Today In History...

In 1609In 1989, TV evangelist Jim Bakker's fraud and conspiracy trial opened in Charlotte, NC.
In 1991, Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev ordered a shake-up of the KGB and his cabinet after the failed hard-liners' coup.
In 1992, The U.S. government began two massive relief operations, rushing food and drinking water to hurricane-ravaged Florida while U.S. cargo planes landed in Somalia with tons of food for African famine victims.
In 1994, A Drug Enforcement Administration plane crashed in Peru's jungles, killing five U.S. agents.
In 1995, Chase Manhattan and Chemical Banking announced a $10 billion deal, creating the biggest bank in the nation.
In 1995, A mortar shell tore through a crowded market in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, killing 38 people and triggering NATO airstrikes against the Bosnian Serbs.
In 1996, The 15-year marriage of Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially ended with the issuing of a divorce decree.
In 1996,1996,1996,1996,1996,1996,1996,1996 The Democratic National Convention nominated President Clinton for a second term.
In 1997, California's affirmative action ban became law after nearly a year of legal challenges.
In 1999, 3 crew members aboard the Mir space station returned safely to Earth after bidding farewell to the 13-year-old Russian orbiter. The Russian government planned to abandon Mir but then extended its mission.
In 2000, 4 years after hooded military judges convicted American Lori Berenson of planning a rebel attack, Peru's military overturned her life sentence and cleared the way for a new civilian trial. (She was convicted last June of "terrorist collaboration" and received 20 years in prison.)
In 2001, Computer manufacturer Gateway laid off 4,700 employees, about 25 percent of its global workforce.
In 2004, The U.S. men's basketball team won the bronze, the 100th U.S. medal of the Athens Games.


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