On this date in 1794, the U.S. Postal Service was established. Oh, people went postal before that... they just didn't know what to call it.

In 1878, Paul Hines made the first unassisted triple play in baseball. Three outs on one play! The more embarrassing part came afterwards, when he was high-fiving himself. The phrase, "What the hell just happened?" was coined on this day.

On this date in 1886, Atlanta pharmacist John Styth Pemberton invented the syrup for a beverage that becomes known as "Coca Cola." In just one day, he had a coke and a smile.

In 1944, the first eye bank in the U.S. opened it's doors in New York.
  • Not surprising, people ran into the drive-through window 10 times that first day. 
  • It was backed by the F.D.I. See. 
  • Not surprising, most of the accidents at the drive-through window came after customers made a deposit. 
  • Unfortunately, customers kept crashing into the lobby, usually the ones coming in for a withdrawal. 
  • Needless to say, there were lots of accidents after customers went through the drive-through window. 

On this date in 1958, Vice President Nixon was shoved, stoned, booed and spat upon when he arrived in Lima, Peru... and that was just the welcoming committee.

In 1963, Sean Connery made his debut as 007 in "Dr. No" in North America. Critics were shaken, but not stirred. (The film opened in London in 1962).


Happy Ocho de Mayo.

Enrique Iglecias turns 42 today. I'm sorry, we're now officially out of vowels. Hey, besides a great voice and killer looks, what else has he got? What's the big deal?

Melissa Gilbert from "Little House on the Prairie" turns 53 today.
  • That was a TV show long ago about life in the early west. Today, it sounds like a show about the only thing I can afford to buy. 
  • It's a strange feeling to look back fondly on simpler times when we watched a show that looked back fondly on even simpler times. 
  • She was first known for being the star of "Little House on the Prairie," but in recent years has become famous for "Major Back Pain on the Dance Floor." 
Philip Bailey of Earth, Wind and Fire turns 66 today. I believe he was the wind. That's good. That means I'm not as old as the wind.

Toni Tennille turns 77 today. She used to be married to her singing partner, "The Captain"... but love... love couldn't keep them together. One day, they had it all. Now, they each have 50%.

No Socks Day -- It's a chance to free your feet from socks and stockings and to give your toes a breath of fresh air. Plus, it reduces your laundry load, which is environmentally friendly.


A study has found that female dragonflies play dead to avoid amorous males. So that's where she got the idea...

Would the last person watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" please remember to turn off the set?

A New York cafe is suing Starbucks, saying the Unicorn Frappuccino was their idea. If they win, that should help with my suit about coming up with the idea for sliced bread.

Miley Cyrus says she's stopped smoking pot...for three whole weeks. We'll alert the people at Pulitzer.


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