Today In History...

In 1777 American forces defeat the British in the Revolutionary War Battle of Bennington, Vermont.

In 1812 Detroit falls to British and Indian forces in the War of 1812.

In 1829 The original Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker arrive in Boston to be exhibited to the Western world.

In 1858 A telegraphed message from Britain's Queen Victoria to President Buchanan is transmitted over the recently laid trans-Atlantic cable.

In 1861 President Lincoln prohibits the states of the Union from trading with the seceding states of the Confederacy.

In 1863 The Emancipation Proclamation is signed.

In 1875 A locust swarm, estimated at 12 trillion, passes through Nebraska.

In 1896 Gold is found at Bonanza Creek, Alabama.

In 1920 Baseball's only fatality occurs when Cleveland Indian Ray Chapman is hit in the head by a fastball.

In 1948 Baseball legend Babe Ruth dies in New York at the age of 53.

In 1949 American novelist ("Gone With the Wind") Margaret Mitchell is struck and killed by a car in Atlanta, Georgia.

In 1954 Sports Illustrated is first published by Time Inc.

In 1956 Adlai Stevenson is nominated for president at the Democratic convention in Chicago.

In 1960 Britain grants independence to the crown colony of Cyprus.

In 1960 Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon at 31,330m (record).

In 1965 The AFL awards its first expansion franchise to the Miami Dolphins.

In 1970 Venera 7 is launched by the USSR for a soft landing on Venus.

In 1978 James Earl Ray, convicted assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., tells a Capitol Hill hearing he did not commit the crime, saying he'd been set up by a mysterious man called Raoul.

In 1984 The Jaycees vote to admit women.

In 1984 A Los Angeles federal jury acquits automaker John De Lorean in a $24 million cocaine conspiracy trial.

In 1987 A Northwest Airlines jet crashes shortly after takeoff from Detroit Metropolitan killing all 153 aboard and 2 on the ground.

In 1988 Vice President George Bush names Indiana Senator Dan Quayle to be his running mate.

In 1989 A rare prime time lunar eclipse occurs over most of the United States.

In 1990 President Bush meets with Jordan's King Hussein in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he urged him to close Iraq's access to the sea through the port of Aqaba.

In 1991 Pope John Paul II begins the first-ever papal visit to Hungary.

In 1992 On the eve of the Republican National Convention in Houston, President Bush denied a New York Times report that a confrontation with Saddam Hussein was being motivated by political concerns.

In 1993 New York police rescue business executive Harvey Weinstein from a covered 14-foot-deep pit, where he'd been held nearly two weeks for ransom.

In 1993 Actor Stewart Granger dies in Santa Monica, California, at age 80.

In 1997 Cosmonauts, Vasily Tsibliyev and Alexander Lazutkin just back from Mir, reject criticism that they were to blame for troubles aboard the aging, problem-plagued space station.

In 1999 Vladimir Putin is confirmed as Russia's prime minister, the fifth since early 1998.

In 1999 The prime-time game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" begins a limited 2-week run on ABC-TV.

In 2000 Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles formally nominate Al Gore for president.

In 2002 Terrorist mastermind Abu Nidal reportedly is found shot to death in Baghdad, Iraq. He was 65.

In 2003 Idi Amin, the former dictator of Uganda, dies in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia; he was believed to have been 80.


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