Overnight signal work on SR 77 in north Tucson

Traffic signal work along State Route 77 between Rudasill Road and La Reserve Drive, north of Tucson, will require traffic signals to be turned off from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning Tuesday night, May 30, and will continue Tuesdays through Thursdays during the summer. Law enforcement will be on site to direct motorists through the intersections.

The work is to allow ADOT to install new signal equipment that will re-phase and re-time the intersections and provide better traffic flow through the corridor. Crews will begin working at Rudasill Road and travel north to La Reserve Drive.

The work includes the installation of new traffic signal cabinets and controllers. Once the new signal equipment is operational, ADOT will be able to better coordinate the traffic signals along the corridor.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call Paki Rico, ADOT senior community relations officer, at 520.388.4233 or email prico@azdot.gov. For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT’s Traveler Information Site at www.az511.gov, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except while driving.


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