Men's Health magazine has scare up the terrifying truth about what makes men afraid, very afraid:
- 26% of men who as boys slept with the lights on
- 3% of men still want the lights on
- 19% of men admit to being so startled they felt they were having a heart attack
- 46% of men say that simply seeing their doctor is enough to scare them silly
- 18% of men say the birth of their child was the scariest day of their life
- 13% of guys have recurring nightmares of their teeth falling out
- 10% of men are afraid that their six-pack will disappear without a trace
- 37% of men worry that their hairline will vanish faster than a camp counselor on Friday the 13th
- 11% of men think the scariest villain to face would be "Chucky"
- 14% of men say they are in constant fear of unemployment
- 10% of men find life so startling they take anti-anxiety meds
Top 10 Things the average guy fears the most
- 10% of men are afraid of thunder storms
- 9% of men are afraid of the sight of blood
- 8% of men are afraid of flying
- 7% of men are afraid of enclosed spaces
- 6% of men are afraid of spiders
- 5% of men are afraid of needles (injections)
- 4% of men are afraid of going to the dentist
- 3% of men are afraid of snakes
- 2% of men are afraid of being maimed
- 1% of men are afraid of heights
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