Cosmopolitan offers us seven events a woman should never sidestep:
Not filing your taxes
Forget trying to pull a fast one on Uncle Sam.
Blowing a date off without warning
In this age of cell phones, beepers and e-mail, there's no excuse for standing him up.
Breaking a promise to your boss
Never say the words "I do" to the head honcho and fizzle on your follow-through.
Bailing on a friend in crisis
No one wants to play therapist 24 hours a day, but if your pal is in genuine pain, the least you can do is lend an ear.
Not sending a condolence card
It only takes three seconds to extend your sympathy when a friend loses a loved one.
Copping out on the break-up talk
If you've been dating for more than a couple of months the least he deserves is the "it's not you, it's me" conversation.
Avoiding questions about your sexual history
If you plan to get hot-and-heavy with a new man, he deserves to know if you have a clean bill of health.
Of course, all of these could apply to the guys too!
Don't stop and ask for directions when there's still a teeny-tiny chance you might stumble upon the right place accidentally.
Not filing your taxes
Forget trying to pull a fast one on Uncle Sam.
Blowing a date off without warning
In this age of cell phones, beepers and e-mail, there's no excuse for standing him up.
Breaking a promise to your boss
Never say the words "I do" to the head honcho and fizzle on your follow-through.
Bailing on a friend in crisis
No one wants to play therapist 24 hours a day, but if your pal is in genuine pain, the least you can do is lend an ear.
Not sending a condolence card
It only takes three seconds to extend your sympathy when a friend loses a loved one.
Copping out on the break-up talk
If you've been dating for more than a couple of months the least he deserves is the "it's not you, it's me" conversation.
Avoiding questions about your sexual history
If you plan to get hot-and-heavy with a new man, he deserves to know if you have a clean bill of health.
Of course, all of these could apply to the guys too!
Don't stop and ask for directions when there's still a teeny-tiny chance you might stumble upon the right place accidentally.
Don't do the laundry when there's still a pair of underwear you haven't worn inside out yet.
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