( Your sleeping position can reveal what sort of personality you are? Even better, it can reveal what sort of personality your partner has.

Curled up on your side
This fetal position is the most common with 41% of the population sleeping this way. (twice as many women as men). People that sleep like this may seem tough on the surface but they are shy and sensitive.

On your side, straight as a log
15% of people are space-saving sleepers they tend to be extremely trusting and gregarious.

Arms outstretched and sideways
Beware, the 13% of people who sleep like this are cynical and slow to make decisions, but once they do make a decision to commit, they're sure.

On your back with arms at sides
Only 8% of people sleep like this. They are reserved and have very high standards.

On your stomach
With their arms wrapped around the pillow, 7% of people sleep like this. These are the party animals!

On your back, with arms overhead
The rarest of all sleep positions, only 5% of the population sleep this way. They also have a very rare quality, they are good listeners.


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