(YourTango.com) If your guy has a cat, he's probably the sensitive type. What type of pet a man owns says a lot about who he is and how he lives his life. When you meet someone who has a pet, it's just not the same as meeting someone who is pet-free. There's a good chance his pet will affect your dating life -- especially if it's a dog or cat, since those tend to become the center of a person's life. In other words, sometimes you just can't compete with Doug the Dog, whom your new dude has had for years, so surrender that fantasy right now. If you're looking for someone to make their whole world about you, you probably won't find it in a pet-owner - I speak from experience. From dogs to rabbits to snakes, here is what your man's choice of pet says about him. Use this as a guide to weed out the weirdos before you do something ridiculous like fall in love.


If he owns a dog, your man is loyal and can actually commit, because owning a dog is as close to having a child as it comes. While other pets can be left for an evening or two, dog ownership doesn't allow for such behavior. But the major problem here is just how obsessed he is with his dog, because if he lets that puppy sleep in his bed every night, then you better get used to his dog witnessing your sexy times. Some people do not like an audience when they're in bed.


Oh, you've found a sensitive fella! And he's not only sensitive, but just loves to send you photos of his cat all day long and post them on Facebook and Twitter. I'm not sure why this is, but guys with cats are prone to such things. Also, although Mitten the Kitten can stand spending a night alone thanks to her litter box, the fact remains that she gets very lonely when her owner isn't there. This means you'll be spending most, if not all nights, at his place. Mitten the Kitten needs him! Why can't you understand that?


if your guy has a tank full of fish, he just may be low on the emotions, and is probably even "cold as a fish" in bed. Pets are meant to be cuddled, not watched! Sure, maybe he has some sort of allergy to furry pets, but there's just something weird and "Dr. Evil" to me about a guy who only owns fish as pets.


Again, not exactly a pet you can cuddle with, but at least you can pet it and teach it to say things. A fella with a pet parrot is probably the type who's really impressed with himself. How can you tell? Well he's taught his parrot to say the same pretentious and cheesy lines he'll try on you during a first date. Great. The world definitely needs more parrots who repeat "Hey good-lookin'!" every 10 minutes.


The reason your man would have a pet rabbit is because he never had one when he was a kid, and now that he's living on his own, he's going to finally fulfill that dream. The rabbit's name is probably something like "Rambo"or "Killer" to make up for the fact that he's a dude who actually owns a fluffy bunny.


Whether it's a mouse, a rat, a hamster or a guinea pig, if he has some sort of furry creature that lives in a cage and he's over the age of 15, you really need to think long and hard about whether you want to continue dating him. Why? Let's be honest, a grown man with a gerbil or the like is just indicative of some dark, and probably quite disturbing issues. Think Richard Gere on this one.


We could technically put this in the rodent category, but something about the sneakiness of a ferret just makes it stand alone. A guy who owns a ferret is probably relatively shady and most likely hiding something. If he takes that ferret for walks on a leash, he's not only a sketch-ball, but he also likes attention -- and not the good kind of attention. He also probably lives in Tompkins Square Park on a bench, and I just saw him this morning with his ferret on its leash -- again. Creepster.


Ooh! This guy thinks he's so badass! He also thinks he's still in his fraternity house where he was once the "cool" guy for having an iguana. Although these days he's not as "into" his iguana as he used to be, he just can't give him up. They do have all those shared memories from college after all, including the time Iggy the Iguana got his tail caught in the door during that kegger and it fell off. No worries! It grew back, because that's what iguanas do: grow back their tails. So weird.


Seriously? A grown man with a snake? Does he drive a Camaro and rock a Metallica shirt circa 1986? Oh, you say he wants you to watch him feed a mouse to his snake on your second date? One word: Run. Run. Run.


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