National Dog Week -- September 21-27. A celebration observed the last full week of September to bring attention to man's best friend and to educate all dog owners. Part of man's education is to know the top dog breeds to help men attract women:

Mini pincher
Chicks love mini versions of big dogs. They are little so they don't cost a lot to feed, and they look really tough especially with a studded collar.

Charlie Brown was the sensitive underdog. You too can be the sensitive guy with a Beagle.

Any dog who hangs out with firemen is a sure bet with the ladies. This dog is a born hero.

English Pointer
Cute enough for a lady to swoon over; tough enough so you won't look like a wimp.

This little guy is a wonder with the ladies. They are cute and are begging to be cared for.

Sleek and aerodynamic plus many Greyhounds need rescuing so you'll score some serious points with the ladies. So, cook some linguini and introduce her to Vincenzo the Italian Greyhound.

Golden Retriever
Goldens are easy to train and strong, but their most outstanding trait is character. They are outgoing and devoted companions to all sorts of people, happy and trusting. But they can also be protective. Every woman's dream.

Labrador Retriever
Labs are playful, loving to people and hardworking. Put a bandanna on him and he's an instant chick magnet. The Lab can be counted on as a true friend anytime, anyplace.

Border Collie
These dogs are brilliant, you can train them to do anything from catching Frisbees to delivering roses to lovely ladies on the street. They are clean, cute and wonderful herders. They are not too big to scare the lady off and their soft coat is irresistible to the touch. A woman just has to pet this dog.

Most mutts are found as strays, rescued from shelters. The Mutt is a natural conversation starter. "What kind of dog is that?" is the usual question the proud owner may hear. A guy with a mutt shows the world that substance matters. His dog may not have the cachet and price tag of a pure breed but, like a rare priceless work of art, the mutt owner knows the dog is unique and one of a kind.


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