Today In History...

In 1778 American forces enter Philadelphia as the British withdraw during the Revolutionary War.
In 1812 The War of 1812 begins as the U.S. declares war against Britain.
In 1815 Napoleon is defeated by British and Prussian troops at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.
In 1873 Susan B. Anthony is fined $100 for attempting to vote in the 1872 presidential election.
In 1896 Delegates to the Republican National Convention in St. Louis nominate William McKinley for president.
In 1928 Aviator Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in 21 hours.
In 1940 During World War II, in a speech to the House of Commons, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill urges perseverance so that future generations would remember that "This was their finest hour."
In 1945 William Joyce, known as "Lord Haw-Haw," is charged in London with treason for his wartime broadcasts on German radio. (He was hanged the following January.)
In 1945 General Dwight D. Eisenhower receives a tumultuous welcome in Washington, DC, where he addressed a joint session of Congress.
In 1948 United Nations adopts the International Declaration of Human Rights.
In 1953 The British army withdraws from the Suez Canal in Egypt.
In 1972 118 die in the crash of a British European Airways jet.
In 1977 The Space Shuttle test model, Enterprise, carries a crew aloft for the first time while afixed to a modified Boeing 747.
In 1979 President Carter and Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT II treaty in Vienna.
In 1981 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart retires and is replaced by Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman on the high court.
In 1983 Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger.
In 1984 KOA/Denver talk show host Alan Berg is shot to death outside his home by two white supremacists. (The incident is later portrayed in Oliver Stone's film "Talk Radio.")
In 1985 On the fifth day of the hijacking of TWA Flight 847, the hijackers release Greek singer Demis Roussos, his American companion, Pamela Smith, and Greek-American Arthur Targon Tsidis.
In 1986 25 tourists die when a twin-engine plane and helicopter collide over the Grand Canyon.
In 1987 ABC journalist Charles Glass is kidnapped in Lebanon. (Glass escapes his captor the following August.)
In 1990 James Pough goes on a shooting rampage at an auto-financing company in Jacksonville, Florida, killing nine as well as himself.
In 1991 The Louisiana Legislature enacts a strict anti-abortion law, overriding a veto by Gov. Buddy Roemer.
In 1991 Russia's newly elected president, Boris Yeltsin, arrived in the U.S. for visits with American officials, including President Bush.
In 1992 The U.S. Supreme Court rules criminal defendants may not use race as a basis for excluding potential jurors from their trials.
In 1992 Entertainer Peter Allen dies in San Diego, CA, at age 48.
In 1993 The U.S. Supreme Court rulee that deaf parochial school students may be provided publicly funded sign-language interpreters.
In 1993 In Japan, the government of Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa falls.
In 1994 The presidents of North Korea and South Korea agree to hold a historic summit (however, plans for the summit were disrupted by the death of North Korean leader Kim Il Sung on July 8).
In 1995 A private plane carrying the Angolan soccer team crashes in Luanda, Angola, killing 48.
In 1995 300 immigrants overpower guards and trash a converted warehouse serving as an immigration detention center in Elizabeth, NJ.
In 1996 Two Army transport helicopters collide and crash during training exercises near Fort Campbell, KY, killing six and injuring 30.
In 1996 ValuJet halts its flight operations.
In 1996 Federal prosecutors in California charged Theodore Kaczynski in four of the Unabomber attacks.
In 1996 Richard Allen Davis is convicted in San Jose, CA, of the 1993 kidnap-murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas of Petaluma.
In 1997 A convention of 121,000 Southern Baptists vote to boycott all things Disney, including ABC, condemning same-sex employee benefits and the TV sitcom "Ellen."
In 1997 Sirhan Sirhan fails in his 10th bid for parole in the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
In 1997 Irineo Montoya, a Mexican laborer, is executed by the state of Texas for a 1985 killing despite protests by the Mexican government.
In 1998 Diplomatic troubleshooter Richard Holbrooke is named to succeed Bill Richardson as U.S. ambassador to the UN.
In 1999 Arsonists struck three synagogues in the Sacramento, CA, area.
In 2000 Tiger Woods wins the U.S. Open by a record 15 strokes.
In 2000 Emmy-winner Nancy Marchand dies a day before her 72nd birthday.
In 2001 A judge in Golden, CO, sentences two therapists to 16 years in prison each in the death of a 10-year-old girl who had suffocated while wrapped in blankets during a "rebirthing" session.
In 2002 A Palestinian detonates a nail-studded bomb in a Jerusalem bus, killing 19 passengers and himself.


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