Today In History...

In 1788 The U.S. Constitution goes into effect as New Hampshire becomes the ninth state to ratify it.
In 1834 Cyrus Hall McCormick patents the reaping machine.
In 1879 F.W. Woolworth opens his first store.
In 1887 Britain celebrates the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria.
In 1894 The Democratic Silver convention opened in Omaha, Nebraska.
In 1913 Georgia Thompson becomes the first woman to make a parachute jump.
In 1932 Heavyweight Max Schmeling loses a title fight by decision to Jack Sharkey, promoting Schmeling's manager, Joe Jacobs, to exclaim: "We was robbed!"
In 1939 Doctors reveal Lou Gehrig has Amyotrophic Laterial Sclerosis (ALS).
In 1940 Richard Nixon and Patricia Ryan are married.
In 1943 Federal troops put down a racial riot in Detroit that killed 30.
In 1945 Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender during World War II.
In 1963 Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII.
In 1964 Civil rights workers Michael H. Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James E. Chaney disappear in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Their bodies are found in an earthen dam six weeks later.
In 1968 U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren resigns.
In 1975 "Jaws" directed by Steven Spielberg starring Roy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss opens in movie theaters.
In 1975 Soyuz 19 returns to Earth.
In 1977 Former White House chief of staff H.R. Haldeman enters prison for his role in Watergate.
In 1977 Menachem Begin, leader of Israel's right-wing Likud bloc, becomes the country's sixth prime minister.
In 1979 During an Arab oil cutoff, Americans line up to buy gasoline.
In 1982 A jury in Washington, DC, finds John Hinckley Jr. innocent by reason of insanity in the shootings of President Reagan and three others a year earlier.
In 1983 Dial Torgerson of the Los Angeles Times and Richard Cross, a freelance photographer on assignment for U.S. News & World Report, are killed by artillery fire along the Honduras-Nicaragua border.
In 1985 American, Brazilian and West German scientists announce that the skeletal remains exhumed from a graveyard in Brazil were those of Nazi war criminal Dr. Josef Mengele.
In 1988 The Los Angeles Lakers repeat as NBA champions beating the Detroit Pistons, 108-105.
In 1988 Leaders of the world's seven richest nations conclude their 3-day summit in Toronto.
In 1989 The U.S. Supreme Court rules, 5-4, that burning the American flag as a form of political protest is protected by the First Amendment.
In 1989 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev reopens railroads to Iran.
In 1990 An estimated 50,000 Iranians are killed in a severe earthquake that struck the northern part of the country.
In 1991 Secretary of State James Baker visits Yugoslavia.
In 1992 Russian President Boris Yeltsin returns home from his North American tour, which included a summit with President Bush.
In 1993 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Haitian boat people could be stopped at sea and returned home without asylum hearings.
In 1994 American teen-ager Michael Fay is released from a Singapore prison, where he'd been flogged for vandalism.
In 1996 European leaders agree to gradually lift global ban on British beef exports imposed 3 months earlier following consumer scare over mad cow disease.
In 1997 Dr. Nancy W. Dickey is named first woman president of 150-year-old American Medical Association.
In 1997 The WNBA makes its debut as the New York Liberty defeats the Los Angeles Sparks 67-57.
In 1998 In Colombia, former Bogota mayor Andres Pastrana is elected the country's president, defeating Horacio Serpa.
In 1999 President Clinton visits Slovenia, formerly part of Yugoslavia, where he publicly urged Serbs to reject leader Slobodan Milosevic.
In 2000 North Korea promises to refrain from long-range missile tests after the U.S. lifted some economic sanctions against it.
In 2000 Some 55 years after World War II ended, 22 Asian-American veterans receive the Medal of Honor during a White House ceremony.
In 2002 One of the worst wildfires in Arizona history grows to 128,000 acres, forcing thousands of homeowners near Show Low to flee.
In 2003 Lennox Lewis retains his heavyweight title after a cut stopped Vitali Klitschko after six brawling rounds in Los Angeles.
In 2004 The SpaceShipOne rocket plane exits Earth's atmosphere, then glided to a landing in California's Mojave Desert in the first privately financed manned spaceflight.
In 2024 The longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice.


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