That's a Lot of Bull

Over in England, 56-year-old Nick Mitchell suffered a brain hemorrhage and three mini-strokes after downing 25 cans of Red Bull and Monster energy drinks during a six hour period while running a karaoke competition in a sweltering night club. Mitchell says, "These drinks nearly killed me," and now thinks they should all be banned. After getting home from his karaoke night Nick started to feel pains in his head and was eventually rushed to Dewsbury Hospital where doctors confirmed he had a bleed on the brain caused by a caffeine overdose. Actually all this happened eight years ago but for some reason it is only now he feels compelled to tell his story and demand the ban of all energy drinks. Or maybe he just wants some attention. Meanwhile, a Red Bull spokesman said: "One 250ml can of Red Bull contains 80mg of caffeine, about the same as a cup of home-brewed coffee." And we all know drinking 25 cups of coffee during six hours would be a bad idea. So we should ban all coffee too? (Metro)

Breaking Bad... Burritos

LAPD officers arrested a driver after finding burritos in his car. Understand, these were very special burritos - stuffed not with rice, beans and savory meats - but rather stuffed with meth! Officers found the fourteen tightly wrapped foil packages during a routine traffic stop on Saturday in Angelino Heights. They also found a lot of cash and a handgun. The driver, who was not identified, was arrested on suspicion of transportation of narcotics. (FOX 11)

Whole "Paycheck" Foods is Making People Cry

So you probably know Amazon took over Whole "Paycheck" Foods and it seems things aren't exactly Hunky Dory according to Business Insider. Apparently the big problem is the new "order-to-shelf" system. As the name suggests, Amazon is trying to move products from the truck right to the shelf, ideally increasing efficiency while trimming waste. But the employees say it's leading to food shortages, anxiety, crushed morale, and actual tears. One West Coast employee said, "Seeing someone cry at work is becoming normal." One of the more damning quotes from a Georgia employee: "We've lost team leaders, store team leaders ... and even a regional vice president. Many of them have left because they consider OTS to be absurd." The issue seems to largely be with the "scorecard" component of OTS where managers are tasked with verifying things are stocked and displayed as they should be and noting if an item "is even an inch outside of its designated spot." Overall scores below 89.9% are considered failures, which Business Insider says can lead to firings. We should point out that OTS isn't an Amazon innovation: A Columbia Business School professor calls it a "pretty old practice," and Whole Foods had already announced it was planning to start utilizing the system a few months prior to the Amazon acquisition. (Business Insider)

New Homes: $1!

Ever dreamed of owning a home in a pretty Italian village? Now you can - for just $1 dollar. No kidding. Ollolai, a mountain area destination on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, is selling hundreds of abandoned homes for just a buck. It's a ploy to try to lure people in and yes, there is a catch. The 200 stone-built dwellings up for grabs are in poor condition and buyers must commit to a refurbish them within three years - which will likely cost about $25,000. In the past half century, Ollolai's population has shrunk from 2,250 to 1,300, with only a handful of babies born each year. But Mayor Efisio Arbau says, "My crusade is to rescue our unique traditions from falling into oblivion. Pride in our past is our strength. We've always been tough people and won't allow our town to die." You can just see it now: Join Chip and Joanna Gaines for a Very Special Fixer Upper: Ollolai Special Edition! This Week on HGTV! (CNNTravel)

Family Comes First!

In Southbridge, Massachusetts, 30-year-old Alyce H. Davenport couldn't make it to her mother's funeral last month. That's because she and 27-year-old Diron Conyers were too busy allegedly stealing a safe from the mom's home while the funeral was going on! Southbridge police started searching for the pair after the mom's boyfriend discovered the safe was missing. When police stopped Davenport the next day, they found the safe in the trunk of the car she was driving (also registered to Johnson) and seized it. Davenport and Conyers were arrested at a Sturbridge motel, where officers found jewelry, keys, cellphones and other documents, and the two were charged with seven counts related to the theft. According the police report, this isn't Alyce's first rodeo - she has a history of larceny, identity theft and forgery.(Telegram & Gazette)

How High Are You in Three Hours?

In Roxana, Illinois, a high math school teacher has apologized for making drug references on an assignment question. Students were asked students how high they would be three hours after using cocaine and how much they would owe a dealer for a $1,000 payment paid at only 25 percent a day for a year. Teachers and students say they were shocked. The school quickly released a statement reading: "Student welfare is always the Roxana School District's #1 priority. Unfortunately, unacceptable examples were used in a high school math class causing some parent and student distress. The district views the use of yesterday's classroom examples as a demonstration of poor judgment. The district is addressing the matter with the faculty member and those impacted by this incident." (FOX News)

What the What?

Ikea has taken advertising in a whole new and bizarre direction with its recent print ad for a baby crib. The ad, which appears in the Swedish magazine Amelia, invites women who think they might be pregnant to urinate on the paper to reveal a discounted price. The top of the page reads: "Peeing on this ad may change your life. If you are expecting, you will get a surprise right here in the ad." Apparently Ikea used and adapted pregnancy test technology to work on the magazine page. (Adweek)


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