( Do you want to be romantic? Do you want to get those butterfly feelings in your stomach just like you had on your first date long ago? To help you keep that flame burning, here's a list of 8 things couples need to do every single day.

Complement each other
Whether it's the way they calm the kids down or fix the DVD player or decorate the house, take a moment to praise your significant other for something they've done.

Nobody should ever go a complete day without laughing. It truly is the best medicine all around. Share a laugh with your partner at least once a day (and hopefully lots more), even on the worst, most depressing days. Actually, especially on those days.

Say those three words
No, not "pass the salt." Regardless of the fact that you should be watching your sodium intake, what I mean, of course, is "I love you." Go on -- say it to your wife (or husband) every single day. It's a must. Even if you're beyond furious with them for leaving the toilet seat up for the 99th time, you still love them. So say it.

Notice the little things
Could be your wife's new haircut or outfit. Or simply the way your husband takes his coffee. Noticing and remembering the little details in life show your spouse that you really do pay attention to them. More than they think.

Put things in perspective
Whatever you may be upset about or just feeling lukewarm about in terms of your relationship, take a step back. So you need to move; at least you have a loving wife and kids. Maybe money's super tight; at least you're all healthy. In the end, no matter what troubles you're dealing with, just remember you're not in it alone and your family is all that truly matters.

Dream big
The most powerful emotion in the entire universe is hope. Nothing is impossible. (The Cubs will eventually win another World Series. One day.) So dream big and share those dreams with your spouse. Even if they never come true, it's still something worth hoping for.

Share something new
Remember when you first started dating and EVERYTHING was fresh and new -- from details of family history right down to favorite pizza toppings? But after being married for years (or gasp... decades) you may feel there's nothing left to uncover. That's just bull. There's always something new you can share with your spouse. Could be a movie you just watched, a fantastic article you just read (like this one!), or some favorite childhood memories. Share and share alike.

Lock lips
It goes without saying but you should start and end each day exactly the same way. With a gentle kiss on the lips.


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