It costs companies a lot of money to recruit, hire and train new employees, so it's in their best interest to keep their staff happy. One way to do that is to create a corporate culture that supports and encourages employees, and when organizations fail to do this, they risk losing valued workers. Why do people quit their jobs? Leadership strategist Billy Arcement shared with The Washington Business Journal five reasons in particular:

1. They aren't growing professionally.

The problem: Smart, motivated employees want to continue learning so they can keep up with -- or better -- the competition. When learning opportunities are stifled, employees will leave. The fix: Training. Employers should be in the business of teaching so workers gain a little new knowledge every day. Encourage initiatives that produce new information, which will help employees and the company maintain a competitive edge.

2. They're not happy with the work they do.

The problem: Mundane, boring jobs with repetitive tasks can stifle creativity -- to the point that some people will simply quit. The fix: Managers should pay attention to their employees so they can recognize when people are bored and unchallenged. Work to change the job requirements to maximize the individual's skills and talents. The result? You'll have a happy worker.

3. They don't feel important. 

The problem: We all want to be appreciated for the work we do, and when our accomplishments are unacknowledged, we feel less valued. The fix: This is so easy. Thank people for a job well done, giving credit for accomplishments and recognizing the importance of employee contributions to the bottom line.

4. They lack support to do their jobs well.

The problem: We want to do a great job. We take pride in our work. But this can only happen with support from management. The fix: In addition to giving encouragement and fostering an environment where good work can be done, employees need the latest resources and tools.

5. They are not paid enough. 

The problem: Mediocre pay will actually hold people in a job for a while, provided they feel good about what they do. But if they don't, then money becomes an issue. The fix: Offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract and keep the best employees.


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