Your cell phone ringtone tells others a lot about your personality. Ringtones can be loud, obnoxious and very revealing. If you've never given it a thought, you might want to consider the message you're sending before you let your phone ring at work or in a crowded environment. So, what does your ringtone say about you?
  • Vibrate -- You are uber-responsible and considerate, concerned above all else that your personal calls not bother anyone. Thank you. 
  • Standard ring -- You're showing your age and your inability to master technology. What? You don't know how to change the ringtone? 
  • Classic rock song -- When it comes to looking old, this isn't much better than the standard ring that comes with the phone. 
  • "Jingle Bells" -- If it's December, you get points for being current with the season. If it's June, you're lazy and indolent. 
  • Disco beat -- It makes you look as dated as those gold chains and that white suit hanging in the back of your closet. 
  • Hip-hop or R&B -- You're young, cool and enjoy annoying the old folks so you may delay answering your phone just to let that song annoy them a little longer. 
  • Classical music -- You must be a genius. 
  • Country music -- You're as American as Mom and apple pie. 
  • Jazz -- You're independent and strong-willed. 
  • TV theme song -- You didn't graduate, did you? 
  • Animal noises -- You think you're hilarious. Others think you're bothersome. 
  • Your own voice -- You are so conceited and pompous. 
  • You change your ringtone -- a lot -- You are fickle, capricious and undependable. Either that or you get bored easily.


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