Today In History...

In 1765 The Stamp Act Congress draws up the declaration of rights and liberties at a meeting in New York.
In 1781 British troops surrender at Yorktown ending the Revolutionary War.
In 1812 French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte begin their retreat from Moscow.
In 1859 Wilhelm Tempel discovers diffuse nebula around Pleid star Merope.
In 1864 Confederate General Jubal A. Early attacks Union forces at Cedar Creek, Virginia, during the Civil War. The Union troops were able to rally under General Phil Sheridan and defeat the Confederates.
In 1872 The world's largest gold nugget (215 kg) found in New South Wales.
In 1874 The first wedding in a balloon takes place above Cincinnati, Ohio.
In 1879 Thomas Edison perfects the light bulb at Menlo Park, New Jersey.
In 1936 H.R. Ekins of the New York World-Telegram beat out Dorothy Kilgallen of the New York Journal and Leo Kieran of The New York Times in a round-the-world race on commercial flights that lasted 18 1/2 days.
In 1943 During World War II, the foreign ministers of the U.S., the Soviet Union and Britain open a conference in Moscow to discuss broad principles of cooperation between the countries.
In 1944 The U.S. Navy announces that black women would be allowed into Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service.
In 1950 United Nations forces enter Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
In 1951 President Truman signs an act formerly ending the state of war with Germany.
In 1953 Julius LaRosa, a regular on the CBS television program "Arthur Godfrey Time," is fired on the air by Godfrey.
In 1960 Martin Luther King and 52 black "sit-in" demonstrators are arrested in a "whites-only" restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia.
In 1960 The U.S. imposes an embargo on exports to Cuba.
In 1977 The supersonic Concorde makes it's first landing in New York City.
In 1977 The body of West German industrialist Hanns Martin Schleyer, who had been kidnapped by extremists, is found in the trunk of a car in Mulhouse, France.
In 1982 Automaker John DeLorean is arrested in Los Angeles on possession of cocaine. He is later cleared of all charges.
In 1983 Grenada's Prime Minister Maurice Bishop is killed in a coup.
In 1983 The U.S. Senate approves a bill establishing a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
In 1983 Four U.S. employees of the CIA were killed when their airplane crashes during heavy rains in El Salvador.
In 1986 The Soviet Union expels five U.S. diplomats, five days after the last of 25 Soviet U.N. envoys ordered out of the U.S. return home.
In 1987 The stock market crashes as the Dow-Jones industrial average plunges 508.32 points, more than 4 1/2 times previous record.
In 1987 U.S. warships destroy two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf in retaliation for an Iranian missile attack on a U.S.-flagged tanker off Kuwait.
In 1988 Eight Israeli soldiers are killed in a suicide car bomb attack in south Lebanon.
In 1989 The earliest recorded heavy snowfall hits the Midwest.
In 1989 The U.S. Senate rejects a proposed constitutional amendment barring desecration of the American flag.
In 1990 The Supreme Soviet votes to approve President Mikhail Gorbachev's economic reform plan.
In 1990 Iraq orders all foreigners in occupied Kuwait to report to authorities or face punishment.
In 1992 In their third and final presidential debate, President Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton and independent candidate Ross Perot squared off in East Lansing, Michigan.
In 1993 The U.S. intercepts its first ship bound for Haiti since an oil and weapons embargo was reimposed by United Nations.
In 1993 Benazir Bhutto is returned to the premiership of Pakistan.
In 1994 A terrorist bomb in a bus kills 22 and wounds 46 in the heart of Tel Aviv's shopping district.
In 1994 Entertainer Martha Raye dies in Los Angeles at age 78.
In 1997 Special U.S. envoy Dennis Ross arrives in Israel in an effort to push the Mideast peace process forward.
In 1998 A class-action suit filed by smokers against five cigarette manufacturers goes to trial in Miami, seeking $200 billion.
In 1998 A fire in Nigeria sweeps through villages killing 500.
In 1998 Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson gets his boxing license back after he lost it for biting Evander Holyfield's ear.
In 1998 The U.S. Government opens its antitrust case against Microsoft Corp.
In 2002 In York, PA, former mayor Charlie Robertson is acquitted and two other men were convicted in the shotgun slaying of Lillie Belle Allen, a young black woman, during the 1969 race riots.


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