It isn't easy being a perfectionist. You have to be persistent, detailed, and an organized high achiever. You must have exceedingly high standards not only for yourself, but also those around you. You have to conceal your imperfections from others in an attempt to always project an image of perfection. BBC News Online offers these signs that you're a perfectionist:

  • You can't stop thinking about a mistake you made.
  • You are intensely competitive and can't stand doing worse than others.
  • You either want to do something "just right" or not at all.
  • You demand perfection from other people.
  • You won't ask for help if asking can be perceived as a flaw or weakness.
  • You will persist at a task long after other people have quit.
  • You are a fault-finder who must correct other people when they are wrong.
  • You are highly aware of other people's demands and expectations.
  • You are very self-conscious about making mistakes in front of other people


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