• Would you rather have double vision or hear a constant echo? 
  • Would you rather be the quarterback of an NFL team for one quarter, or be the matador in a bullfight? 
  • Would you rather have sex once a week with a different person each time, or have sex only once a year with the same person? 
  • Would you rather live in a world where everybody made the exact same salary, or live in a world where everyone had the exact same intelligence? 
  • Would you rather ride the world's biggest roller coaster 100 times in a row, or be dragged behind a speed boat on an inner tube for three hours? 
  • Would you rather live the rest of your life in a kid's tree house, or live the rest of your life in a bat cave? 
  • Would you rather live in a world where everyone acted like they do on TV soap operas, or live in a world where everyone acted like they do in the plays of William Shakespeare?


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