On this date in 1734, Daniel Boone was born in a log cabin in Berks County, near present-day Reading, Pennsylvania. Boone is one of the most famous pioneers in U.S., as he spent most of his life exploring and settling the American frontier. Many legends revolved around him, like the time he wrestled a bear. It doesn't say here a "bare what," but I'm sure it was interesting.

Marie Antoinette was born in 1755. She and her husband were the heads of France, until they separated.

  • On this date in 1783, General George Washington gave his farewell address. 
  • None of the ungrateful troops ever sent him a postcard. 
  • He said it wasn't the battles that wore him down, it was posing for all those pictures. 
  • He told them all to write anytime. 
  • Eventually, he quit working and became president. 
  • Washington gave his farewell address to his troops. But, of course, not his zip code. 

Our country's 11th president, James Polk, was born back in 1795. During his presidency, the U.S. acquired California. Other than that, he was a pretty good president.

On this date in 1889, North Dakota becomes the 39th and South Dakota becomes the 40th U.S. state. They came as a boxed set.

America's first commercial radio station went on the air on this date in 1920. Have you ever noticed that "a word from our sponsor" is rarely ever just "a word"?

In 1947 Howard Hughes piloted his huge wooden flying boat, known as the "Spruce Goose," for the first and last time over Long Beach, California. The flight lasted for only a minute, which meant passengers didn't even get past the credits of the in-flight movie. And yet, they still managed to lose 4 pieces of luggage.

On this date in 1957, Montreal goalie Jacques Plante became the first player to wear a face mask for protection.
  • He really wanted to protect his two remaining teeth. 
  • Imagine if he had never done that... we would all know what Jason's face looked like. 
  • Even if he had just worn a catcher's mask, it wouldn't have been as scary. 

In 1964, CBS purchased 80% of the New York Yankees for $11.2 million. Fortunately, a psychic warned them about the upcoming Alex Rodriguez thing, so they eventually bailed.


Singer Nelly keeps getting older. He turns 43 today. Whoa, Nelly! The perfect gift -- a last name.

Darla Michele Pruett turns the big 5-0 today. She was Miss America in 1991, but of course, later became famous as one of the former Mrs. America's.

David Schwimmer, "Ross" from Friends, turns 51 today. The one thing he always asks on his birthday -- stop calling me "Ross from Friends." OK, Ross... from Friends.

Singer k.d. lang turns 56 today. For goodness sakes, would someone buy her a capital letter.

Pat Buchanan turns 79 today. Talk about conservative: he's blowing out the same candles he's had for five years on top of what was leftover from last year's birthday cake. How frugal can you get?

National Deviled Egg Day -- Stuffed eggs are called "deviled eggs" because when stuffed eggs were first introduced, they were covered with pepper so hot that one bite brought to mind the fires of hell.


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