Rap singer Canibus turns 42 today and is now legal in eight states.

It's a day for former "Desperate Housewives" birthdays: Felicity Huffman turns 54 and Jesse Metcalfe turns 38.

Reiko Aylesworth... either Rebecca from "One Life to Live" or Michelle from "24"... turns 44 today.

Donny Osmond turns 59 today. He was a teenage idol, but now all of his fans belong to AARP.
He's now cute in a grandfatherly way.
His family will serve him a mini-meat loaf. It's tradition, and they call it, "Puppy Loaf."
There was a time when he was a teen heart-throb. Now he's gotta watch that his heart doesn't throb down into the teens.

John Malkovich turns 63 today. I suppose it's obvious to say, you don't want to forget his birthday. He's not just acting excited about it, he's acting excited really well.

Michael Dorn who played Worf in "Star Trek: TNG" and the Sandman in "The Santa Clause" films turns 64. He also plays a mean Password.

Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas' dad, turns the big 100 today. Lucky guy -- lives to be 100 and still has Catherine Zeta Jones for a daughter-in-law.

Homemade Gift Day -- We all know that gift giving and receiving can be extremely stressful. And most importantly, many people have forgotten what Christmas is all about. That's why we are exchanging gifts that are homemade. Do normal people actually make Christmas presents? 


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