Joss Stone turns the big 3-0 today. Full name: Joscelyn Eve Stoker. She's known for not wearing shoes -- thus, no Nike deal.

Lucky Vanous celebrates birthday number 56 today. He was a hunk in a Diet Coke commercial long, long ago. He was all that back in his day. Now, he's all that and then some. But then again, aren't we all.

Louise Lasser turns 78 today. She was the star of "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman." I thought I'd repeat the name, just in case she missed it the first time.

Joel Grey, Jennifer's dad, turns 85 today. Every year, we get closer and closer to the question, "Uh, who's Jennifer?" Back in his day, he was known for the musical Cabaret." These days, he's Jennifer Grey's dad.

Barbershop Quartet Day -- let’s get a group together and go out and sing the broadway musical “HAIR” at the local barbershop.


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