National Egg Month

On average Americans eat 100 eggs per year. Our favorite breakfast: 53 percent say eggs on Sunday morning. And according to the International Egg Commission Hungarian men eat an average of 300 eggs a year. Making them the leading egg consumers in the world.

California dream expert and psychologist Paul Slovic says dreams about eggs indicate a problem that can scramble your personal relationships. Most likely you are about to get into a fight with relatives or friends. Treat them with kid gloves until the problem is solved.

According to Dr. Beryl West, how you like your eggs reveals a lot about your personality:

Sunny-side up: You are an optimist and easy going.
Hard-boiled: You're a no-nonsense type. You're quick to form opinions.
Soft-boiled: You're gentle, sensitive, neat - but you're not always easy to please.
Scrambled: You're agreeable and very steady. You go with the flow.
Over easy: You are very precise. You know exactly what you want out of life.
Poached: You are very orderly - you don't like to see anything out of its place.
Omelets: You enjoy taking risks.


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