The type of friends you prefer reveals a lot about your personality, says psychologist Dr. Elayne Kahn, co-author of "1001 Ways You Reveal Your Personality."
Just one close friend
You need someone to confide in and trust. You don't trust people very easily, but once you do you're very loyal. You take friendship very seriously and never take your friends for granted.
Friends of your own sex only
You enjoy tradition and believe boys should be boys and girls should be girls. You're more comfortable when people are in more traditional roles. You enjoy friends who have something in common with you.
Friends of the opposite sex only
You enjoy being the center of attention, but don't like competing for it. Intimacy is very important to you, and you're capable of deep relationships.
Friends you just party with
You love to socialize, but don't like people getting too close. You're very independent and want to stay that way - and you especially don't like to become dependent on one person.
Friends from the workplace
You love achieving, working hard, making money and always moving ahead. All things in your life - including friendships - are geared toward making your career as successful as possible.
Different friends for different occasions
If, for example, you go dancing with one group of friends and play touch football with another, you're well-organized, but don't like to become too involved with people. You're a busy, active person.
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