Compare your bedtime routine to these statics published in Glamour magazine:
  • 9% of women polled by Glamour go to bed naked. 
  • 48% of women get less than 7 hours of sleep most week nights. 
  • 33% of women drink 3 or more cups of caffeine a day to stay awake. 
  • 56% of women say stress can cause them to lie awake at night. 
  • 7% of women say they've fallen asleep during sex. 
  • 11% of women sleepwalk. 
  • 56% of women talk in their sleep. 
  • 22% of women use thinks like prescription or over the counter meds or alcohol a few times a week to fall asleep faster. 
  • 30% of women wake up in the middle of the night. 
  • 39% of women hit the "snooze button" 2 to 3 times before getting up. 
  • 16% of women hit he "snooze button" 4 times before getting up. 
  • 27% of women say they still sleep with a stuff animal. 
  • 22% of women say they wish they could sleep alone more often.


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