• California is home to the largest largest county (San Bernardino County).
  • About 15% of us say cowboy boots are their favorite place to hide money.
  • College students smoke three times as much as non-college students the same age.
  • The average woman cries between 30 and 64 times a year while the average man cries six-times a year.
  • One fourth of adults say a campfire is their favorite smell.
  • Keeping their keyboard clicks turned on is the most obnoxious thing an iPhone user can do (or any cell phone user for that matter).
  • According to the Wine Institute, the U.S. ranks third in all nations on the volume of wine consumed. France is ranked #1, followed by Italy at #2.
  • The average person reads about 25 minutes a day.
  • 90% of the U.S. supply of toothpicks are produced in Maine.
  • Three out of ten people say they sometimes do this while playing Monopoly? Quit, to avoid losing.


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