$30 Rent Increase Leads to Murder???
In Wisconsin, 37-year-old Jason Tilley's landlord told him he was raising the monthly rent by $30 bucks. The landlord's body was found in Tilley's garage the next day, wrapped in a blanket with a single gunshot wound to the back of his head. The landlord's car was later found about seven miles away. Police obtained surveillance footage which they say shows Tilley getting out of the car and catching a bus. Police say they questioned Tilley and that the ex-felon said he paid the landlord $560 in cash for rent but was told he owned another $30, which angered him. When the landlord looked away Tilley shot him in the back of the head using a pistol he had in his pocket, according to the charges filed. Tilley then allegedly rolled the corpse for money and car keys and drove to Walmart to buy new clothes, then to a facility where he provided a urine sample for his probation officer, and then to the bar "to have some beers and shots." (Raw Story)

As Low As You Can Go!
For six years in Tampa, Florida, Josephine Bridges and Chenae Baker were attached at the hip. Bridges is a quadriplegic and each day, Baker, a Pro Med Home Health Care worker, would stop by her home to take care of her. But the relationship between the 76-year-old and her caregiver quickly turned sour when Bridges learned Baker stole thousands of dollars from her. Bridges said, "I trusted her and I liked the girl but I didn't know she would do like that." Police said Baker stole nearly $16,000 from her patient by charging Bridges' credit cards to a personal account using a Square device and writing checks to herself. Bridges daughter Phyllis said, "I was very surprised because she appeared to me like she was the good Christian girl. She was trying to do right!" Baker has been arrested by the Tampa Police Department and charged with identity theft. In light of this arrest, DCF is moving to terminate her employment immediately." (WFLA)

Alexa Pulling a HAL9000?
Amazon is "aware" Alexa is laughing at you and is reportedly working to fix it. Last month owners of Alexa-enabled devices began reporting strange laughter coming from their digital personal assistants, occasionally without any sort of prompting whatsoever. One person tweeted: "Lying in bed about to fall asleep when Alexa on my Amazon Echo Dot lets out a very loud and creepy laugh. There's a good chance I get murdered tonight." According toBuzzFeed, people have described it as a "chilling witch-like laugh" and "evil." In fact, some people say they thought someone was in their home when Alexa laughed. Others unplugged their devices rather than risk hearing the laugh again. So far it's unclear what's causing Alexa to laugh, but it seems like a technical issue - you know as opposed to the beginning of a robot uprising. For anyone interested in hearing Alexa's laugh for themselves, she will giggle when asked. (Verge)

Russell Crowe's Divorce Auction
Five years after Russell Crowe and wife Danielle Spencer separated, their divorce will soon be finalized and to celebrate they've decided to hold a divorce auction. The Sotheby's-hosted auction, appropriately titled "The Art of Divorce" and set for April 7, will feature such items as an 1890 violin used in Master and Commander, a prop chariot and horse from Gladiator, the Doc Martens Crowe wore in Romper Stomper, and the armor he wore in Gladiator. The catalog says the sale, which includes 225 items that could be valued at as much as $2.8 million in total, "represents the dispersal of a highly personal collection that was assembled by Crowe over many years, including those shared with his former wife." Crowe said in an interview, "Just as we collaborate on the upbringing of our kids, it's easy for us to work together on something like this. I think she feels the same way I do in regards to just moving on things that help create space for the future. On the practical side, this collection probably equates to three rooms full of things I'll no longer have to care for, document, clean, tune, and insure." The auction catalog also includes a cover photo of Crowe holding up a drink in a toasting gesture, and notes that the auction date is one "of particular significance as both the actor's birthday and wedding anniversary." (Slate)

Wrong House?
Missouri Highway Patrol Sgt. Bill Lowe "It is a coincidence." Sadly, it was a deadly one. After a 911 call in which women were heard screaming, police were dispatched to a home in Clinton, Mo., where several people were shot - one fatally. What makes it bizarre is they were at the wrong house! The officers should have been sent to an entirely different town, Windsor, some 20 miles away. A news release from the Missouri Highway Patrol states, "After confirming with dispatch the address of the residence, officers entered the house where they encountered the suspect," who shot at them, and later, "Further investigation revealed the phone number from the original 911 call came from an address in Windsor." Clinton police officer Christopher Ryan Morton, 30, was killed. Reportedly, Tammy Widger, 37, greeted the arriving officers and said nothing was amiss and no one else was home. The officers entered the house anyway to verify all was well and found James Waters inside who began firing at police and was later found dead by the SWAT team that arrived on the scene. Widger was charged with possession of methamphetamine with intent to deliver after drugs were allegedly found in the home. One more tragic twist: Morton, an Afghanistan veteran, switched his status with the Clinton PD from reserve to full time in September - to fill the hole left by Officer Gary Michael, who was killed during a traffic stop. (Kansas City Star)

That's Just Nuts
An Ohio woman who was eating Planters nuts claims that when she was finishing her snack she bit into a human tooth instead of a cashew. Nickolette Botsford, of Ravenna, wrote in a now-removed Facebook post that as she was eating the nuts while in the car with her mother, she "noticed something very hard in my mouth so naturally I pulled it out and asked my mom what the heck it was ....... yes a human tooth was in my package and I had in my mouth for at least 30-40 seconds!!" Botsford said that after pulling the car over, she threw up "several times" before realizing the tooth had "dried blood" on it. She said that's when she made a visit to the emergency room, where she said it was confirmed the item was a human tooth. Botsford said she reached out to Planters, a division of Kraft Foods Group, Inc., and played phone tag for a few days before subsequently awaiting a response for three weeks. She said someone was sent out to visit her to pick up the tooth, but added that while she keeps trying to contact the company, "no one seems to want to talk to me." She later said online that she wants to hire a lawyer to help her get back the money she used to visit the ER, where she was treated for "exposure to blood or bodily fluids." Kraft Heinz Co. confirmed to Fox News via email that the item was determined to be a "foreign object not expected to be in our product" and the situation is being investigated. The company stated it hasn't received any related complaints. (FOX News)

What the What?
A Florida father and his 19-year-old daughter are behind bars after being accused of committing incest. Justin Bunn, 39, and his daughter, Taylor Bunn, were arrested after police received a report from a witness who saw them having sex in their backyard. According to the arrest reports, both admitted having consensual sex but also told police that it had been an isolated incident and that they did not have a romantic relationship. At a bail hearing, a judge ordered them both to refrain from having contact with each other. The father's bail was set at $5,000 while the daughter's was set at $1,000. (Miami Herald)


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