From "jingled" to "crapulous," we have some real doozies that describe drinking alcohol and the effects thereof -- all thanks to the editors at Merriam-Webster. And these are just a handful. There are hundreds of such words in the English language! From "merry widow" to "pretties," find out the top 10 weirdest words or underwear.

1. Jingled
Definition: mildly drunk

2. Pot-valiant
Definition: bold or courageous under the influence of alcoholic drink

3. Half-seas over
Definition: drunk; originates from an 1869 English ditty titled "Half-Seas Over," which extols the benefits of getting a little soused before attempting to romance a woman.

4. Crapulous
Definition: 1.) marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking. 2.) to be sick from excessive indulgence in liquor

5. O-be-joyful
Definition: intoxicating drink

6. Katzenjammer
Definition: the nausea, headache and debility that often follow dissipation or drunkenness

7. Vandyke
Definition: to stagger, weave or wander in the zigzag course of one drunken or irresolute

8. Bug juice
Definition: inferior whiskey or other strong liquor

9. Glorious
Definition: hilariously drunk

10: Angel's share
Definition: an amount of an alcoholic drink (such as cognac, brandy or whiskey) that is lost to evaporation when the liquid is being aged in porous oak barrels


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