• This American president's inaugural speech lasted only a minute and a half. Who was it? (George Washington)
  • What was President George Washington's annual salary? ($25,000)
  • Who are the four presidents on Mount Rushmore? (Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson)
  • Thomas Jefferson was the first U.S. president to do wear what? (To wear long pants. Washington and Adams wore knee-length "knickers.")
  • What is the only U.S. coin on which a president's head faces right? (Lincoln penny)
  • Who was the first president defeated for re-election? (John Adams, 2nd president. Defeated by Thomas Jefferson)
  • In President Rutherford B. Hayes' name, what does the "B" stand for? (Birchard)
  • Which American President was originally a king? (Gerald R. Ford, he was born Leslie King)
  • Andrew Johnson was the first American president to ever do this. (Shake hands with people. Up until then, all presidents bowed to subjects they were meeting or addressing)
  • Who was the first American President born in a hospital? (Jimmy Carter)
  • What former U.S. president was inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame in 1989? (Ronald Reagan)
  • Which U.S. president had a pet turkey named Jack? (Abraham Lincoln)
  • Who were the youngest and oldest elected Presidents in American history? (John F. Kennedy, 43, and Ronald Reagan, 73, to start his second term)
  • Who was the President when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? (Nixon)
  • Of all the presidents ever elected in the U.S., only one was Catholic. Which one? (John F. Kennedy)
  • When President Nixon resigned who took over as President? (Gerald Ford)
  • What play was President Lincoln watching when he was shot? ("Our American Cousin")
Which president nearly died from Scarlet fever at the age of three. Had German measles, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Jaundice, Chicken Pox, Diphtheria, Malaria, Pneumonia, Colitis, a bladder problem, spastic colon, prostate disease and hemorrhoids? Answer: John F Kennedy

Can you name the only President to weigh under 100 pounds? James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, stood five feet four inches and weighed ninety-eight pounds.

Name 5 presidents whose last names had 4 letters in it? Bush, Bush, Ford, Taft, and my favorite, Polk.

How many U.S. state capitals are named after presidents? (Four. Jackson, Mississippi; Jefferson City, Missouri; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Madison, Wisconsin)

Which president installed a toilet seat in the White House bearing his college emblem, the University Of Michigan? Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford ***, or John Adams.

John F. Kennedy liked coleslaw. Lyndon Johnson ate chile. But who was it that like cottage cheese and catsup? A. Richard Nixon ***, Dwight D. Eisenhower or Harry Truman.

Which president sired the most offspring? Fifteen children by two wives? James K. Polk, George Washington or James Tyler ***.

Who was the first president to throw out a baseball to offically open the baseball season? James Garfield, Ulysses Grant or William Taft ***.

Who was the only bachelor to serve as commander in chief? James Buchanan ***, Millard Fillmore or James Garfield.

Which president loved having his head rubbed with vaseline while he ate breakfast? Ronald Reagan, Calvin Coolidge ***, or Harry Truman.

Which president always washed his own underwear? Harry Truman ***, Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson.

Which president had electric lights installed in the White House? Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Benjamin Harrison ***.

A bathtub and inside toilet were provided by which president? Millard Fillmore ***, Martin Van Buren or Jimmy Carter.


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