
Showing posts from July, 2014

Thursday is Taco Night

American Legion Post 52 sponsors Taco Night, every Thursday, 4 – 7 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Members, guests and active duty service members and Families are invited.  For more information, call 520.459.6050.

Enjoy bingo twice a week

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9972 hold bingo at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Monday at 549 Veterans Dr., Sierra Vista. Bingo is open to the public. For more information, call 520.458.9972.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.   For more information, call 520.459.4868, or go to .

Meet public, visitors — volunteer

Volunteering is a way to be involved in the community, make new friends, stay active and have fun. New additions are always welcome.  Volunteer at the Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Commit to a set schedule, or be available on an on-call basis.  For more information, call 520.458.6940. The Henry F. Hauser Museum is looking for a creative, outgoing person to help manage the gift shop. Someone with retail and record-keeping experience who enjoys people could find this position to be the perfect fit. If interested, contact 520.439.2306 or .

Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tours

Take a 90-minute tour providing a unique opportunity to learn how innovative engineering and optical technology melds with manufacturing techniques to produce the largest and most advanced giant (8.4 meters/27 feet) telescope mirrors in the world. Visitors will see the technology and revolutionary processes involved in making the next generation of telescopes that will explore deep into outer space and produce cutting-edge scientific research. Tours occur daily; visit to purchase tour tickets. Admission is $15 for adults, $8 students, 7 – 22. Contact 520.626.8792 for details or .

17th Signal Bn. Association 2014 Reunion

The 17th Signal Battalion Association will hold their 2014 Reunion on Sept. 18 – 21 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1065 Stevens Creek Rd., Augusta, Ga. Several events planned for the 2014 Reunion include a tour of Fort Gordon and a golf tournament.  For more information and reservations, contact 703.819.0136 or .

USAWOA Golf Tournament

The Arizona Silver Chapter of the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association will hold its annual Golf Tournament on Sept. 13 at the Turquoise Valley Golf Course in Naco. It is a 4-person scramble and costs $75 per player (TVGC members pay $ 54). Entry fee includes golf, cart, lunch, trophies, cash and raffle prizes. There is also a chance to win a hole-in-one 2014 Jeep Wrangler. Registration begins at 7 a.m.  For more information, call 520.220.7150 or 520.508.2685.

Citizens Fire Academy planned

The free Citizens Fire Academy program provides a glimpse into the working life of the Sierra Vista Fire Department. Learn about the hiring and training of personnel, safety in the home and workplace, fire prevention and more. Cadets will have a chance to ride with on-duty crews and participate in demonstrations. The Academy begins on Sept. 4, and will meet every Thursday evening at Fire Station #363, 675 Giulio Cesare, for nine consecutive weeks from 6 – 9 p.m. . Application deadline is Aug. 29. Class size is limited. Applications are available online at (search “Fire Academy”); at City Hall, 1011 N. Coronado Dr.; and at all Sierra Vista fire stations. For more information, call 520.417.4400.

15th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon

The 15 th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon takes place Aug. 23 at The Cove Aquatic Center, 2900 Martin Luthr King Pkwy, Sierra Vista. Check-in begins at 5 a.m. Compete as an individual or as a team. Finish the 800-yard swim, 13-mile bike ride, and 5k run. Register before Aug. 22 ($45 individual or $75 per team) and receive an event T-shirt. A $10 late fee will be assessed to all participants/teams who register after 1 p.m. Aug. 22. Registration can be completed at the Ethel H. Berger Center, Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. For more information, call 520.439.2302 or 520.439.2275. 

Join Sierra Vista Community Chorus

The Sierra Vista Community Chorus is looking forward to another concert season and welcomes new members, adult men and women, and all past members. Rehearsals are held every Monday, starting Aug. 18, 9:30 a.m. at the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St. For more information, call 520.378.2218.

Horse around while helping others

Love horses? CANTER needs horse handlers and side walkers to support its therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities. No previous horse experience is necessary. CANTER operates Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 7388 Chief Joseph Rd. off Moson Road.  Volunteer training for upcoming school year programs will be held Aug. 16 and 23, 8 a.m. – noon.  For more information, call 520.459.4868, 520. 378.2201, or go to .

Carr House program features Gould’s turkeys

Friends of the Huachuca Mountains continue their season of free educational programs Aug. 10, 1:30 p.m., with “Road to Restoration: the Gould’s Turkey,” presented by John Millican of the Sierra Vista Gould’s Chapter, National Wild Turkey Federation. This presentation will update the efforts of the National Wild Turkey Federation, volunteers and partners to re-introduce the Gould’s turkey into Southeast Arizona. He will discuss local and regional efforts, habitat enhancement projects and funding sources. The program is free and the public is welcome. To get to the Carr House visitor information center, take State Route 92 south to Carr Canyon Road adjacent to the Mesquite Tree Restaurant, turn right, travel approximately 3 miles and turn left at the fork into the parking lot.

Take Titan Missile Museum Tour

Tour the Titan Missile Museum, the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, by the light of the moon on the second Saturday night of each month, 5 – 9 p.m. Activities for youth include launching seltzer rockets and sampling space food. Remaining dates are Aug. 9 and Sept. 13. The museum is located at 1580 Duval Mine Rd. in Green Valley. Admission is $7 for individuals 13 and older. Children under 12 and members are admitted for free. Reservations are required. Call 520.625.7736 to reserve a spot.

Twirlers host square dance

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a square dance 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., Aug. 8. Cost is $4 for members, $5 for non-members, and free for non-dancers to come watch and socialize. Snacks and friendship are provided. The event takes place at the Sierra Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 101 N. Lenzner, Sierra Vista.   For more information, contact 520.378.6719 or .

Astronomy Club to meet

The Huachuca Astronomy Club will hold their next meeting on Aug. 8, 7 p.m., in the community room, Student Union Building, Cochise College, 901 North Colombo Avenue, Sierra Vista.  Guest speaker Richard Harshaw will relate the recent efforts of a team of astronomers and engineers to test and assess the pointing accuracy of the McMath-Pierce 0.8 meter East Auxiliary Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The meeting is free and open to the public.

SV seeks leadership program candidates

The Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce is preparing to launch its 16th Annual Leadership Sierra Vista program. Once a month, class members spend a day visiting local agencies and learning about subjects important to the overall well being of Sierra Vista and Cochise County. The experience includes a special leadership orientation and then an in-depth look at such diverse topics as Fort Huachuca, local government, health care, education, law enforcement, tourism and border issues.  Class size is limited and the application deadline is Aug. 8. For more information, call 520.458.6940.

CC Youth Orchestra seeks strings players

The Cochise County Youth Orchestra (CCYO) is welcomes violin, viola, cello and bass players to join next semester, which runs from Aug. 12 – Dec. 3. The semester ends with a free winter concert in May at Kino Hall on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. Three different orchestra levels are offered, including a beginning, intermediate and advanced class. Students who don’t have instruments will be fitted and given rental or purchase info at the first rehearsal.  Rehearsals take place at Calvary’s Rock Church, 231 Canyon Dr., Sierra Vista. Tuition rates, class schedules, maps, and more information can be found on the website at .  For more information, call 520.678.0397.

Build birdhouses with your children

The Sons, American Legion Post 52, will host a birdhouse building workshop, Aug. 10, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., at American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., Sierra Vista. Bring the children out for a day of birdhouse building. All materials and tools will be provided, along with cold drinks and snacks. Children of all ages are welcome. Register through Saturday; Families must be on the sign-up sheet in order to participate. Open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and Families.  For more information, call 520.459.6050. 

Attract pollinators with native plants

Water Wise presents “Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants,” Aug. 9, 9 – 10:30 a.m., at the University of Arizona, Sierra Vista Campus, North Columbo Avenue. Landscaping with native plants is a sure-fire way to have watchable wildlife in your own yard. Come see how easy it is to do! The presenter will share experiences from her own yard where more than 200 low-water native plants attract 178 species of birds, 115 species of butterflies, and 20 species of dragonflies.  For more information contact Water Wise, 520.458.8278, ext. 2141 or . 

Bisbee Corral of Westerners meet

Learn about “The Benson Smelter: a Poem, a Stink, a Grating Noise, a Quality of Light, a Tone, a Habit, a Nostalgia, a Dream” with Larry Thomas. Attend the Bisbee Corral of the Westerners meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m., at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Coleman Rd., Bisbee. Everyone is welcome. For information, contact 520.378.1833, or 520.432.8350. Dinner (optional) will be held beforehand at 5 p.m. at the San Jose Restaurant, Naco Highway.

Sierra Vista Mayoral Forum

The Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce will host a Sierra Vista Mayoral Forum Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., at the Buena High School Auditorium, 5225 East Buena School Street. Admission is free, and the public is invited.  For more information, contact 520.458.6940 or .

‘Choose Wisely’— a healthful foods presentation

Sierra Vista Regional Health Center presents “Choose Wisely,” Wednesday, 10 a.m. – noon, at the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista. “Choose Wisely” is a presentation about how the foods people choose to eat can make them sick. Become more aware of how making good choices can improve your health almost immediately.  For more information, call 520.439.2300. 

Adult education classes in Sierra Vista

Classes begin Aug. 12 for High School Equivalency test preparation classes and English Language Acquisition courses on the Cochise College Sierra Vista Campus, 901 N. Columbo Ave. Register through Tuesday. Applicants must apply in person at the Adult Education/1400 Building during regular business hours, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday.  Applicants should bring a legal photo ID for proof of residence at the time of registration. Orientation will be held for students prior to the start of classes. For more information, call 520.515.5456.

Attend Diamondbacks baseball game

Cheer on the Arizona Diamondbacks as they battle the Pittsburgh Pirates at Chase Field on Sunday. Tickets are $50 per person and include round trip transportation from the Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista, departing at 9 a.m. Buy tickets at the Oscar Yrun Community Center, EBC, or The Cove. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a paid adult.  For detailed information, call 520.439.2302. 

Tombstone salutes Buffalo Soldiers

On Saturday and Sunday the City of Tombstone will salute the Buffalo Soldiers, who helped tame the “Old Wild West” during Arizona’s Territorial Period. The event is sponsored by the Wild West Detachment, Marine Corps League, Tombstone. Ongoing Street Entertainment will take place starting at 10 a.m., and the Salute to the Buffalo Soldiers Parade will be held 11 a.m. on Saturday. Entertainment will resume when the parade ends. For additional information, contact 520.266.5266, , or 520.678.4570.

Cochise County Immunization Clinic

Cochise County Health and Social Services has new clinic days and times available for children’s immunizations. Stop in at 4115 E. Foothills Dr., Sierra Vista, 8:30 – 11 a.m. or 1 – 4 p.m. Mondays. A late clinic is held the fourth Monday of each month from 4 – 6 p.m. The clinic also provides adult immunizations on Tuesdays from 8 – 11 a.m.  For more information or a complete list of all Cochise County clinics contact 520.803.3900 or . 

Election Poll workers needed

Cochise County is hiring poll workers for the Aug. 26 primary and Nov. 4 general elections for voting locations in the City of Sierra Vista. If interested in applying, contact the Cochise County Elections Department, 520.432.8972.

Bring on the 60's 9-6


Sierra Vista Animal Connection

Sierra Vista Animal Connection Where great people go to meet great pets! Animals featured in the City Page are available for adoption from the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center, 6799 E. Hwy. 90 (458-4151). To view pictures of other pets available for adoption at the Animal Care Center, visit or (search “85635”).Check out these three cuties: Charlie i s an adult Pointer mix. He and his friend Happy were brought in together due to financial problems in the family. Charlie is house trained and good with children. He is very gentle and good with other dogs. Please visit him today. Happy is a Corgi and Border Collie mix. She is about 5 years old and completely house trained and just wonderful with children. She came in with Charlie, the Pointer mix, and they would make an awesome pair for your home!  Frankie is a Boxer whose Dad had to go overseas and couldn’t take him with him. He’s a beautiful boy with lots of fine qualities. Com...

Citizens Fire Academy

Citizens Fire Academy Application Deadline August 29 This free program provides a glimpse into the working life of the Sierra Vista Fire Department. Learn about the hiring and training of personnel, safety in the home and workplace, fire prevention, and more. Cadets will also have a chance to ride with on-duty crews and participate in demonstrations. The Academy begins on Thursday, September 4, and will meet every Thursday evening at Fire Station #363, 675 Giulio Cesare, for nine consecutive weeks from 6:00–9:00 p.m. . Applications will be reviewed and class size is limited. Applications are available online at (search “Fire Academy”); at City Hall, 1011 N. Coronado Drive; and at all Sierra Vista Fire Stations. For more information contact Captain Robert Fields, CFA Program Coordinator, at 417-4400.

15th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon

15 th Annual Hummingbird Triathlon Saturday, August 23 Check-in begins at 5:00 a.m. The Cove Show off your level of fitness by competing as an individual or as a team. Finish the 800-yard swim, 13-mile bike ride, and 5k run to earn glory and honor! Register before Friday, August 22 ($45 PP or $75 per team) and receive an event T-shirt. A $10 late fee will be assessed to all participants/teams who register after 1:00 p.m. on August 22. Registration can be completed at the Ethel H. Berger Center, Oscar Yrun Community Center, or The Cove. For more information call Jack at 439-2302 or Terese at 439-2275. 

Sierra Vista Community Chorus

Sierra Vista Community Chorus Rehearsals begin Monday, August 18 • 9:30 a.m. Ethel H. Berger Center (EBC) FREE The Sierra Vista Community Chorus, under the direction of Sharon Keene, is looking forward to another exciting concert season and welcomes new members, adult men and women, and all members who helped make the past season a success. Rehearsals are held every Monday, starting August 18, at 9:30 a.m. at EBC. If you have questions, contact Marilyn Penrose at 378-2218.  

Water Wise Presents: Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants

Water Wise Presents: Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants Saturday, August 9 • 9:00–10:30 a.m. University of Arizona-Sierra Vista Landscaping with native plants is a sure-fire way to have watchable wildlife in your own yard. Come see how easy it is to do! The presenter will share experiences from her own yard where over 200 low-water native plants attract 178 species of birds, 115 species of butterflies, and 20 species of dragonflies. Plants will be for sale after the presentation. For more information call Water Wise at 458-8278, ext. 2141 or visit . 

J.A. Jance Book Readings and Signings

J.A. Jance Book Readings and Signings Friday, August 8 • 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Ethel H. Berger Center Hear a live reading of Remains of Innocence: a Brady Novel of Suspense and have your book signed by none other than J.A. Jance herself! Sheriff Joanna Brady must solve two perplexing cases that may be tied together. This thrilling tale of suspense (on sale now) brings to life Arizona's Cochise County and the desert southwest in all its beauty and mystery. 

Sierra Vista Regional Health Center Presents: Choose Wisely

Sierra Vista Regional Health Center Presents: Choose Wisely Wednesday, August 6 • 10:00 a.m.–Noon Ethel H. Berger Center Did you know that our bodies have a “second brain” (not in our heads) that tells us to eat healthy? But manufactured and processed foods tell the brain in our heads to eat food that can make us sick? Choose Wisely is a presentation about how the foods you choose to eat can make you sick. Come learn about your second brain and become more aware of how making good choices can improve your health almost immediately. For more information contact Chris Swan at 439-2300. 

Sierra Vista Spotlight Breakfast

Sierra Vista Spotlight Breakfast Tuesday, August 12 • 7:30–9:00 a.m. Windemere Hotel and Conference Center Buffet opens at 6:45 a.m. • Tickets $20.00 per person Here is your opportunity to learn more about the City’s recent accomplishments, priorities, and plans for the future. There are only a few seats left, so don’t delay in making your reservation! The reservation deadline is Monday, August 4 and prepayment is required. To make your reservation call 458-7922 or 417-4800.

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip Sunday, August 3 Depart from the Ethel H. Berger Center at 9:00 a.m. Cheer on the Arizona Diamondbacks as they battle the Pittsburgh Pirates at Chase Field. Tickets are $50 per person and include round trip transportation from the Ethel H. Berger Center (EBC). Buy tickets at the Oscar Yrun Community Center, EBC, or The Cove. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a paid adult. Call 439-2302 for detailed information

Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival

Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival Thursday, July 31–Saturday, August 2 Cochise College Southwest Wings is Arizona’s longest running nature festival and is ranked as one the best birding festivals in the United States. Plan to attend programs at Cochise College and register for events, field trips, and the festival dinner featuring keynote speaker Ed Harper. For schedules, registration, and information please visit or call 266-0149. 

Be a Local Tourist — Nature Walk at Ramsey Canyon Preserve

Be a Local Tourist — Nature Walk at Ramsey Canyon Preserve Thursday, July 31 • 9:00 a.m. 27 E. Ramsey Canyon Come and explore the diversity of birds and wildlife found in the Preserve and surrounding national forest. Visitors from all over the world come to see southwestern specialties such as painted redstarts, black bears, Chiricahua leopard frogs and dozens of species of butterflies. Cost is $3 per person for Conservancy members and Cochise County residents; $6 for out-of-county visitors. Children under 16 are free. For more information call 378-2785 or 417-6960. 

Summer Reading Program – Science of Electricity

Summer Reading Program – Science of Electricity Wednesday, July 30 • Noon–5:00 p.m. Sierra Vista Public Library Keep the kids reading and ready for the next school year at the Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme, “Fizz, Boom, Read,” is all about science! Reading goals are set for each age group and regular incentives include bookmarks, T-shirts, and brand new books about science experiments for every age level. Young scientists will also have fun learning about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. Morning, afternoon, evening, weekday, and weekend activities are scheduled so that everyone can participate! Find a complete list of activities at 

Cochise County Immunization Clinic

Cochise County Immunization Clinic  E. Foothills Drive If your child was unable to attend the Back-to-School Immunization Clinic, don’t worry! Cochise County Health and Social Services has new clinic days and times available for children’s immunizations. Stop in Mondays from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. A late clinic is held the fourth Monday of each month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The clinic also provides adult immunizations on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. For more information or a complete list of all Cochise County clinics call 803-3900 or visit 

Cochise County Veteran Stand Down and Resource Fair 8 22


Elks Club Wine & Blues Night 8 2


Giant 6ft Water Balloon - The Slow Mo Guys


Bacon & Cheese Stuffed Peppers by the BBQ Pit Boys


Weaponized Manure


Water Wise Presents: Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants

Water Wise Presents: Attracting Pollinators with Native Plants Saturday, August 9 • 9:00–10:30 a.m. University of Arizona-Sierra Vista Landscaping with native plants is a sure-fire way to have watchable wildlife in your own yard. Come see how easy it is to do! The presenter will share experiences from her own yard where over 200 low-water native plants attract 178 species of birds, 115 species of butterflies, and 20 species of dragonflies. For more information call Water Wise at 458-8278, ext. 2141 or visit . 

J.A. Jance Book Reading and Signings

J.A. Jance Book Reading and Signings Friday, August 8 • 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Ethel H. Berger Center Hear a live reading of Remains of Innocence: a Brady Novel of Suspense and have your book signed by none other than J.A. Jance herself! Sheriff Joanna Brady must solve two perplexing cases that may be tied together. This thrilling tale of suspense (on sale Tuesday, July 22) brings to life Arizona's Cochise County and the desert southwest in all its beauty and mystery. 

Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival

Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival Thursday, July 31–Saturday, August 2 Cochise College Southwest Wings is Arizona’s longest running nature festival and is ranked as one the best birding festivals in the United States. Plan to attend field trips and programs at Cochise College. Register for events, field trips, and the festival dinner featuring keynote speaker Ed Harper. For schedules, registration, and information please visit or call 266-0149. 

Be a Local Tourist — Friends of the Huachuca Mountains

Be a Local Tourist — Friends of the Huachuca Mountains The Arizona National Scenic Trail Sunday, July 27 • 1:30 p.m. Carr House Spanning the entire length of the state from the U.S./Mexico border to the Utah state line, The Arizona National Scenic Trail features some the state’s most spectacular and lesser known areas. Come hear the latest updates about the trail, its history, the natural resources that make it unique, the importance of the trail for local communities, and much more. For more information visit .  

9/11 Memorial Fundraiser Dinner

9/11 Memorial Fundraiser Dinner Saturday, July 26 • 3:00–8:00 p.m. Elks Lodge #2065, Corner of Wilcox Drive and Elks Lane Help build a 9/11 Memorial in Sierra Vista by joining the Sierra Vista Fire Department and the B.P.O.E (Elks) #2065 for a delicious grilled ribeye steak dinner. Tickets are $15 per person with all proceeds going towards the construction of the memorial. Tickets are available at all City and Fry Fire Stations, and at the Elks Lodge. For information call 255-1248 or 227-3141. Can’t make the barbeque but still want to help? Bring your donation to Sierra Vista Fire Station #3, 675 Giulio Cesare. 

16th Annual 5K Run Around the Park

16 th Annual 5K Run Around the Park Saturday, July 26 • 7:00 a.m. Apache Middle School Gym Parking Lot Have a morning full of fitness fun at the 5K Run Around the Park. Register early and receive a race T-shirt. Register at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. Registration forms for participants 17 years of age or younger must be signed by a parent or guardian and they must be present at the event. $15 per person for early registration and $20 per person for registration the day of the race. For information call Jack at 439-2302 or Terese at 439-2275.

Summer Concerts in the Park

Summer Concerts in the Park Saturday, July 26 • 6:30 p.m. The Sierra Vista Community Band Relax, enjoy the sunset, and the sounds of the Sierra Vista Community Band. Please note the concert schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather. For more information, call Leisure Services at 417-4800.

Adult Lecture Programs

Adult Lecture Programs Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma Street Free Spend your summer afternoon with us! Adult presentations are from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Mark your calendar to join us. For more information call 439-2306. Sorry, children’s programs are full. July 26: Take the “Journey to Brown Canyon Ranch” with Sarah Barchas and Jose Garcia. Discover the history of the ranch and current preservation efforts. The Barchas family was the last owner of the ranch prior to donating the land to the U.S. Forest Service for preservation and education. Jose Garcia was born at the ranch in the 1940s. 

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Word Crimes


NRA News Ginny Simone Reporting | My Job or My Life


NRA News Commentators | Ep. 77: Chris Cheng "Government Intrusion"


Ribeye Steak and all the summertime fixin's!

We all remember where we were on September 11th 2001. Now the City, Fire Department, and Elks Lodge of Sierra Vista are joining together to build a beautiful and lasting 911 memorial at Station 363. Join us July 26th from 3 to 8 p.m. for a great fundraiser and dinner of Ribeye Steak and all the summertime fixin's! The band, Forged by Fire, will be performing! Tickets are available at all city fire stations or by calling 458.2065. All for $15.00 with the proceeds going to the memorial construction! Come join us July 26th .

Sierra Vista Animal Connection

Sierra Vista Animal Connection Where great people go to meet great pets! Animals featured in the City Page are available for adoption from the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center, 6799 E. Hwy. 90 (458-4151). To view pictures of other pets available for adoption at the Animal Care Center, visit or (search “85635”).Check out these three cuties: Stripes i s a handsome orange tabby Domestic Short Hair. He is house trained, and has a wonderful temperament. He is now ready for a new forever indoor home. Please come by to visit to see if he isn’t just a “purrfect” fit for your family! Angel is a medium sized Domestic Long Hair. She is looking for an indoor forever home. Her coat needed a shave and her new fur is growing in nicely. She has a cocky ear that responds to good vibes. Please visit and see what an angel she is! Leighlee is a young Pit Bull Terrier Mix who is current with her shots and is spayed. She is house- and kennel-trained, ...

9/11 Memorial Fundraiser Dinner

9/11 Memorial Fundraiser Dinner Saturday, July 26 • 3:00–8:00 p.m. Elks Lodge #2065, Corner of Wilcox Drive and Elks Lane Help to build a 9/11 Memorial in Sierra Vista by joining the Sierra Vista Fire Department and the B.P.O.E (Elks) #2065 for a delicious grilled ribeye steak dinner. Tickets are $15 per person with all proceeds going towards the construction of the Memorial. Tickets are available at all City and Fry Fire Stations, and at the Elks Lodge. For information call 255-1248 or 227-3141. Can’t make the barbeque but still want to help? Bring your donation to Sierra Vista Fire Station #3, 675 Giulio Cesare. 

16th Annual 5K Run Around the Park

16 th Annual 5K Run Around the Park Saturday, July 26 • 7:00 a.m. Apache Middle School Gym Parking Lot Have a morning full of fitness fun at the 5K Run Around the Park. Register early and receive a race t-shirt. Register at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. Registration forms for participants 17 years of age or younger must be signed by a parent or guardian and they must be present at the event. The race fee is $15 per person for early registration, and $20 per person for registration the day of the race. For information call Jack at 439-2302, or Terese at 439-2275.

Tsunami Night

Tsunami Night “The Cove” Cranks Up the Waves! Friday, July 25 • 7:00–10:00 p.m. The Cove $10 per person Celebrate the summer by riding the BIG waves seen only at The Cove. DJ Tech FX will be on site cranking up the music so bring your best dance moves for the Tsunami Night Dance Contest! Admission includes pizza and soda. For information, call The Cove at 417-4800.

Back-to-School Immunization Clinic

Back-to-School Immunization Clinic Thursday, July 24 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. and 1:00–4:00 p.m. 4115 E. Foothills Drive Cochise County Health and Social Services is holding a vaccination clinic for all school-aged children requiring immunizations to attend school. Parents or guardians are reminded to bring their child’s immunization record and insurance card, if applicable. Shots will be given on a walk-in (first-come, first-served) basis. For more information and a complete list of all Cochise County clinic locations please visit, or call 803-3900. 

Summer Reading Program – Science of Electricity

Summer Reading Program – Science of Electricity Tuesday, July 22 • 4:00–7:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 30 • Noon–5:00 p.m. Sierra Vista Public Library Keep the kids reading and ready for next school year at the Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme, “Fizz, Boom, Read,” is all about science! Reading goals are set for each age group and regular incentives include bookmarks, T-shirts, and brand new books about science experiments for every age level. Young scientists will also have fun learning about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. Morning, afternoon, evening, weekday, and weekend activities are scheduled so that everyone can participate! Find a complete list of activities at 

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip Sunday, July 20 Depart from the Ethel H. Berger Center at 9:00 a.m. Cheer on the Arizona Diamondbacks as they battle the Chicago Cubs at Chase Field. Tickets are $50 per person and include round trip transportation from the Ethel H. Berger Center (EBC). Buy tickets at the Oscar Yrun Community Center, EBC, or The Cove. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a paid adult. Call 439-2302 for detailed information. 

Be a Local Tourist — Bird Walk

Be a Local Tourist — Bird Walk  Sunday, July 20 • 7:00 a.m. Environmental Operations Park (EOP) Have a relaxing Sunday morning and see some of southeastern Arizona’s most beautiful birds during the bird walk at the Environmental Operations Park (EOP). The walks are lead by docents from the Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory Huachuca Audubon Society, and the Friends of the San Pedro River Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. Participation is on a first come first serve basis. For more information call 417-6960 or 508-4445. 

Summer Concerts in the Park

Summer Concerts in the Park Saturday, July 19 • 6:30 p.m. Desert Swing Relax, enjoy the sunset, and the sounds of the Desert Swing. Please note the concert schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather. For more information, call Leisure Services at 417-4800. Next week’s concert, on Saturday, July 26, will feature the Sierra Vista Community Band.

Monsoon Madness Throw-a-Bowl-a-Thon

Monsoon Madness Throw-a-Bowl-a-Thon Saturday, July 19• 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. The Pottery Studio @ Sierra Vista Oscar Yrun Community Center 2030 E. Tacoma Street Take a break from the lightning, thunder, and rain, and make a few bowls for the Empty Bowls fundraiser. If you are an experienced potter, come learn how to throw lots of bowls on the wheel. If you are a hand-builder, there will be clay and molds available for you to make a bowl. If you have never made anything out of clay, volunteers will be on hand to help beginners hand-build a bowl. Everyone is more than welcome to just watch and cheer and enjoy some refreshments.

Summer Saturdays @ the Museum

Summer Saturdays @ the Museum  Adult Lecture Programs Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma Street Free Spend your hot summer afternoons with us! Adult presentations are from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Mark your calendar to join us. For more information call 439-2306. Sorry, children’s programs are full. July 19: Discover famed Tombstone photographer C. S. Fly's journey around Arizona with local historian Craig McEwan.  July 26: Take the “Journey to Brown Canyon Ranch” with Sarah Barchas and Jose Garcia. Discover the history of the ranch and current preservation efforts. The Barchas family was the last owner of the ranch prior to donating the land to the U.S. Forest Service for preservation and education. Jose Garcia was born at the ranch in the 1940s. 

Kenny Chesney - American Kids


Sierra Vista Animal Connection

Sierra Vista Animal Connection Where great people go to meet great pets! Animals featured in the City Page are available for adoption from the Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Center, 6799 E. Hwy. 90 (458-4151). To view pictures of other pets available for adoption at the Animal Care Center, visit or (search “85635”).Check out these three cuties: Magic is an adult Terrier, Pit Bull Mix. She is wonderful with children and other dogs and is house trained. Her previous owners had to give her up, so now she is looking for a new forever home. Come by and experience the magic with this great dog! Johnny is a young male Shepherd Mix. He has a beautiful shiny black coat. He was found wandering, so his background is unknown, but what is known is that he is very eager to please. Won’t you come by and see how he can please you?  Rose is a beautiful Calico female. She was found wandering close to Whitton Street. She is house trained and a just b...

9/11 Memorial Dinner and Fundraiser

9/11 Memorial Dinner and Fundraiser Saturday, July 26 • 3:00–8:00 p.m. Elks Lodge #2065, Corner of Wilcox Drive and Elks Lane Help to build a 9/11 Memorial in Sierra Vista by joining the Sierra Vista Fire Department and the B.P.O.E (Elks) #2065 for a delicious grilled ribeye steak dinner. Tickets are $15 per person with all proceeds going towards the construction of the Memorial. Tickets are available at all City and Fry Fire Stations and at the Elks Lodge. For more information call 255-1248 or 227-3141.

16th Annual 5K Run Around the Park

16 th Annual 5K Run Around the Park Saturday, July 26 • 7:00 a.m. Apache Middle School Gym Parking Lot Have a morning full of fitness fun by registering for this year’s 5K Run Around the Park. Participants who register early will receive a race t-shirt. First, second, and third place will be awarded in each division/category. Register at the Oscar Yrun Community Center or The Cove. Registration forms for participants 17 years of age or younger must be signed by a parent or guardian and they must be present at the event. Cost is $15 per person during early registration and $20 per person for registration the day of the race. For more information call Jack at 439-2302 or Terese at 439-2275.

Tsunami Night

Tsunami Night “The Cove cranks up the waves!” Friday, July 25 • 7:00–10:00 p.m. The Cove $10 per person Celebrate the summer by riding the BIG waves seen only at The Cove. DJ Tech FX will be on site cranking up the music so bring your best dance moves for the Tsunami Night Dance Contest! Admission includes pizza and soda. For more information, call The Cove at 417-4800.

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip

Diamondbacks Baseball Game Trip Sunday, July 20 Depart from the Ethel H. Berger Center at 9:00 a.m. Cheer on the Arizona Diamondbacks as they battle the Chicago Cubs at Chase Field. Tickets are $50 per person and include round trip transportation from the Ethel H. Berger Center (EBC). Tickets can be purchased at the Oscar Yrun Community Center, EBC, or The Cove. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a paid adult. Call 439-2302 for detailed information. 

Summer Saturdays @ the Museum

Summer Saturdays @ the Museum  Adult Lecture Programs Ethel H. Berger Center, 2950 E. Tacoma Street Free Spend your hot summer afternoons with us! Adult presentations are from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Mark your calendar to join us. For more information call 439-2306. Sorry, children’s programs are full. July 19: Discover famed Tombstone photographer C. S. Fly's journeys around Cochise County with local historian Craig McEwan.  July 26: Take the “Journey to Brown Canyon Ranch” with Sarah Barchas and Jose Garcia. Discover the history of the ranch and current preservation efforts. The Barchas family was the last owner of the ranch prior to donating the land to the U.S. Forest Service for preservation and education. Jose Garcia was born at the ranch in the 1940s. 

Be a Local Tourist

Be a Local Tourist Friends of the Huachuca Mountains Hummingbirds: More Than Just Eye Candy Sunday, July 13 • 1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Carr House  Explore the marvels and mysteries of southeastern Arizona’s avian jewels. “Singing” feathers, streamlined genomes, and continent-spanning migrations are some of the latest mind-boggling discoveries that rank hummingbirds among the world’s most amazing birds. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. For more information please call 417-6960 or visit . 

Summer Concerts in the Park

Summer Concerts in the Park Saturday, July • 12 6:30 p.m. Simmons Family Band Relax, enjoy the sunset, and the sounds of the Simmons Family Band. Please note the concert schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather. For more information, call Leisure Services at 417-4800. Next week’s concert, on Saturday, July 19, will feature Desert Swing.

Water Wise Presents: Rainwater Harvesting Open Houses

Water Wise Presents: Rainwater Harvesting Open Houses Saturday, July 12 • 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Has Sierra Vista been busy harvesting rainwater? You bet! Come "ooh and aah" over commercial and residential rainwater systems during open house hours. You may be impressed so much that you just start collecting, too! Visit any of the following Open House sites during tour hours for tips on how to conserve and harvest water, and to get location maps to residential harvesting sites: Pueblo del Sol Country Club, Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista, Sierra Vista Police Station, and Sonic Drive-In (say “Rainwater” and get a free Ocean Water all day!). For more information call Water Wise at 458-8278, ext. 2141 or visit 

Christmas in July

Christmas in July Saturday, July 12, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ethel H. Berger Center & Oscar Yrun Community Center Come and see local artisans as they show off their wares—wood work, jewelry, glass bottle lights, T-shirts, and so much more. Commercial vendors include Bagitup, Thirty One Gifts, It Works, JK Body Essentials, Scentsy Fragrance, Windsor Hat Shoppe, Tealightful, and Judywear. This event is free and open to the public.

Back to School Fair

Back to School Fair Saturday, July 12 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Mall at Sierra Vista Free The Back to School Fair is brought to you by Sierra Vista Leisure & Library Services, the Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, First Things First, University of Arizona Sierra Vista, and the University South Foundation.  This fair is a community resource that provides information about educational opportunities for learners of all ages and a variety of family services. The fair features pre-K and K-12 schools, colleges and universities, after-school programs, and referral information. Expanding beyond brain development, the fair also offers health and nutrition services, children's activities, family services and support groups, and a free, gently-used clothing store. For more information, or to register your organization to participate, contact Ken James at 458-7922 or

Summer Reading Program – Science of Hydrology

Summer Reading Program – Science of Hydrology Tuesday, July 8 • 3:00–6:00 p.m. Monday, July 14 •12:00–5:00 p.m. Sierra Vista Public Library Keep the kids reading and academically sharp for next school year in the Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme, “Fizz, Boom, Read,” is all about science! Reading goals are set for each age group and regular incentives include bookmarks, T-shirts, and brand new books about science experiments for every age level. Additional prizes can be earned by doing reports, projects, and other activities. Young scientists will also have fun learning about different scientific topics every week with hands-on activities. There will be morning, afternoon, evening, weekday, and weekend activities so that everyone will have a chance to participate! Find a complete list of activities at 

Freegal Sierra Vista Public Library

Want to download new music but the cost of doing it holding you back? Try this new service from the Sierra Vista Public Library, Freegal. This awesome new service, a mash of “free” and “legal,” allows anyone with a Sierra Vista library card to download and keep up to 3 songs per week, or one music video and one song, and stream music for up to three hours a day. Go to and scroll down the site until you see the Freegal section. Click on the link and Freegal will walk you through an easy registration process. Make sure you have your library card handy, know your library card pin, and you're set! (If you're not sure what your pin is, visit the library today! Your pin cannot be given over the phone.) Visit the Sierra Vista Public Library or call 458-4225 for additional information. 

Carrot clarinet: Linsey Pollak at TEDxSydney 2014


Diamond dog returns missing wedding ring - WAOW - Newsline 9, Wausau News, Weather, Sports

Diamond dog returns missing wedding ring - WAOW - Newsline 9, Wausau News, Weather, Sports