In 1770 Marie Antoinette, age 14, married the future King Louis XVI of France, who was 15. She actually lost her head over him twice. Or, she had quite a head on her shoulders; most of their marriage, anyway.

On this date in 1866, Root Beer was invented by Charles Elmer Hires.
  • Of course, before then, it was really hard to make Root Beer floats. 
  • It tasted very similar to another soft drink that had been invented by Bob A and W. 
  • Just imagine how many other beers he must have tried before ending up using the roots. 
  • Usually people only get called by all three names when they're in trouble or they've killed someone. 
  • Imagine the look on the first guy's face: "Hey, you said this was beer!" 

On this date in 1891, Spam was introduced by Hormel and Company

In 1891 Spam was invented by the Hormel Company.
  • I don't know which is worse -- the meat-like product or the email. 
  • I'm fairly certain it was the result of a very terrible farming accident. 
  • It was one of those great inventions when a guy at a butcher shop said, "Hey, Charlie, see all those leftover parts? Put them all in the meat grinder and see what comes out! 

On this day in 1929 the Oscars were presented for the very first time. Among the recipients: Harvey Glick, for his hard work in following around King Kong with a steam shovel. Someone had to do it. Plus, it took two hours to get the ceremony underway when they realized there were no winners from last year to be presenters.

In 1971, postage went from six cents up to eight cents. These days, those are the amount of the increases.


Megan Fox turns 31 today. I'll give you a moment...
And for some reason, today is not a holiday.
Yeah, for a while, I was all for making her birthday a national holiday, but then she got married.
Men go crazy over her. Well, except the men trying to get the marriage laws changed.

Tori Spelling turns 44 today. She didn't get her looks from her father, but she got everything else from him. She never has been able to act her age because, well, frankly, she can't act.

Janet Jackson celebrates birthday number 51 today. One of the few people She'll blow out 51 candles, unless, of course, there's some sort of birthday cake malfunction.

Pierce Brosnan turns 64 today. If Pierce was a stock, would you invest? Or do you just prefer him as a Bond?


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