On this date in 1654, America's first toll bridge opened in Rowley,
People crossed for free, but there was a charge for animals. Of course, needless to say, animals didn't usually have the correct change.
Most people weren't that upset about it, because they never used it. They felt they'd cross that bridge when they came to it.

In 1830, the steam train service was available for the first time. Passengers could reach their destination while getting the wrinkles out of their clothes and cooking rice.

On this date in 1919, the first airline passenger service began. You could buy a ticket, hop on board a plane and enjoy non-stop service for up to 735 feet.

In 1921, West Virginia became the first state to charge an income tax. So, we can blame them for the idea. Owners of boats with sails were extremely upset until the concept was properly explained.

On this date in 1944, meat rationing ended in the United States. That's when the phrase, "Beef -- it's what's for dinner" returned. During the rationing, the phrase was changed to "Beef -- in your dreams!"


Country singer Eric Church turns the big 4-0 today. I'm pretty sure that's the new truck birthday.

Christopher Cross who was all that back in the 1990s turns 66 today. These days, he's only partially that.
He was big in the 80s. Of course, so was hair.
He always had a high voice that made people ask, "Are you sure you're playing that at the right speed?"
He's going to be featured in the new VH1 show, "We don't care where they are now."

Greg Gumbel turns 71 today.
He's the older, more conceited Gumbel brother.
He plans a romantic evening at home with himself.
Yeah, another birthday, another autographed picture of his brother, Bryant.

Ron Popeil, the guy behind all those crazy products, turns 82 today. Now, what would you pay?

Franki Valli is in his fourth season and turns 83 today.


I loved the May Day protestors with the signs that say, "More free time!" Dude, it's a workday! You're at a protest! Put it all together!

The true conspiratorial mind would have realized by now that that the May Day riots are instigated by the glass and window-making industry.

Remember, you can't have a bucket list without a bucket.

Actually, buying a really nice bucket is on my bucket list.

I don't mean to be critical, but I saw all the pictures from the Met Gala and while I saw an ex-Yankee, I didn't see any Mets there.

The world's oldest man, who claimed to be 146 years old has died in Indonesia. Sadly, just when he was finally able to afford retirement.


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