On this date in 1788, the first permanent settlement in Ohio -- Marietta -- was founded. Finally, early settlers had a place to get a permanent.

In 1927, television was demonstrated for the very first time. The very next day, TV dinners were invented. They didn't wait, did they?

On this date in 1933, prohibition in the United States officially ended.
The whole idea of prohibition makes me want to have a drink.
Prohibitionists were told to put a cork in it.
I'm so glad I wasn't alive back in those days. Would hated to have to spend my life as a bootlegger.
Of course, during prohibition, happy hours weren't that happy.

In 1947, Henry Ford... uh, how do I say this... got "the big recall" notice. Yep, he died.

The U.S. experienced it's first-ever telephone strike in 1947. For several weeks, people had to resort to writing letters to order a pizza.

In 1948, the World Health Organization was formed. The announcement was made by Abbott and Costello, when they let everyone know that WHO was around. Who? That's what I said, WHO! The organization. Who? The one I'm talking about. Who? Yes, that's the one.

On this date in 1959, Radar was first bounced off the sun from Stanford, California.
But because the scientists didn't call the shot, it didn't count.
Not for scientific purposes, just a student prank.
The first thing it said when it came back was, "Ouch! Ouch! Oh, that's hot!"
Yes, scientists were able to catch the sun doing 3-billion degrees in a two billion degrees zone.

On this date in 1984, the record for keeping a boomerang aloft was set at 28.9 seconds. After trying and trying to throw it away, the guy decided he would just keep it. Yes, the record was set at 28.9 seconds by Tom "Completely Bored With Nothing to Do" Osbourne.


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