Today In History...

In 1775 The U.S. Marines are organized under the authority of the Continental Congress.
In 1801 The state of Kentucky outlaws dueling.
In 1871 Journalist and explorer Henry M. Stanley locates missing Scottish missionary David Livingston in Ujiji, Central Africa. Stanley delivered his now famous greeting "Dr. Livingstone, I presume."
In 1891 First Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting is held in Boston.
In 1908 The first Gideon Bibles are distributed at the Superior Hotel in Iron Mountain, Montana.
In 1917 41 suffragists are arrested in front of the White House.
In 1919 The American Legion holds its first national convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
In 1928 25-year-old Hirohito is installed as Japan's emperor.
In 1942 Winston Churchill delivers a speech in London in which he said, "I have not become the King's First Minister to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire."
In 1945 The U.S. liberates a Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald.
In 1951 The first Long Distance telephone call without operator assistance is made when Mayor M. Leslie Denning of Eaglewood, New Jersey, calls his counterpart direct in Alameda, California.
In 1954 The Iwo Jima Memorial, depicting a group of servicemen raising the American flag, is dedicated in Arlington, Virginia.
In 1960 The U.S. Senate passes a landmark Civil Rights Bill.
In 1968 USSR launches Zond 6 to the moon.
In 1969 The children's program "Sesame Street" debuts on PBS.
In 1970 Luna 17, with unmanned self-propelled Lunokhod 1, is launched.
In 1975 The U.N. General Assembly approves a resolution equating Zionism with racism. (It is repealed in December 1991.)
In 1975 The ore ship Edmund Fitzgerald and a crew of 29 is lost in a storm on Lake Superior.
In 1976 The Utah Supreme Court gives the go-ahead for convicted murderer Gary Gilmore to be executed, according to his wishes.
In 1980 Voyager I flies past Saturn.
In 1982 Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev dies of a heart attack at age 75.
In 1982 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial opens for the first time.
In 1983 President Reagan meets in Japan with Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone to discuss mutual economic trade problems.
In 1986 Camille Sontag and Marcel Coudari, two Frenchmen who had been held hostage in Lebanon, are released.
In 1987 President Reagan declares that U.S. currency had fallen far enough and that his administration was "not doing anything to bring it down."
In 1988 The Department of Energy announces that Texas would be the home ofa $4.4 billion atom-smashing super collider. (Congress voted to kill the project in October, 1993.)
In 1989 Workers begin punching a hole in the Berlin wall, a day after East Germany abolished its border restrictions.
In 1991 Publishing magnate Robert Maxwell is buried in Israel, 5 days after his body was recovered off the Canary Islands.
In 1992 President Bush dismisses State Department official Elizabeth Tamposi for her role in a pre-election search for passport records of his rivals, Democrat Bill Clinton and Ross Perot.
In 1992 President Bush dismisses State Department official Elizabeth Tamposi for her role in a pre-election search for passport records of his rivals, Democrat Bill Clinton and Ross Perot.
In 1993 A jury in Manassas, VA, acquits John Wayne Bobbitt of marital sexual assault against his wife, Lorena, who sexually mutilated him (Mrs. Bobbitt was later acquitted of malicious wounding).
In 1993 The U.S. House of Representatives passes the so-called Brady Bill, which called for a five-day waiting period for handgun purchases.
In 1994 Iraq officially recognizes Kuwait's borders.
In 1994 Officials said the U.S. would lift the arms embargo against the Bosnian government, despite opposition of the UN Security Council.
In 1995 Searchers in Katmandu, Nepal, rescue 549 hikers after a massive avalanche strikes the Himalayan foothills. 24 tourists and 32 Nepalese were killed.
In 1995 Defying international appeals for clemency, Nigeria's military rulers hanged playwright Ken Saro-Wiwa along with eight other anti-government activists.
In 1996 A bomb explodes in a crowd of mourners at a Moscow cemetery, killing 14 and wounding nearly 50.
In 1997 WorldCom Inc. and MCI Communications Corp. agree to a $37 billion merger, the biggest in U.S. history.
In 1997 A judge in Cambridge, MA, reduces Louise Woodward's murder conviction to manslaughter and sentenced the English nanny to the 279 days she'd already served in the death of 8-month-old Matthew Eappen.
In 1997 A jury in Fairfax, VA, convicts Mir Aimal Kasi of capital murder in the shooting attack outside CIA headquarters in January 1993.
In 1998 The Pentagon steps up the movement of warships to the Persian Gulf after Iraq refuses to agree to UN weapons inspections.
In 2001 The World Trade Organization formally approves China's membership.
In 2001 Australian Prime Minister John Howard and his conservative government win a third term in national elections.
In 2002 About a dozen tornadoes kill 36 people in Tennessee, Ohio, Alabama, Mississippi and Pennsylvania.
In 2003 Federal regulators allowed customers to switch home phone numbers to their cell phones.


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