gunfight reenactments, an 1880s period costume contest and parade, a steampunk contest, parade, ball and other events. For more information, contact 520.508.8005 or .

Explore desert cosmos

Explore desert cosmos Through Aug. 31, visit the Tucson Desert Art Museum and explore the universe as seen above through astrophotographs taken by Adam Block of the U of A Sky Center. Block was named astronomy photographer of 2013 by the Royal Museums Observatory of Greenwich. The Art Museum is open Tuesday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sunday noon –5 p.m. and closed Mondays and major holidays.  Admission is $4 – $10. The Tucson Desert Art Museum is a Blue Star Museum and entrance is free for all active duty, National Guard, and Reserve military personnel and their Families through Labor Day. The Desert Art Museum is located at 7000 E. Tanque Verde Road, Ste. 16, Tucson.  For more information, call 520.202.3888.

Tennis tournament to take place

Tennis tournament to take place The Sierra Vista Community Tennis Association will host a tennis tournament on Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. – noon at the City Tennis Facility, Kings Court, 3514 Kings Court Dr., Sierra Vista. Cost is $15 per person or $25 per family with children and one can of tennis balls. All player levels are welcome. The format will be a round-robin doubles, non-elimination, with rotation of partners for each round of play.  Bring a dish and join a potluck after the tournament.  Register via email at or sign up on the posted listing at Kings Court. Entries will be accepted on tournament day.

Kars for Kids

Kars for Kids The Boys & Girls Club of Sierra Vista and The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 28, present the Third Annual Kars for Kids — a car, truck and motorcycle show Sept. 13, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Cochise College Automotive Technology Center, 645 State Route 92, Sierra Vista. A $25 pre-registration fee is required. All year makes of cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome. For more information, contact 520.456.7798, or . 

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour Tour the Titan Missile Museum, the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, by the light of the moon on the second Saturday night of each month, 5 – 9 p.m. Activities for youth include launching seltzer rockets and sampling space food. The remaining date is Sept. 13. The museum is located at 1580 Duval Mine Rd. in Green Valley. Admission is $7 for individuals 13 and older. Children under 12 and members are admitted for free. Reservations are required. Call 520.625.7736 to reserve a spot.

17th Signal Bn. Association 2014 Reunion

17th Signal Bn. Association 2014 Reunion The 17th Signal Battalion Association will hold their 2014 Reunion on Sept. 18 – 21 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1065 Stevens Creek Rd., Augusta, Ga. Events planned for the 2014 Reunion include a tour of Fort Gordon and a golf tournament.   For more information and reservations, contact 703.819.0136 or .

Locomotive Saturdays offered in Tucson

Locomotive Saturdays offered in Tucson Explore regional transportation history, and see a freight trains passing by, or ring the locomotive bell at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum every Saturday, year round. Locomotive Saturdays are held at the historic Train Depot, 414 N. Toole Ave., Tucson, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, call 520.623.2223.

Bisbee Muheim Heritage House

Bisbee Muheim Heritage House The Muheim Heritage House Museum , a registered national historic site, was built by Joseph and Carmelita Muheim beginning in 1898 and was completed in 1915. Located at 207 Youngblood Hill, the restored home is an example of late 19th century architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour through the restored interior with its period furnishings. This pioneer home, situated on a hill, offers a panoramic view of Old Bisbee. The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by appointment. Admission is $4.  For more information, call 520.432.7698.

Mineral museum features ‘Best of Best’

Mineral museum features ‘Best of Best’ The University of Arizona Mineral Museum's "Best of the Best" exhibit features many of the most exquisite minerals from the most admired collections in the state. The exhibit also brings together the stories behind the minerals — the search, the discovery, the history and the awe-inspiring science — that makes these specimens come to life.  The UA Mineral Museum is open daily and is located on the main floor of Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium. The exhibit is open through Dec. 30 with free admission to children under 4, children 4 – 15 are $5, Adults are $7, students with an ID are $4, seniors and military are $6. For more information, call 520.621.4227.  

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours Take a 90-minute tour providing a unique opportunity to learn how innovative engineering and optical technology melds with manufacturing techniques to produce the largest and most advanced giant (8.4 meters/27 feet) telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the technology and revolutionary processes involved in making the next generation of telescopes that will explore deep into outer space and produce cutting-edge scientific research.  Tours occur daily; visit to purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 students, 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details or .

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Meet public, visitors — volunteer Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome.  Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis.  For more information, call 520.458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record-keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit. If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Horse around while helping others

Horse around while helping others Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  For more information, call 520.459.4868, or go to .

Enjoy bingo twice a week

Enjoy bingo twice a week The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 520.458.9972.

Thursday is Taco Night

Thursday is Taco Night American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Wanted: Volunteer Dance Instructor!

Wanted: Volunteer Dance Instructor! If you have a little extra time on your hands and love choreographing dances, consider becoming a volunteer dance instructor for The Rickety Rockettes! The Rockettes, a dance group for adults ages 50 and up, inspire audiences and other adults to keep active and healthy no matter what their age. For more information call 458-7922 and ask for Marita Helbig. Experience in choreographing dances is required.

2014 United States Army Soldier Show

Tuesday, August 26 • 7:00 p.m. and/or Wednesday, August 27 • 7:00 p.m. Buena Performing Arts Center Buena High School The stage is set for 19 soldiers from across the country to entertain the nation with a 75-minute song and dance production themed “Stand Strong.” Everyone is invited to attend this talent-rich, one-of-a-kind show. Admission is free, so come early to ensure your seat. For more information call 266-0254 or 533-5714. 

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Fundraiser

Wednesday, August 27 • 6:00–8:00 p.m. Buffalo Wild Wings Help support the local SADD chapter and get a great meal at Buffalo Wild Wings. Present a fundraiser flyer at the event and 15 percent of sales will go to the Sierra Vista SADD chapter. Flyers are available at the Sierra Vista Police Department’s main lobby and will also be available during the event, just look for the students wearing the “Why 21” T-shirts. For additional information contact Cpl. Scott Borgstadt at 452-7500 ext. 788.

Citizens Fire Academy

Application Deadline Friday, August 29 This free program provides an inside look at the working life of the Sierra Vista Fire Department. Learn how personnel are hired and trained, safety in the home and workplace, fire prevention, and more. Cadets will also have a chance to ride with on-duty crews and participate in demonstrations. The Academy begins on Thursday, September 4, and will meet every Thursday evening at Fire Station #363, 675 Giulio Cesare, for nine consecutive weeks from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Apply online at (search “Fire Academy”); at City Hall, 1011 N. Coronado Drive; and at all Sierra Vista Fire Stations. Class size is limited. For more information call Captain Robert Fields, CFA Program Coordinator, at 417-4400.

Be a Local Tourist–River Walks

Saturday, August 30 • 8:00 a.m. San Pedro House Join docents on a two-mile interpretive walk over easy terrain along the river. The San Pedro River, the last free flowing river in the Southwest, features some of the richest wildlife habitat in the Southwest and was and designated one of the Last Great Places by the Nature Conservancy. River walks depart from the San Pedro House at 8:00 a.m. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted. For additional information call 417-6960, 508-4445 or visit .  

Get “Frozen” at Your Library!

Sunday, August 31 • 1:00 p.m. FREE Everyone is welcome to this exciting family event! Bring your favorite blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal as we get comfy on the Mona Bishop room floor and enjoy being “frozen” together! A variety of frozen popsicles will be provided while you get lost in the magic of the movie Frozen . Movie begins promptly at  1:00 p.m. For additional information call 458-4225.

Fall Start Smart Sports Camp

Saturdays, September 6–October 11 • 8:00–9:00 a.m. Apache Middle School Gymnasium Show your little ones (boys and girls ages three to five) how much fun sports can be! Participants will not only develop essential motor skills, but will learn how to interact with other children and play on a team. Featured sports include: basketball, soccer, baseball and softball. Be sure to bring bottled water, a cap, and sunscreen. Cost is $50 per child. Register your child at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. A birth certificate is required at the time of registration. For more information call 439-2302. 

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

Thursday, September 11 • 6:00 p.m. Fire Station #363 675 Giulio Cesare Avenue Join the Sierra Vista Fire Department during this brief ceremony to pay tribute to the individuals who lost their lives during the attacks of September 11. This ceremony will also proudly recognize the brave men and women who protect and serve our community every day. For additional information contact Jeremy Baker at 458-3319.

Oktoberfest 2014

Friday, September 12 • 5:00–11:00 p.m. Saturday, September 13 • 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Veterans Memorial Park Sierra Vista’s largest and best fall festival is coming! Enjoy two days of family fun and entertainment. Enjoy a variety of cuisine from various food vendors, live entertainment from Der Biergarten and much more! For more information call 417-6980. 

Sierra Vista Regional Health Center Presents

Sierra Vista Regional Health Center Presents: 5 Wishes and How to Complete the Information Wednesday, September 17 • 1:00 p.m. Ethel H. Berger Center Discussing end of life care is not an easy conversation, but most of us will need to have this conversation. This presentation is designed to help individuals understand what end of life care is and how to approach making difficult decisions. Presenters will also help individuals plan for end of life care and help them to feel more comfortable when discussing this subject with family members and physicians. For additional information call Chris Swan at 439-2300. 

9th Annual Bearcat Pull for Special Olympics

Sunday, September 21 • 9:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Park Who’s up for the challenge of pulling the Sierra Vista Police Department’s 18,500-pound LENCO Bearcat armored personnel carrier 25 feet to benefit Special Olympics? Get your team together to enter in one of the four team categories: ironman (five members), male (up to eight members), female (up to ten members) and coed (five members of one gender and four of the other). Cost is $20 per person and teams that register prior to Monday, September 1 will receive free T-shirts for each team member! Teams are welcome to register day of the event between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. at the south end of Veterans Memorial Park. Pulling begins promptly at 9:00 a.m., so late entries will not be accepted. For information or to register contact Officer Tracy Grady at 452-7500 or mail your registration to the Sierra Vista Police Department at 911 N. Coronado Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635. Registration forms are available online at www.SierraVi...

Time to Vote!

Election Day • Tuesday, August 26  Exercise your right to vote! Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. If you don’t know (or aren’t sure of) your polling place, check online at or call the Cochise County Elections office at 432-8970.

The Script - Superheroes


FENCES - ARROWS (feat. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis) OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO


Another Money Saving Do It Yourself Project :) Evil Old Lady Buries Her Husband


NRA Women Tips & Tactics | Tatiana Whitlock: Text Before You Transition


VA News Digital: A conversation with Veterans


Thursday is Taco Night

American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 520.458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  For more information, call 520.459.4868, or go to .

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome. Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis. For more information, call 520.458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record-keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit.  If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours

Take a 90-minute tour providing a unique opportunity to learn how innovative engineering and optical technology melds with manufacturing techniques to produce the largest and most advanced giant (8.4 meters/27 feet) telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the technology and revolutionary processes involved in making the next generation of telescopes that will explore deep into outer space and produce cutting-edge scientific research. Tours occur daily; visit to purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 students, 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details or .

Mineral museum features ‘Best of Best’

The University of Arizona Mineral Museum's "Best of the Best" exhibit features many of the most exquisite minerals from the most admired collections in the state. The exhibit also brings together the stories behind the minerals — the search, the discovery, the history and the awe-inspiring science — that makes these specimens come to life.  The UA Mineral Museum is open daily and is located on the main floor of Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium. The exhibit is open through Dec. 30 with free admission to children under 4, children 4 – 15 are $5, Adults are $7, students with an ID are $4, seniors and military are $6.  For more information, call 520.621.4227.  

Locomotive Saturdays offered in Tucson

Explore regional transportation history, and see a freight trains passing by, or ring the locomotive bell at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum every Saturday, year round. Locomotive Saturdays are held at the historic Train Depot, 414 N. Toole Ave, Tucson, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, call 520.623.2223.

17th Signal Bn. Association 2014 Reunion

The 17th Signal Battalion Association will hold their 2014 Reunion on Sept. 18 – 21 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1065 Stevens Creek Rd., Augusta, Ga. Events planned for the 2014 Reunion include a tour of Fort Gordon and a golf tournament.  For more information and reservations, contact 703.819.0136 or .

Kars for Kids

The Boys & Girls Club of Sierra Vista and The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 28, present the Third Annual Kars for Kids — a car, truck and motorcycle show Sept. 13, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Cochise College Automotive Technology Center, 645 State Route 92, Sierra Vista. A $25 pre-registration fee is required. All years cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome. For more information, contact 520.456.7798, or . 

USAWOA Golf Tournament

The Arizona Silver Chapter of the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association will hold its annual Golf Tournament on Sept. 13 at the Turquoise Valley Golf Course in Naco. It is a 4-person scramble and costs $75 per player (TVGC members pay $ 54). Entry fee includes golf, cart, lunch, trophies, cash and raffle prizes. There is also a chance to win a hole-in-one 2014 Jeep Wrangler. Registration begins at 7 a.m.   For more information, call 520.220.7150 or 520.508.2685.

Rifle shoot announced

The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp 1710, will hold their annual black powder shooting contest, Aug. 30, 10:30 a.m. at the Sierra Vista Firing Range. Contestants will be judged in the muzzle loading rifle and carbine, breech loading rifle and carbine and magazine-fed rifle and carbine categories. There is a $2 range fee.  For more information, contact 520.456.6956 or . 

Citizens Fire Academy planned

The free Citizens Fire Academy program provides a glimpse into the working life of the Sierra Vista Fire Department. Learn about the hiring and training of personnel, safety in the home and workplace, fire prevention and more. Cadets will have a chance to ride with on-duty crews and participate in demonstrations. The Academy begins on Sept. 4, and will meet every Thursday evening at Fire Station #363, 675 Giulio Cesare, for nine consecutive weeks from 6 – 9 p.m. . Application deadline is Aug. 29. Class size is limited. Applications are available online at (search “Fire Academy”); at City Hall, 1011 N. Coronado Dr.; and at all Sierra Vista fire stations. For more information, call 520.417.4400.

Carr House program explores butterflies

Friends of the Huachuca Mountains continue their season of free educational programs Aug. 24, 1:30 p.m., with. “Butterflies of the Huachuca Mountains.” Priscilla Brodkin, co-author of “The Butterflies of Arizona: A Photographic Guide,” will speak. Add a new dimension to field trips and backyard nature watch. Learn about defense mechanisms, food and nectar plants and basic butterfly gardening  The program is free and the public is welcome.  To get to the Carr House visitor information center, take State Route 92 south to Carr Canyon Road adjacent to the Mesquite Tree Restaurant, turn right, travel approximately 3 miles and turn left at the fork into the parking lot.

15th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon

The 15 th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon takes place Aug. 23 at The Cove Aquatic Center, 2900 Martin Luther King Pkwy, Sierra Vista. Check-in begins at 5 a.m. Compete as an individual or as a team. Finish the 800-yard swim, 13-mile bike ride, and 5k run. Register before Aug. 22 ($45 individual or $75 per team) and receive an event T-shirt. A $10 late fee will be assessed to all participants/teams who register after 1 p.m. Aug. 22. Registration can be completed at the Ethel H. Berger Center, Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. For more information, call 520.439.2302 or 520.439.2275. 

Join Sierra Vista Community Chorus

The Sierra Vista Community Chorus is looking forward to another concert season and welcomes new members, adult men and women, and all past members. Rehearsals are held every Monday, starting Monday, 9:30 a.m., at the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St. For more information, call 520.378.2218.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  Volunteer training for upcoming school year programs will be held Saturday and Aug. 23, 8 a.m. – noon. For more information, call 520.459.4868, 520. 378.2201, or go to .

Enjoy horse show on post

The Huachuca Saddle Club will host a horse show Saturday at Wren Arena on Fort Huachuca. Show time is 9 a.m.  Full class list and entry forms can also be found on the web site for those who wish to pre-enter, otherwise enter classes on site starting at 8 a.m. No charge for spectators, so come on out and watch the fun! All shows are “open” shows so spectators will see all sizes/breeds of equines from miniature horses to draft horses.  For more information, call 520.488.4785.

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour

Tour the Titan Missile Museum, the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, by the light of the moon on the second Saturday night of each month, 5 – 9 p.m. Activities for youth include launching seltzer rockets and sampling space food. Remaining dates for the year are this Saturday and Sept. 13. The museum is located at 1580 Duval Mine Rd. in Green Valley. Admission is $7 for individuals 13 and older. Children under 12 and members are admitted for free. Reservations are required. Call 520.625.7736 to reserve a spot.

Fall Start Smart Sports Camp

Fall Start Smart Sports Camp runs Saturdays, Sept. 6–Oct. 11, • 8 –9 a.m. at Apache Middle School Gymnasium. Help motivate and develop the athletic abilities of boys and girls 3 – 5. Participants will develop motor skills and learn to interact with other children. Parents should wear tennis shoes to the camp. Featured sports include: basketball, soccer, baseball and softball. Bring bottled water, a cap and sunscreen. Cost is $50 per child. Register your child at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. A birth certificate is required at registration. For more information, call 520.439.2302. 

Learn about Apache style guerrilla warfare

Join Bisbee Corral of the Westerners, Sept. 4, 7 p.m., at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Coleman Rd., Bisbee. Learn about “Apache Style Guerrilla Warfare,” with Glenn Minuth. The Apaches employed various successful tactics in their raids, evasions, ambushes and attacks. The public is invited to this free program.  For more information, contact 520.378.1833, or 520.432.8350. Enjoy an optional dinner beforehand at 5 p.m. at the San Jose Restaurant, Naco Highway.

Explore desert cosmos

Through Aug. 31, visit the Tucson Desert Art Museum and explore the universe as seen above through astrophotographs taken by Adam Block of the U of A Sky Center. Block was named astronomy photographer of 2013 by the Royal Museums Observatory of Greenwich. The Art Museum is open Tuesday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sunday noon –5 p.m. and closed Mondays and major holidays.  Admission is $4 – $10. The Tucson Desert Art Museum is a Blue Star Museum and entrance is free for all active duty, National Guard, and Reserve military personnel and their Families through Labor Day. The Desert Art Museum is located at 7000 E. Tanque Verde Road, Ste. 16, Tucson.  For more information, call 520.202.3888.

Go buggy for insects

Enjoy Bug Night Saturday, 7 – 9:30 p.m., at Kartchner Caverns State Park John Palting, from the University Of Arizona Department Of Entomology, will talk about bugs followed by insect viewing outdoors (weather permitting). Bring a flashlight for this hands-on learning experience. Cost is just the entrance fee of $6 per vehicle.  For more information, go to or call 520.586.2283. 

Waves of Honor: Military Salute Program

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment® is honoring the men and women of the U.S. armed services through its Waves of Honor® military salute program. The program permits any U.S. active duty military, activated or drilling reservist, or National Guardsman to one complimentary admission per year to any of the following attractions: SeaWorld®, Busch Gardens®, Adventure Island®, Water Country USA®, Sesame Place® or Aquatic-a SeaWorld's Water-park® in San Diego for military personnel and as many as three direct dependents.  Visit for program eligibility and to register. For more information, call the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Ticket Office at 520.533.2404.

VA News 582




Robin Williams Military Tribute Video


The Thunder Mountain Twirlers 8-15

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a Main- stream Square Dance on Friday, Aug. 15, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Paul Turner will be our caller, and he will call a Plus Tip after the dance. Lisa Wall will cue Rounds. Only $4 for members, $5 for non-members, and free for non- dancers to come watch and so- cialize! Snacks and friendship are provided. Sierra Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 101 N. Lenzner Ave., in Sierra Vista. For more info contact Sandy at (520) 378-6719 or email 

An Evening with Robin Williams - Oscar winner and comedian Robin Williams died this morning at 63.


Eric Clapton - While my guitar gently weeps (HQ)(Concert for George)


Ginny Simone Reporting | Justice in New Jersey?


NRA-ILA Grassroots News Minute 08-08-2014


oktoberfest 9-5


Where great people go to meet great pets!

Sierra Vista Animal Connection Where great people go to meet great pets! Animals featured in the City Page are available for adoption from the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center, 6799 E. Hwy. 90 (458-4151). To view pictures of other pets available for adoption at the Animal Care Center, visit or (search “85635”).Check out these three cuties: Benny is a young Pug mix. He was found wandering around town and now needs a permanent loving home. He’s quite the character and we’re sure you’ll agree.  Stop in for visit and see him. Daisy is a Domestic Short-Hair. Due to a move, she was brought to our shelter. She is declawed and always been an indoor cat. She is very loving and would love to be a part of your family. Daisy does require a steroid shot every 6 months. Gunner is a young Husky. He is a very active dog and his family didn’t have enough time for him. Huskies love to run and can jump walls and climb fences. So if he’s the guy ...

Fall Start Smart Sports Camp

Saturdays, September 6–October 11 • 8:00–9:00 a.m. Apache Middle School Gymnasium Help motivate and develop the athletic abilities of your little ones (boys and girls ages three to five). Participants will develop essential motor skills and also learn how to interact with other children. Parents should wear tennis shoes to the camp since they will be in the middle of all the action! Featured sports include: basketball, soccer, baseball and softball. Be sure to bring bottled water, a cap, and sunscreen. Cost is $50 per child. Register your child at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. A birth certificate is required at the time of registration. For more information call 439-2302. 

Citizens Fire Academy

Application Deadline Friday, August 29 This free program provides a glimpse into the working life of the Sierra Vista Fire Department. Learn about the hiring and training of personnel, safety in the home and workplace, fire prevention, and more. Cadets will also have a chance to ride with on-duty crews and participate in demonstrations. The Academy begins on Thursday, September 4, and will meet every Thursday evening at Fire Station #363, 675 Giulio Cesare, for nine consecutive weeks from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.  Applications will be reviewed and class size is limited. Applications are available online at (search “Fire Academy”); at City Hall, 1011 N. Coronado Drive; and at all Sierra Vista Fire Stations. For more information contact Captain Robert Fields, CFA Program Coordinator, at 417-4400.

2014 United States Army Soldier Show

Tuesday, August 26 • 7:00 p.m. and/or Wednesday, August 27 • 7:00 p.m. Buena Performing Arts Center Buena High School Major General Robert P. Ashley, commanding general United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, invites you to the 2014 United States Army Soldier Show.  The stage is set for 19 soldiers from across the country to entertain the nation with a 75-minute song and dance production themed “Stand Strong.” Admission to this event is free and is on a first–come, first–serve basis. For more information call 266-0254 or 533-5714. 

Water Wise Presents: The 17th Annual Water Wise

Master Gardener Xeriscape Tour Saturday, August 23 • 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Get ideas on how to decorate your yard from several beautiful low-water landscapes in the Sierra Vista area during this self-guided tour. Call the Water Wise Cooperative Extension Office at 384-3594 or email the office at for maps and details. 

15th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon

Saturday, August 23 Check-in begins at 5:00 a.m. The Cove Compete for glory and honor as an individual or a team in this 800-yard swim, 13-mile bike ride, and 5k run. Register before Friday, August 22 ($45 per person or $75 per team) and receive an event T-shirt. A $10 late fee will be assessed after 1:00 p.m. on August 22. Register at the Ethel H. Berger Center, Oscar Yrun Community Center, or The Cove. For more information call Jack at 439-2302 or Terese at 439-2275. 

Sierra Vista Community Chorus

Rehearsals begin Monday, August 18 • 9:30 a.m. Ethel H. Berger Center (EBC) FREE The Sierra Vista Community Chorus, under the direction of Sharon Keene, is looking forward to another exciting concert season and welcomes new members, adult men and women, and all members who helped make the past season a success. Rehearsals are held every Monday, starting August 18, at 9:30 a.m. at EBC. If you have questions, contact Marilyn Penrose at 378-2218. 

Be a Local Tourist — Bug Night

Saturday, August 16 • 7:00–9:30 p.m. Kartchner Caverns State Park Come check out the creepy, crawly critters at Kartchner Cavern’s Bug Night! Fun for the whole family, this event includes a presentation by John Palting, from the University Of Arizona Department Of Entomology, followed by insect viewing outdoors (weather permitting). Be sure to bring a flashlight for this hands-on learning experience. Cost is just the entrance fee of $6 per vehicle. Visit for more information or call 586-2283. 

Henry F. Hauser Museum Closed August 4–22

The Museum and Gift Shop will be closed August 4 through 22 for collections inventory. Once completed, the Museum hopes to have the archival, photograph, and artifact collections available for researchers, organizations, and curious individuals. The museum will reopen for regular hours on Monday, August 25. We thank you for your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.

The City Seeks Your Input

Join the conservation and share your ideas to one or both of these questions with friends and neighbors at .  The City would like your input on what you like best about the Leisure and Library programs. If you have not participated in a program before, tell us what would make you want to do so?  Do you harvest rainwater or manage runoff to benefit your landscaping and conserve water? Share your thoughts about this important issue

In The Fight: Episode 89 - 1080p


Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars (Official video)
