Today In History...

In 1521 Martin Luther, founder of the protestant church, is excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church.

In 1777 General George Washington defeats the British at the Battle of Princeton, New Jersey.

In 1833 Britain siezes control of the Falkland Islands in the South

In 1868 The Meiji Restoration re-establishes the authority of Japan's emperor and spelled the end of military rulers known as "shoguns."

In 1870 Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins.

In 1871 Henry W. Bradley receives a patent for oleomargarine.

In 1888 The first drinking straw is patented.

In 1929 27-year-old William S. Paley becomes president of CBS.

In 1938 The March Of Dimes is organized to fight polio.

In 1943 The first missing persons report is telecast in New York City.

In 1946 William Joyce, known as "Lord Haw Haw" for his pro-Nazi radio broadcasts from Germany, is hanged in London.

In 1947 The opening session of the U.S. House of Representatives is televised for the first time.

In 1957 The first electric watch is introduced in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

In 1959 Alaska becomes the 49th U.S. state.

In 1961 The U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba.

In 1967 Jack Ruby, who shot and killed accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald live on TV, dies of cancer in a Dallas hospital.

In 1973 George Steinbrenner III buys the Yankees from CBS for $12 million.

In 1980 Conservationist Joy Adamson, author of the best-selling book "Born Free," is killed by a servant in Kenya over a wage dispute.

In 1984 Navy Lt. Robert O. Goodman Jr., shot down during a U.S. raid against Syrian anti-aircraft positions in Lebanon, is freed by Syria after an appeal from the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

In 1985 White House Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver resigns.

In 1986 President Reagan meets with Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid in Mexicali to discuss trade and Mexico's foreign debt.

In 1990 Ousted Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega surrenders to U.S. forces, 10 days after taking refuge in the Vatican's diplomatic mission following the U.S. invasion of his country.

In 1991 The 102nd Congress convenes, plunging immediately into acrimonious debate over the Persian Gulf crisis.

In 1992 The Dow Jones industrial average closes above 3,200 for the first time, ending the day at 3,201.48

In 1992 In California, police pursued a driver who had killed another motorist along I-5 for more than 300 miles until the car ran out of gas. The driver was shot and killed after officers said he pointed a
shotgun at them.

In 1993 President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin sign a historic nuclear missile-reduction treaty in Moscow.

In 1994 120 are killed when a Russian passenger jet crashes after takeoff from Irkutsk.

In 1994 A deadly prison riot breaks out in Maracaibo, Venezuela, claiming over 100 lives.

In 1995 Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo announces an emergency plan for wage and price controls and budget cuts to stabilize the peso and combat spiraling inflation.

In 1995 The U.S. Postal Service raises the price of a first-class stamp to 32 cents.

In 1996 The Angolan government and UNITA rebels agree to halt military action and set up commission to restart peace talks.

In 1997 President Clinton declares northern Nevada a major disaster area following several days of rain that sent rivers over their banks in the Reno and Carson City area.

In 1997 Bryant Gumbel leaves NBC's "Today" show.

In 1998 China says it will spend $27.7 billion to fight erosion, pollution in the Yangtze and Yellow river valleys.

In 1999 Chicago residents dig out from their biggest snowstorm in more than 30 years.

In 2000 The last new daily "Peanuts" strip by Charles Schulz ran in 2,600 newspapers.

In 2001 Eleven people die in a house fire in Delaware.

In 2001 Oklahoma defeats Florida State, 13-2, to win the Orange Bowl and a national championship.

In 2003 David Westerfield, the man who'd kidnapped and murdered 7-year-old neighbor Danielle van Dam, is sentenced to death.

In 2004 NASA's Mars rover, Spirit, touches down on Mars.

In 2005 President Bush enlists his father, former President Bush, and former President Clinton to help raise tsunami relief funds.

In 2018 Congress assembles, according to 20th amendment to constitution.


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