Today In History...

In 1642 The Canadian city of Montreal is founded.
In 1804 The French Senate proclaims Napoleon Bonaparte as emperor.
In 1860 The Republican Party convention in Chicago, IL, nominates Abraham Lincoln for president.
In 1910 Halley's Comet, as seen from Earth, moves across the sun.
In 1914 The first ship goes through the Panama Canal.
In 1926 Evangelist Aimeee Semple McPherson mysteriously vanished while visiting a beach in Venice, CA; she reappeared a month later, claiming to have been kidnapped.
In 1927 Grauman's Chinese Theatre opens in Hollywood, California.
In 1933 The Tennessee Valley Authority is created.
In 1934 Congress approves a package of anti-crime measures, including the so-called "Lindbergh Act," which calls for the death penalty in cases of interstate kidnapping.
In 1944 During World War II, Allied forces occupy Monte Cassino in Italy after a four-month struggle that claimed about 20,000 lives.
In 1951 The United Nations moves out of its temporary headquarters in Lake Success, New York, into it's permanent home in Manhattan.
In 1953 F-86 Pilot Jackie Cochran becomes the first woman to break the sound barrier as she piloted a North American F-86 Canadair over Rogers Dry Lake, California.
In 1969 Astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, Thomas P. Stafford and John W. Young blast off aboard Apollo X.
In 1980 The Mount St. Helens volcano erupts in Washington State. The blast took 1,300 feet off the top of the mountain leaving 57 people dead or missing.
In 1980 Students begin a 9-day uprising in Kwangju, South Korea.
In 1983 The U.S. Senate approved, 76-18, a major revision of the nation's immigration laws that gave millions of illegal aliens in the U.S. the opportunity to gain legal status.
In 1983 Owen Bieber is elected president of the United Auto Workers union, succeeding Douglas A. Fraser.
In 1984 Surgeons remove a small polyp from President Reagan's colon.
In 1985 The worst wildfires in the state's history hit Florida.
In 1987 Senator Paul Simon, of Illinois, enters the Democratic presidential race.
In 1988 Crowds in the Soviet town of Termez greet the first Soviet soldiers as they withdrew from Afghanistan.
In 1989 Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev concludes his historic visit to China, which officially marked the end of a 30-year Sino-Soviet rift.
In 1990 Facing heated student protests, the trustees of all-women Mills College in Oakland, California, vote to admit men.
In 1992 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that states may not force mentally unstable criminal defendants to take anti-psychotic drugs while on trial unless a good reason is shown to require the medication.
In 1993 Voters in Denmark ratified the European Community's treaty on closer economic and political union.
In 1994 Israel's three decades of occupation in the Gaza Strip ends as Israeli troops completed their withdrawal and Palestinian authorities took over.
In 1995 Actress Elizabeth Montgomery dies of cancer at age 57.
In 1995 Ballet dancer Alexander Godunov is found dead at age 45.
In 1996 Investigators recover heat-damaged parts of oxygen canisters from front cargo hold of ValuJet Flight 592, evidence that fire or explosion may have happened before crash.
In 1997 Tajikistan's president and his main opposition rival sign accord for political reforms.
In 1997 President Clinton announces the creation of a research center at the National Institutes of Health devoted to the goal of developing an AIDS vaccine within the next decade.
In 1998 The U.S. government files an antitrust case against Microsoft Corp.
In 1998 Federal officials arrest more than 130 people and seize $35 million, ending investigation of money-laundering by a dozen Mexican banks and two drug-smuggling cartels.
In 1998 The U.S. government files an antitrust case against Microsoft Corp.
In 1999 Georgette Smith, a Florida woman left paralyzed from the neck down after being shot by her elderly mother, won the right to be taken off life support. She died the next day.
In 2002 India and Pakistan exchange fire across their shared border, renewing fears the countries were on the brink of nuclear war over the Himalayan region of Kashmir.
In 2003 A Hamas suicide attacker disguised as an observant Jew kills seven Israeli bus passengers.
In 2005 Randy Johnson, at age 40, becomes the oldest pitcher in major league history to throw a perfect game. The lefty retired all 27 batters to lead the Diamondbacks over the Braves, 2-0.
In 2021 Visit Your Relatives Day.


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