A college degree typically gives you a leg up in the workforce in terms of quality of job and quantity of pay. But not always. It's quite possible to earn an excellent living in a satisfying career without that pricey college education. Business Insider and analyzed reviews of jobs submitted by professionals across numerous industries, who rated their jobs on 10 factors that affect work happiness, including such things as the relationship they have with their boss and coworkers, the workplace environment, compensation, growth opportunities and more. The numbers were added up for an overall rating of happiness for each job, which CareerBliss calls a "bliss score." And then they sorted the results by educational requirements to find out the happiest jobs that don't need a college degree.

The top 10 happiest jobs that do not require a college degree:
  1. Entrepreneur 
  2. WordPress developer 
  3. Business development executive 
  4. Loan officer 
  5. Recruiter 
  6. Customer service representative 
  7. Video editor 
  8. Photographer 
  9. Social media manager 
  10. Field service technician 


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