• The latest ratings for "Empire" are the lowest yet.
  • ESPN has reportedly lost one million subscribers in the past two months.
  • Some Canadian Police are threatening to make DUI suspects listen to Nickelback songs on the way to jail.
  • Fiat Chrysler says its new minivan gets 84 miles-per-gallon in its electric mode.
  • Al Brodax, who produced the Beatles cartoon movie "Yellow Submarine" to the Big Screen has died at age 90.
  • MasterCard is experimenting with a payment feature in Brazil and Mexico that allows people to authenticate payments with a selfie.
  • CNN is supposedly trying to lure Megyn Kelly over to their network.
  • Taylor Swift is launching her own cable TV channel.
  • Sports Illustrated has named Lebron James their Sportsperson of the Year for the second time.
  • At this point, it looks like "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" will hit Broadway in spring of 2018.
  • Andrew Sachs, who starred in the British TV series "Fawlty Towers" as Manuel, died on November 23. He was 86.
  • Prince Harry is on a royal tour in the Caribbean and found himself in Barbados for festivities celebrating the 50th anniversary of the island nation's independence from Britain. He also had a chance to hang with the country's most famous product, Rihanna.
  • Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher became the proud parents of a baby boy last Wednesday, the couple's second child.
  • The jobless rate in the U.S. dropped to 4.6% in November.
  • Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are back together after being separated for over a year.
  • Last week in Houston, 24-year-old Sean Osbourn became just the 30th person (and first Texan) to roll a 900 series -- back-to-back-to-back 300 games, 36 strikes in a row.


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