Today In History...

In 1718 English pirate Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard, is killed during a battle off the Virginia coast.
In 1842 Northern California's Mount Lassen errupts.
In 1896 George Washington Ferris dies at age 37, three years afterinventing the Ferris Wheel.
In 1906 The International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin adopts the "SOS" as the new call for help.
In 1935 Transpacific airmail service begins aboard a China Clipper flying boat, which took 60 hours to travel from San Francisco To Manila.
In 1943 Lebanon gains it's independence.
In 1943 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek meet in Cairo to discuss measures for defeating the Japanese during World War II.
In 1945 Football player Jim Benton of Cleveland gains 303 yards setting a NFL record.
In 1947 The Iran Assembly nullifies oil agreements with the Soviet Union.
In 1962 The Soviet Union announces an end of combat-readiness alert of its armed forces imposed at the beginning of the Cuban missle crisis.
In 1963 President John F. Kennedy is assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas. A suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was arrested. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson became the 36th U.S. President.
In 1967 The UN Security council approves Resolution 242, which calls for Israel to withdraw from territories it captured in 1967, and called on adversaries to recognize Israel's right to exist.
In 1972 President Nixon lifts a 22-year-old ban on American travel toChina.
In 1974 The U.N. General Assembly grants the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) observer status.
In 1975 Juan Carlos is proclaimed King of Spain.
In 1977 Regular service between New York and Europe on the supersonic Concorde begins after a lengthy dispute over noise levels.
In 1980 Actress, Mae West dies at age 87.
In 1983 The Bundestag approves NATO's plan to deploy new U.S. nuclear missiles in West Germany.
In 1985 One day after her husband, Jonathan Jay Pollard, is arrested on charges of spying for Israel, Anne Henderson-Pollard also was taken into custody.
In 1986 An Iranian surface-to-surface missle hits a residential area in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, wounding 20 civilians.
In 1988 South Africa's government announces it had joined Cuba and Angolain endorsing a plan to remove Cuban troops from Angola.
In 1988 Americans honor President Kennedy on the 25th anniversary of his assassination, with 2500 people turning out in Dallas, and visitors stopping by his grave site at Arlington National Cemetery.
In 1989 Lebanese President Rene Mouawad is assassinated less than three weeks after taking office when a bomb exploded next to hismotorcade in West Beirut. The space shuttle Discovery blasts off at night.
In 1990 After 11 years in office, Margaret Thatcher resigns as Prime Minister of Great Britain.
In 1990 President Bush, his wife, Barbara, and top congressional leaders share Thanksgiving dinner with U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia.
In 1991 In an attempt to break a deadlock, President Bush propose that Middle East peace talks resume in Washington, DC.
In 1993 Mexico's Senate overwhelmingly approves the North American Free Trade Agreement.
In 1993 Striking flight attendants at American Airlines call off their 4-day-old job action after President Clinton helped broker an agreement to submit the dispute to binding arbitration.
In 1994 A gunman opens fire inside the District of Columbia's police headquarters leaving two FBI agents, a city detective and himself dead.
In 1995 Acting swiftly to boost the Balkan peace accord, the UN Security Council suspended economic sanctions against Serbia.
In 1996 Martin Bryant, who gunned down 35 people at Port Arthur, Australia, is sentenced to life behind bars with no chance for parole.
In 1996 O.J. Simpson takes the stand as a hostile witness in the wrongful death lawsuit filed against him.
In 1997 UN weapons experts return to work in Iraq, searching 8 sites for signs the Iraqis might have worked on biological, chemical or other banned arms during a 3-week forced halt in inspections.
In 1998 CBS airs a video of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, advocate of assisted suicide, administering lethal drugs to terminally ill patient. Kevorkian, was later sentenced to up to 25 years in prison for second-degree murder.
In 2000 Republican vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney is admitted to the hospital after a mild heart attack. Doctors perform surgery.
In 2000 Valentin Paniagua becomes Peru's interim president, following the resignation of Alberto Fujimori.
In 2003 The Medicare prescription drug bill narrowly passes the U.S. House, 220-215, following a dusk-to-dawn debate.


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