How Low Can You Go?
In New York, police have arrested 30-year-old Chanette Lewis, a former city call center worker, who allegedly turned the COVID-19 emergency hotel room program into a lucrative payday by illegally booking luxury rooms online for cut-rate prices and turning a tidy but illegal $400,000 profit. She has been charged with fraud, conspiracy, and identity theft in connection with the alleged scam. Lewis - along with accomplices Tatiana Benjamin, Tatiana Daniel, and Haven West - allegedly booked more than 2,700 illegal stays at Manhattan and Bronx hotels, including 28 for her own enjoyment, the feds said. Some of the woman's clients "threw large parties, and sometimes even engaged in violence," according to US Attorney Special Agent Jared Eannucci. Lewis even bragged about her misdeeds on Facebook, according to the complaint. Benjamin, Daniel, 27, and West, 21, each face 40 years behind bars. Lewis is looking at 72 years in far less desirable government lodgings. (New York Post)
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