On this date in 1520, Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after going through the straight that was named for him.
I find it interesting that he went straight after going bi-coastal.
Well, we're assuming he was straight when he passed through.
He said he was looking for a specific ocean, the mapmaker misunderstood and the rest is history.

It was on this date in 1895 that the first-ever auto race was held, over 52 miles of snowy roads from Chicago to Waukegan, Illinois. No, it wasn't televised. Or radio-ized, for that matter. It didn't start out as a race, but when all the restrooms are snowed in, you have more urgency to get home quickly.

On this date in 1919, American-born Lady Astor was elected as the first female member of the British Parliament. She brought American crassness to parliament and was famous for saying, "You bet your Astor!"

In 1922, Captain Cyril Turner of the Royal Air Force performed the first skywriting exhibition over New York's Times Square, spelling out, "I'm almost out of ga..." We'll never know what he was trying to say before the crash...

On this date in 1944, the MGM film "Meet Me in St. Louis," opened in New York. Ironically, on this same date in 1944, the movie "Meet me in New York" opened in St. Louis. I'm thinking there was some confusion at the distribution office.

In 1984, the continuous yo-yo endurance record is set at 120 hours. Talk about your ups and downs.

On this date in 1995, President Clinton signed the bill that ended the 55mph freeway speed. While he did it for all drivers, he was especially fond of supporting the cause of faster women.


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