Johnny Cash's Family Slam White Nationalists Wearing Cash Shirt

Johnny Cash's children want the world to know that the "Man in Black" was not a fan of the guys in white hoods. A statement posted on Rosanne's Cash's Facebook page appeared after video surfaced of a neo-Nazi protester in Charlottesville wearing a Johnny Cash T-shirt. The statement, from all five of Cash's kids, read: "We were sickened by the association. Johnny Cash was a man whose heart beat with the rhythm of love and social justice. He received humanitarian awards from, among others, the Jewish National Fund, B'nai Brith, and the United Nations." They continued saying Cash "would be horrified at even a casual use of his name or image for an idea or a cause founded in persecution and hatred. The statement continues: "The white supremacists and neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville are poison in our society, and an insult to every American hero who wore a uniform to fight the Nazis in WWII. Our dad told each of us, over and over throughout our lives, 'Children, you can choose love or hate. I choose love.'" (Austin American-Statesman)

Moore Tragedy 

Sandra Moore of Georgia said, "I just don't know how much more we can take." Moore's grandson, 7-year-old Ethan Fain, was mauled by two dogs who pulled him out of a tree and attacked him last Christmas Eve. Ethan lost his right ear and suffered serious damage to his left ear. His injuries also required 300 stitches. Now another tragedy has befallen the family. On Aug. 7, Ethan was with his mom, Tracy Dowdy Fain, at the hospital getting stitches from a reconstructive surgery removed, when suddenly, Fain, who had complained of a headache, collapsed. Doctors found she suffered a brain aneurysm and stroke. Her daughter, Jessica Dowdy, says she wouldn't have survived if she wasn't already in a hospital when it happened. In the coming days, the swelling in Fain's brain got worse, and she was declared brain dead Tuesday. "Her body is still here, but her soul is gone," Dowdy says. The family still hasn't told Ethan. Dowdy said, "All he knows is mommy is sick and the doctors are trying to make her better like they made him better." A GoFundMe account has been set up for Fain, who also lost a nephew last month. (New York Daily News)

We Found Your Ring

Back in 2004, Mary Grams was pulling weeds on her family farm in Alberta, Canada and somehow lost her engagement ring in the process. All these years later, the ring has turned up, incredibly, with a carrot growing through the middle of it! It seems her daughter-in-law plucked the lucky carrot from the ground, and her son immediately recognized it as his mom's lost ring. 84-year-old Mary said, "I'm going to wear it because it still fits!" Sadly, her husband died five years ago. He gave her the ring in 1951. (CBC)

Silent Song Tops iTunes

A very unusual tune has found its way onto the top 50 on the iTunes charts, alongside hits from the likes of Ed Sheeran and Keith Urban. What makes the song so weird is it is nothing but silence! "A a a a a Very Good Song" costs 99 cents for just under 10 minutes of dead air. While the musical quality of the track is debatable, its popularity is due to its simple role: When people plug smartphones into a car, usually the first song alphabetically plays by default. "A a a a a Very Good Song" offers users several minutes of respite. The "song" is the brainchild of Samir Mezrahi, who released it last week. In a Facebook statement he wrote: "If you hate the first song that plays every time you plug your phone into your car, I released a blank song that will play first so that won't happen to you anymore. One reviewer on iTunes wrote: "I no longer have to quickly turn off 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran as soon as I plug in my phone, thanks!" (ABC 7)

Criticize Trump on FOX? Oh, We'll Have to Kill You!

Fox News host Eboni Williams says she received so many threats after criticizing President Trump that she had to request extra security from the network. On The Specialists last week, Williams used her "Eboni's Docket" segment to criticize President Trump's initial response to the Charlottesville violence, calling his remarks "cowardly and dangerous" and accusing him of being unwilling to risk alienating the "absolutely racist" portion of his base, While she usually averages 10 to 15 emails after each segment, last Monday there were more than 150 - and all but three were "seething, scathing attacks" including death threats. Still, she says she stands by her remarks that Trump needs to reject white nationalist protesters more forcefully. Williams tells the New York Times that she spoke out on FOX because she felt the audience deserved to hear different points of view. "I felt utterly compelled in that moment, particularly as a black woman who works on Fox News Channel, and has the privilege and a responsibility to address an audience that otherwise doesn't necessarily get my point of view, or the point of view of people like me." (New York Times)

When Idiots Hunt Bear

Here's a classic macho man "Hey ya'll watch this" moment. Not really sure where it's from but a couple of guys videoed themselves performing amazing feats of strength so they can prove how manly they are. So these two guys thought they'd try punching the center trigger on an armed bear trap and trying to quickly pull their hand out before it slammed shut on their arm. Well, one of them made it. But as the viral video says, "ol' Dieter here learned the hard way!" (Neatorama)

What the What?

In Aptos, California, police arrested 57-year-old Stephen DeWitt in perhaps the most ironic DUI arrest ever. DeWitt was allegedly drunk when he crashed his Jeep into a road sign on Highway 1 that read: "REPORT DRUNK DRIVERS. CALL 911!" The Jeep ran over the sign, careened up an embankment, flipped, and landed on its roof. Police say DeWitt was "quite intoxicated," and could have been killed had he not been wearing his seatbelt. He was arrested on DUI charges and flown to Natividad Medical Center's trauma center. (Newser)


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