Today In History...

In 1227 The Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan dies.

In 1587 Virginia Dare becomes the first child of English parents to be born on American soil, on what is now Roanoke, Island, NC.

In 1838 The first marine expedition sponsored by the U.S. government set sail from Hampton Roads, Virginia.

In 1846 U.S. forces led by General Stephen W. Kearney capture Santa Fe, NM.

In 1868 Pierre Janssan discovers helium in the solar spectrum during an eclipse.

In 1894 Congress establishes the Bureau of Immigration.

In 1914 President Wilson issues the Proclamation of Neutrality, aimed at keeping the U.S. out of World War I.

In 1920 Tennessee becomes the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment which guarantees the right of all American women to vote.

In 1938 President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicates the Thousand Islands Bridge connecting the U.S. and Canada.

In 1954 Assistant Secretary of Labor James Wilkins is the first black to attend a president's Cabinet meeting when he sat in for Labor Secretary James P. Mitchell.

In 1958 The novel "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov is published.

In 1958 An investigation starts in the TV game show scandal.

In 1960 The first photograph is bounced off a satellite from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

In 1960 The first oral contraceptive, "Enovid 10" is marketed.

In 1963 James Meredith becomes the first black to graduate from the University of Mississippi.

In 1976 USSR's Luna 24 softlands on the moon.

In 1976 Two U.S. army officers are killed in Korea's demilitarized zone.

In 1982 The NYSE tops the 100 million figure; 132.69 million shares traded.

In 1983 Hurricane "Alicia" slams into the Texas coast, leaving 22 dead and causing more than $1 billion in damages at Houston and Galveston.

In 1983 The Kansas City Royals defeat the New York Yankees, 5-4, in the completion of the famous "pine-tar" game -- in just 12 minutes.

In 1984 Democratic vice-presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro, faced with questions about her family's finances, announces that her husband, John Zaccaro, had changed his mind and would make his income tax returns public.

In 1986 The Guinness record for drumming is set at 44 days, 1 hour.

In 1986 Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announces his country would extend its nuclear testing moratorium, which began in August 1985, until January 1, 1987.

In 1987 Ex-nurse's aid Don Harvey admitted that he had murdered 24 elderly hospital patients in Cincinnati.

In 1987 American journalist Charles Glass escapes his kidnappers in Beirut after 62 days in captivity.

In 1988 Senator Dan Quayle is nominated for Vice President by the Republican National Convention in New Orleans.

In 1989 In Colombia, leading presidential hopeful Luis Carlos Galan is assassinated outside Bogota.

In 1990 U.S. warships reportedly fire warning shots across the bows of two Iraqi oil tankers that had refused to submit to a search, the first shots fired during the Persian Gulf crisis.

In 1991 Soviet hard-liners launch an unsuccessful coup aimed at toppling President Mikhail S. Gorbachev.

In 1991 Hurricane Bob hurtles across North Carolina's Outer Banks, packing winds of 115 mph.

In 1992 Basketball star Larry Bird announces his retirement after 13 years with the Boston Celtics.

In 1993 A judge in Sarasota, FL, rules that Kimberly Mays, the 14-year-old girl who had been switched at birth with another baby, need never see her biological parents again, in accordance with her stated wishes. Kimberly later moved in with them.

In 1994 The U.S reverses its 28-year policy and begins detaining Cuban refugees.

In 1995 Shannon Faulkner, who won a 2 1/2-year legal battle to become the first female cadet at The Citadel, quit the South Carolina military college after less than a week, most of it spent in the infirmary.

In 1996 Ross Perot, the presidential nominee of the Reform Party, launches his campaign with a speech in which he criticized the Republican and Democratic parties as captives of special interests.

In 1997 The largest U.S. Lutheran church votes for closer ties with three other major Protestant denominations to exchange clergy and communion.

In 1997 Beth Ann Hogan becomes the first co-ed in Virginia Military Institute's 158-year history.

In 1997 UPS and the Teamsters union reach a tentative agreement to end a 15-day-old strike.

In 2001 Fire kills 75 people at a budget hotel outside Manila.

In 2002 Rich Beem beats Tiger Woods to capture the PGA Championship.

In 2003 A senior French health official resigns after France's health minister admitted that 5000 people might have died in a heat wave.

In 2004 In Athens, Paul Hamm wins the men's gymnastics all-around Olympic gold medal by the closest margin ever in the event.

In 2014 Don Pardo, who introduced "Saturday Night Live" to television viewers for 38 years, only missing season 7, dies at 96.


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