Don't Work Too Hard
Is France unfairly punishing hardworking business owners - or is it just protecting the people from overwork? Opinions are split in the case of Cedric Vaivre, the baker who wouldn't take a break. Vaivre, who runs the only bakery in small town it the north of France (population 2,000), has been fined $3,700 for violating a law that says bakeries have to close once a week. The law allows exemptions, which Vaivre's bakery has received in previous years, but authorities failed to grant one in 2017 and he was fined for opening seven days a week at the height of the summer tourist season. The town's mayor - and thousands of supporters who've signed a petition - say Vaivre shouldn't be fined for working too hard. "In a tourist area, it seems essential that a business can open every day during the summer," said Mayor Christian Branle. But others - including fellow bakery owners - support the law, saying it's in place to protect workers in a profession where people are known for working extremely long hours. A retail union spokesman said, "We can't just allow them to work nonstop. It's absolutely necessary that both bosses and employees have a day of rest." (Vice)

Did You Get Ripped Off by Snuggies?
Allstar Marketing Group - the people who make Snuggies, the Magic Mesh Door, and more - will have to pay back its customers $7.2 million after the FTC accused it of tricking them with its advertised buy-one-get-one-free deal. Apparently that deal, which Allstar used for multiple products, made no mention of processing and handling fees customers would also be responsible for. The FTC said the ordering process was confusing and customers ended up paying more than they expected. Refunds will be sent to over 218,000 Allstar customers and the average refund amount is $33.14. Allstar actually agreed to the settlement in 2015, but for some reason, checks are only being mailed this week. (ABC News)

My Worst Car Carrier Nightmare
Ever get behind one of those car transportation trailers and wonder what would happen if one fell off? Wonder no more. It happened in New Zealand thought the exact reason for what caused a car to fall remains unknown. The incident happened just before 10am on Friday and caused some delays and blockages to commuters. There were also several wrecked cars including one upside down in the middle of the intersection. Amazingly there were no serious injuries. Local police are investigating. (Sun Live)

Cynthia Nixon... for Governor?
Actress Cynthia Nixon appears to be getting serious about challenging Andrew Cuomo for New York governor. The Sex and the City star has been rumored to be interested in the job, but new developments suggest there might be some merit to the rumors. She's reportedly met with two former top advisers to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who specialize in engaging the Democratic left. She's also been seen out with a camera crew. But the "best evidence yet" of a possible run is that Nixon's wife, Christine Marinoni, just left her job as a special adviser for community partnerships at NYC's Department of Education, a move that would allow her to campaign for Nixon. She had held the $131,000-a-year job for nearly four years. If elected, the longtime education activist would be the first female and first openly gay governor of New York. It won't be an easy task but some argue Cuomo's airing of recent endorsements and a $100,000 TV ad show that he's already preparing for an intense Democratic primary in September. (New York Post)

The Greatest Ironic Justice You'll Hear About Today
A man who raped two women at knifepoint in Britain avoided capture for over 30 years. Then he peed on his neighbor's potted plant after an argument. The neighbor called police and 60-year-old Eric McKenna was arrested. He was only given a warning but also had to give a DNA sample. Turns out it was an exact match for samples recovered when a 21-year-old woman was raped by a man while walking alone in 1983 and an 18-year-old woman was raped in a similar situation five years later. The cases remained unsolved and unconnected until now. McKenna was arrested and charged with the rapes last year and sentenced to 23 years in prison on Friday. Detective Constable Mick Wilson said McKenna has "failed to show a glimmer of remorse" for his crimes. As for the neighbor whose plant got peed on, she said, "I felt physically sick when I found out what he'd done. I'm so glad I reported him and these women have got justice." (BBC)

That's a Very Expensive Hoax
A California woman whose kidnapping and rape were dismissed by police as a hoax akin to Gone Girl has settled with the City of Vallejo and its police department for $2.5 million. In 2015, Denise Huskins and boyfriend Aaron Quinn were drugged inside their home by a masked intruder, who kidnapped the then-30-year-old woman. Huskins was released outside her family's home two days later after being sexually assaulted. At the time, their claims were dismissed by police, who accused Huskins of making up the kidnapping. They only came around after the kidnapper, Matthew Muller, a Harvard-trained attorney and former Marine, was implicated in a different crime. He claimed to be part of a gang of "gentlemen criminals." While police eventually apologized to Huskins and Quinn, a federal judge rejected the city's effort to toss the couple's lawsuit. An attorney for Huskins and Quinn says the couple is "grateful." "One can only hope that the message of this settlement will be that victims are to be believed and that the police will accept a woman's highly credible report that she was kidnapped and raped." (Newser)

What the What?
In Oregon, Judge Susie Norby used a bench as a battering ram to break free from a locked courtroom, causing about $3,000 in damage! Norby offered to pay for the damage out of her own pocket, but a Clackamas County spokesman said the funds will come from the county's general fund, meaning taxpayers will foot the bill. Norby said, "I feel deeply sad to have caused harm to our beautiful and historic building. It is a building I cherish, respect and am proud and grateful to work in." Repair work in the Oregon City courtroom will include reinstalling marble on the framing above the courtroom doors, the report said. Norby said she locked herself in the courtroom on a Sunday and tried to ram her way out because her keys and phone were elsewhere, and no one was expected at the building until the following day. She was stuck in the courtroom for more than an hour before a sheriff's deputy came by and sprung her. (FOX News)


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