Music Calendar...
In 1950 Frank Sinatra makes his TV debut appearing on NBC's "Star-Spangled Review" with Bob Hope. In 1957 Buddy Holly & the Crickets' single "That'll Be The Day" is released. In 1961 Johnny Cash appears on the NBC-TV drama "The Deputy." In 1962 Bob Dylan's album "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan," containing the track "Blowin' in the Wind," is released. In 1963 The Beatles' single "From Me To You" b/w "Thank You Girl" is released in the U.S. It wouldn't chart until the following March. In 1964 Eleven boys are suspended at a Coventry, England, school for having hair styles like Mick Jagger. In 1966 John Lennon and Bob Dylan appear in a TV documentary "Eat The Document" on New York's educational TV station WNDT. In 1967 Columbia Records and RCA Victor announce they would raise the list price of mono albums by one dollar on June 1. It's the first increase since 1953. In 19