Bad drivers are everywhere, but look out if you drive the streets and highways of Boston, MA. Compared to the national average of one accident every 10 years, Boston drivers have collisions once every 3.9 years. That places the likelihood of having a car crash in Boston at a whopping 157.7 percent when compared with the national average, according to the 11th annual Allstate America's Best Drivers Report. Boston ranked at the bottom of a list of the 200 largest U.S. cities, according to Allstate insurance claims, earning it the dubious title of the home of the nation's worst drivers. Compare that to Kansas City, Kansas, which has topped the chart for the first time ever as America's safest driving city, where the average time between collisions is 13.3 years. That means residents of Kansas City are 24.8 percent less likely to have an accident, compared with the national average of 10 years.

The top 10 most dangerous driving cities: 

  1. Boston, Massachusetts 
  2. Worcester, Massachusetts 
  3. Baltimore, Maryland 
  4. Washington, D.C. 
  5. Springfield, Massachusetts 
  6. Providence, Rhode Island 
  7. Glendale, California 
  8. San Francisco, California 
  9. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
  10. Los Angeles, California 

The top 10 safest driving cities: 

  1. Kansas City, Kansas 
  2. Brownsville, Texas 
  3. Boise, Idaho 
  4. Fort Collins, Colorado 
  5. Cape Coral, Florida 
  6. Madison, Wisconsin 
  7. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 
  8. Laredo, Texas 
  9. Huntsville, Alabama 
  10. Cary, North Carolina 

Allstate offers the following safe driving tips:

Minimize distractions
Engaging in any other activity while driving--talking on your cell phone, text messaging, changing a radio station, putting on makeup--is a distraction.

Be aware of road conditions
Ice, snow, fog, rain -- all of these weather conditions require extra caution and slower speeds.

Leave a safe distance between your car and others around you
Maintain at least one car length space between your car and the vehicle in front of you for every 10 miles per hour of speed.

Steer clear of road rage
Reduce stress on the road by allowing plenty of time for travel, planning your route in advance and altering your schedule or route to avoid congested roads. Remember not to challenge aggressive drivers and stay as far away from them as possible.

Maintenance matters
Ultimately, safety also depends on the maintenance of your car. Ensure that your car brakes, exhaust system, tires, lights, battery and hoses are in good working order.


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